When everyone heard it, their expressions were shocked. As the generals of the Xibo Hou, they naturally knew very well that this was the postnatal gossip image created by the Hou Ye, and it had unpredictable power.

"Big murderer?"

At this moment, Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, exclaimed in surprise.

He looked at the hexagram on the table with disbelief. Why did such a hexagram appear at the grand gathering of the princes invited by King Zhou?

It's very weird.

"Father, the hexagrams show great ferocity. It seems that King Zhou has another purpose." Ji Boyi Kao said with a solemn expression and resentment.

"Dad, since the big brother doesn't approve, let's forget about the trip to Chaoge." The sharp-mouthed child also pleaded with a face.

At this moment, when everyone saw the hexagram, there was no luck in their hearts, and they all spoke out to persuade.

Ji Chang sighed helplessly: "It's okay, people don't hurt tigers' hearts, but tigers hurt people's hearts. Since that's the case, I'll watch and observe for a while before making a decision."

After all, there is no stipulation in the will that it must be reached.

Eight hundred princes, guarding the world, do not all have time. If there is war in the territory of the princes, they will naturally not be able to enter the dynasty. After all, the war cannot be delayed.

A few days later, a messenger from the imperial court arrived to convey the will of King Zhou.

"The prince of Xibo is a prince from all directions, and he should be an example to attend this grand gathering of princes."

The arrival of this decree caused Xiqi's millions of soldiers to fall into unease.

Obviously, he hadn't escaped at the beginning, but now he named him by name, but he couldn't escape.

"It seems that there is still no escape. You wait for Haosheng to manage Xiqi well. If there is anything, there is still someone to take care of."

In the central tent, Ji Chang sat on the commanding seat and sighed helplessly.

"Dad, King Zhou's move is obviously uneasy and good-hearted. It must be for the auspicious affairs of the heavenly generals. He is suspicious of talents." Ji Boyi said with a face full of anger.

As we all know, when Fengming Mountain descended the auspiciousness, millions of soldiers saw it, and it was impossible to block the news.

What happened next deepened the suspicions of the monarch and ministers.

Marquis Xibo's appeal was not sent to King Zhou. Naturally, King Zhou also believed that Marquis Xibo had no explanation, not to mention the two rulers and ministers, even the civil and military ministers in the court.

"Big brother is right, for today's plan, the only way is to resist the decree." The second son Ji Fa suggested, very decisive.

Even the generals of the Ji family nodded in agreement.

"It doesn't matter, I, Ji Chang's loyalty to the king, can be seen clearly. It is the best policy to go to Chaoge this time to explain clearly and eliminate misunderstandings!"

However, Ji Chang shook his head and rejected everyone's proposal.

As a prince of Xibo, his strength is strong, but he has not yet reached the point where he can compete with the imperial court. If he resists the decree, he will cause chaos for Xiqi.

This is not what Ji Chang wants.

"Father..." Ji Boyi Kao, Ji Fa, and the sharp-mouthed child were anxious.

"You don't need to say any more, prepare the carriage for me, I want to leave today, don't delay the time."

Ji Chang's face was serious, he stopped the persuasion of several sons, and ordered to go on.

Chaoge at this time, inside the palace.

After King Zhou had dealt with government affairs, he had time to practice. Thinking of the grand gathering of princes, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I wonder if my move will make the Marquis of Xibo feel sincere?" He sighed helplessly and said to himself: "It's like Tang Jiangshan and I can't bear the civil strife. Even if this king loses his skin, he will definitely not let the Marquis of Xibo turn his back."

The grand meeting of the princes is to appease the hearts of the princes in the world, and the most important of them is the prince of Xibo.

After all, the Fengming Mountain incident has not completely passed.

It's just that the Duke of Xibo did not plead guilty on the form, which really surprised King Zhou, but in order to become Tang Jiangshan's stability, he could only drop his skin and repeatedly invited the Duke of Xibo.

Unfortunately, even King Zhou did not think of it.

He was sincere, but was misunderstood by Xibo Hou and the others.

Chapter [-] Xiqi and Western Zhou! (third more)

Of the eight hundred princes in the world, except for a few, most people felt that King Zhou's move was uneasy and well-intentioned.

However, what made people stunned was that Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, left Xiqi and was on his way to Chaoge.


Changes suddenly arise, and the princes who have different intentions naturally become in a dilemma.

But those princes who were loyal to the court were all delighted in their hearts. In their hearts, after the prince of Xibo entered the court song, King Zhou would definitely kill the other party.

At that time, one of the princes in the four directions will be destroyed, and the imperial court will be shaken. For the princes who are attached to the imperial court, the war will be much less.

"How can I wait?"

This is a problem with different hearts among the princes.

Since Xibo Hou Ji Chang has gone to Chaoge, they have no excuse to refuse, but they are very entangled in their guilty conscience.

As for Ji Chang, he was even more determined, as if he was about to die, and millions of soldiers and civilians sent them off.

The capital of the imperial court, Chaoge.

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