The Xiqi army was a great help to the imperial court and could be called a right-hand man.

But now, Fengming Mountain is auspicious, and the incident happened suddenly, making King Zhou unable to react for a while.

However, it still has to be faced in the end.

"Does the Duke of Xibo have a memorial?"

King Zhou's eyes were indifferent and he spoke lightly.


"Isn't Ji Chang going to explain it?"

King Zhou suppressed the anger in his heart, and did this to force him to take action?

You must know that even if anyone sits in his position, he will not sit idly by, and there is always an explanation before he can step down.

But now it seems that Xibo Hou does not intend to explain.

"Very good, I want to see him and give me an explanation when."

King Zhou was angry, the court meeting could not go on, and the ministers left one after another.

Wen Zhong stayed, and after everyone had left, he walked side by side with King Zhou towards the palace.

"Teacher, this is a strange move, I can't see it through." After there were two people left, King Zhou said straight to the point.

Xiqi suddenly descended into auspiciousness, and anyone could see how strange it was.

But Ji Chang did not submit a form to ask for an explanation, and his attitude was also intriguing, which was why King Zhou was angry.

You must know that each of the four major princes can be independent.

In particular, Xiqi, where three million troops assembled on the border, was the strongest line of defense to block the invaders of the Western Zhou tribes.

If you move the Marquis of Xibo, the border of the Shang Dynasty, I am afraid it will be difficult to calm down.

"Your Majesty, let's take a look first. Recently, the barbarians on the border have begun to move again. It is not appropriate to consume too much national strength." Wen Zhong said with his hands.

The implication is obvious, the matter of Xiqi should be put aside first.

"That's the only way. In this battle, there will be Taishi Lao." King Zhou looked helpless.

If it weren't for the improvement of his strength, he would be unable to bear the pressure.

However, they didn't know that it wasn't that Marquis Xibo didn't want to appear on the form to plead guilty, but that the letter to plead guilty was intercepted on the way.


Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

"Haha, the little world, no matter how you fight, in the end, it's just a wedding dress for my heavenly court."

The Jade Emperor Haotian has been in a good mood recently. For the first time in thousands of years, he is laughing like this.

With such a treasure as the Haotian Mirror, everything in the world is invisible in his eyes. Seeing that the world is about to become chaotic again, he feels a little bit, but he knows about the immortal robbery.

"Hmph, if you enter my heavenly court, you naturally don't need to be contaminated with cause and effect. Unfortunately, ants are just ants after all."

Thinking that the human race has always been strong, the Jade Emperor Haotian felt very angry.

However, now it seems that even the Dao of Heaven is going to help the Heavenly Court. After the Battle of Conferred God, the balance of strength between Heaven and Human will be tilted.

You must know that for thousands of years, the three emperors of the human race ruled the world, and the human race was strong at that time.

For Heavenly Court, I don't care at all.

This made the Supreme Jade Emperor of the Three Realms suffer for countless years. Now, the situation has finally changed.

"Report to the Jade Emperor, Taibaijinxing asks to see you."

At this moment, an immortal soldier came in to report.

The Jade Emperor Haotian came to his senses, waved his hand and said, "Please come quickly."

After a while, the Taibaijinxing robe mopped the floor and walked into the Lingxiao Palace. After saluting, he said with a happy face: "The Jade Emperor, the son of the human race Chen Tangguan Li Jing, disturbed the East China Sea, the son of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was stripped alive, and now The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas jointly report and hope that Your Majesty will allow them to take revenge."

When Tai Jinxing spoke, the joy in his tone could not be concealed at all.

"Haha... The kid is interesting, but it's all the thoughts of this emperor."

The voice fell, and the Jade Emperor Haotian laughed loudly, as if the dead person was not from his heavenly court.

The human race has always been strong, and if Heavenly Court wants to make a move, it has to weigh a few points.

But this moment is different. The chaos of the human dynasty is about to start, and it has been overwhelmed. Now it has touched the bottom line of the Dragon King of the Four Seas. For Heavenly Court, it is a breakthrough.

"This emperor allows the Dragon King of the Four Seas to seek revenge, but he must not hurt innocent lives." After laughing, the Haotian Jade Emperor waved his hand and agreed.

However, if he hurts innocent people, it will be contaminated with cause and effect. Now that the catastrophe is coming, he doesn't want to have more troubles.

After all, even if Heavenly Court looks at it coldly, in the end, the benefits will not be less.

"It's Your Majesty."

After getting the will, Taibaijinxing couldn't wait any longer. He hurriedly left the Lingxiao Palace, rode the fairy clouds, and headed towards the East China Sea.

A few days later, on the banks of the East China Sea, there were huge waves rolling over and the boundless sea water rushed straight to the shore.

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