In these few days, it has been very lively, and there are countless lords and generals living in the post house.

At this moment, some princes who had different intentions could not sit still.

The Beihai war was passed back, making the already swaying court even more unstable.

It turned out that the princes led by Yuan Futong rebelled, and their subordinates actually had two lich clans that disappeared for many years, dragging Wen Zhong's army of hundreds of thousands, and it was difficult to escape for a while.


In the bedroom, after everyone left, King Zhou slammed the wall with a ruthless punch.

The sturdy, stone-like wall actually cracked open inch by inch, revealing a three-inch fist mark, which was terrifying.

"It's a pity that my magic has not yet been completed. Now that the master is not there, this king must act cautiously, otherwise it will become a Tang Jiangshan, and I am afraid it will deteriorate into a state of war and chaos overnight."

King Zhou calmed down and immediately thought about the plan.

However, he doesn't understand the secrets of heaven, but it is difficult to calculate the cause and effect.

In the end, he showed his strength, escaped the countless patrolling guards in the palace, and came to the martial arts hall in the bustling street.

Today's martial arts hall is still clean.

Seeing King Zhou coming here, Daji was covered with a veil, and there were countless fairy mists lingering around her body.

"Why did King Zhou come here?" The voiceless voice sounded like the sound of a violin, like the murmur of cold spring water.

Seeing Daji, King Zhou was stunned for a moment, but then he calmed down and cupped his hands: "Miss Su, is the owner of the museum available?"

"The owner of the museum has left temporarily, and everything here is handled by Daji."

Hearing this, King Zhou was shocked. He never expected that the alien from the martial arts hall would leave at this critical moment. How could he do it?

You know, it's not that he is inactive.

It was a grand gathering of princes. Although it was a banquet to appease people's hearts, it was a bit difficult for the princes of Xibo.

Fortunately, he could still think of the owner of the pavilion, and he did not act rashly.

"Can Miss Su have a way to contact her husband?" King Zhou cupped his hands and said, he was so worried, he simply ignored Daji's beauty.

"Is King Zhou troubled by the feast of the princes?" Daji asked without answering.

"Miss Su has a solution?"

"You can put the Marquis of Xibo under house arrest to eliminate the impact, but you must pay attention to the severity and not hurt the life of the other party."

Hearing this, King Zhou was not stupid, and he naturally understood the meaning.

Aren't the princes in the world just around the corner?

It would be the best deterrent to other people with dissent if the Xibo Hou, the princes of the four directions, remained in Chaoge.

After all, even the Marquis of Xibo can't resist, they have a lot of concerns if they want to act.

"Dashan, ask Miss Su to tell the king to thank you sir."

After speaking, King Zhou left in a hurry.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought that the person who made this plan was not Li Zhenwu, but Da Ji.

The martial arts hall was deserted, the sky was getting dark, and no candles were lit.

"Xiqi Ji's family, for the sake of anti-business affairs, you and others actually counted on my father. Now, I will let you know the consequences."

In the darkness, Daji's voice sounded cold.

Before entering Chaoge, she had a marriage contract with Ji Boyi Kao, the eldest son of Ji Chang.

However, only Daji knew.

The so-called marriage contract, I just want to use her to tie the Jizhou Su family, and then do the anti-business thing...

Ji Chang's Houtian Bagua Xiang is an extreme technique in the human way. Ordinary mortals, if they can calm down, can calculate the secrets.

Xiqi Ji Fa, in order to oppose the business, for so many years, deliberately concealed Ji Chang, and secretly expanded the Western Zhou tribe.

Now, the time is ripe.

When she entered the court, Boyi Kao, who had a marriage contract in her body, had never asked, which was really strange to the extreme.

"Ji Changrende, it's a pity that he has given birth to several good sons. Since you want to rebel, I will help you." Daji's tone was cold and echoed in the hall.

Xiqi is the dominant force among the eight hundred princes, and its strength can shake the foundation of the imperial court.

If it hadn't been invaded by the Western Zhou tribes, the strength of the Xiqi army would have reached a higher level.

However, what Daji said now is horrifying.

That doesn't mean that the so-called Western Zhou tribe is just an illusory enemy created by the Xiqi side.

You know, Ji Chang is the founder of the acquired gossip, so how could he not know?

The strangeness of this, as a weak female, naturally cannot calculate the conspiracy, but as long as she knows that her enemy is Xiqi.

Poor King Zhou, who wanted to stabilize the court, but took what Su Daji said as Li Zhenwu's guidance.

If 4.6 Ji Chang is really put under house arrest, I don't know what will happen.

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