That Wudang Mountain was on the bank of the East China Sea, and the big waves swept in. It passed through the ancestral hall of the human race, but it took a strange detour. Near Wudang Mountain, there was no dripping water.

Such a huge momentum simply shocked the world.

In the Tang Dynasty, the civil, military and people of the Manchu Dynasty were in an uproar.

"Chentangguan Li Jing's son, who slaughtered the Dragon Prince of the East China Sea, should be punished for such atrocities!"

"I always pay attention to benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, but what is the difference between Li Jing's son and barbarians?"

"It's a pity that a generation of loyal ministers will be delayed by his stubbornness."

The court civil and military all shook their heads and shook their heads. Li Jing could not cover up such disasters.

However, when the crowd, condemned, condemned, groaned and groaned.

A piece of news came, like a depth bomb, and it exploded in the world.

"Nezha, the son of Li Jing, who cut the bones to return the father, cut the flesh to return the mother, and quelled the anger of the dragon sea of ​​the four seas?"

Everyone in the world who heard it was dumbfounded.

What kind of resolute attitude is this?

Even King Zhou was moved in his heart, so arrogant, he was a talent!

It's just that Li Jing got into trouble after all, and where the court's laws are, he naturally needs to be punished.

After a decree, Li Jing, Chen Tangguan guard, descended three levels, and then waited for the guilty body until he reflected.

"Hey, this king has no choice either, the current imperial court is really troubled!" King Zhou sighed, feeling quite helpless in his heart.

Half of the eight hundred princes have already moved slightly. Now that the letter of guilt from the prince of Xibo has not arrived, it is even more emboldened by the princes.

They believe that the imperial court is already extremely weak, and the rebellion is only for the day and night, and the undercurrent is turbulent in the world.

"No, if it goes on like this, this king's magic has not yet been completed, and Grand Master Wen Zhong is still fighting, so he must stabilize."

Suddenly, King Zhou's face froze, as if he had made up his mind.

He summoned the ministers, and then ordered eight hundred orders to hold a grand meeting of the princes in the palace.

Let the eight hundred princes of the world enter the dynasty, in order to stabilize the deterioration of the situation.

Chapter [-] The grand meeting of princes! (Second)

As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked.

Countless princes and forces have speculated about King Zhou's intentions.

However, they actually think too much.

King Zhou's original intention was just to let the princes meet, to stabilize people's hearts, to make great achievements for himself, and to delay as much time as possible.

When successful, all conspiracies are self-defeating.

But people don't think so, especially those princes who have different intentions, they are even more uneasy and don't know how to deal with it.

"It doesn't matter, if the Marquis of Xibo goes, we will follow."

At the moment, the eyes of the princes are all focused on Xiqi.

In Fengming Mountain, the camp of millions of troops was dead silent at this moment, and countless soldiers were looking at the largest camp in the center.

"Father, King Zhou's actions must have no good intentions."

Ji Chang's eldest son Ji Boyi Kao looked solemn and tried to discourage him, so he had to quarrel with Ji Chang.

"I, Ji Chang, is the Marquis of Xibo in the imperial court. If King Zhou wanted to deal with him, he would have already issued a decree, so why use this trick?" Ji Chang sat on the commanding seat, unmoved.

In front of him stood dozens of generals and several sons.

These people are all here to dissuade and oppose Ji Chang's entry into the dynasty.

After all, Chaoge was the territory of King Zhou. If he entered rashly, he would probably send 373 sheep into the tiger's mouth.

But Ji Chang was unmoved, if before, he would definitely think twice.

But since escorting Su Hu into the court and seeing King Zhou, he has known more than everyone present.

"Father, Fengming Mountain descends auspiciously from the sky, you gave me the letter of guilt that I drew up, and did not enter Chaoge, but disappeared for no reason."

The second son, Ji Fa, said, "That is to say, King Zhou, who has not been punished by his father's request, as a monarch, I think his father must be very clear."

Hearing this, everyone nodded and looked eagerly at Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo.

You must know that Ji Chang is now a future with millions of people. If he suffers any damage, it will not be easy for everyone here.

Even, everyone present had some ideas in their hearts, and naturally they didn't want Lord Marquis to take risks.

After all, all the glory and wealth in his life belonged to the Marquis of Xibo.

Ji Chang looked at everyone's expressions, his heart was slightly shaken, and he hesitated for a while.

"Since the mind can't decide, then it's good to see the will of God."

After a while, he took out a few tortoise shells made of fine iron from his arms and threw them on the table.

The clanging sound is incessant.

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