Chaoge, above.

Li Zhenwu stood in the void, with his hands on his back, overlooking the huge city below, with a touch of regret on his face.

"In the prehistoric era, during the Lich War, I, Li Zhenwu, descended from the sky, and the world's karma and luck are not as good as in the previous life. The saint's calculation, Ji Chang is in trouble." He shook his head and said to himself.

What Daji did, Li Zhenwu had already counted.

Because of this, he will leave the martial arts hall, so that the cause and effect of Daji can be solved.

"The historical process has not changed, but the cause and effect that was originally set have long since changed beyond recognition." Li Zhenwu sighed.

The next scene is the rebellion of Xiqi, and the wave of anti-business in the world is about to enter the stage of conferring gods.

Chapter [-] Ji Chang is banned, the eldest son enters the court (fourth more)

The Shang Dynasty in the previous life collapsed even faster under the disturbance of Shen Gongbao.

But the current King Zhou is not a tyrannical monarch, and Shen Gongbao was also inspired by Li Zhenwu, not to mention the two great disciples under his sect joined him.

Chengtang Jiangshan seems to be in decline, but in fact it is weak outside and strong inside.

It's just that King Zhou didn't know that either.

After all, strengthening his body and making him want to achieve great achievements and tempering his xinxing can take the opportunity to do it.

In any case, the grand gathering of princes is about to begin after all.

Ji Chang brought several family generals to the court, and when King Zhou heard the news, he ordered people to entertain him and live separately from the princes.

Ji Chang could not hide this unusual behavior, but he pretended not to know.

When the princes of the world are halfway through, the grand meeting will be held in the palace.

The splendid hall was filled with the civil and military ministers of the court, and the seats of the princes were lined up all the way outside the hall, which was really lively.

"Everyone, this king has never held such a grand event since he was enthroned as a great treasure. Now that the banquet has begun, I hope you will not be unfamiliar." King Zhou stood up with the dragon cup in his hand, and did it first as a respect.

"Respect Your Majesty!"

The ministers hurriedly returned their salutes, but the momentum was lively.

The singer dances wildly, with a light gauze skirt, a scene of prosperity.

Under the continuous performance, the relationship between monarch and ministers is harmonious and happy.

Until the end of the performance, King Zhou put down the wine glass, looked around the ministers, and slowly stood up.

Although the civil and military princes at the banquet were extremely happy, their minds had always been on King Zhou. At this moment, when King Zhou stood up, the field was suddenly silent.

Countless eyes focused on the middle-aged man on the big treasure.


The sudden silence made King Zhou stunned for a moment.

He didn't even think that these ministers would have such an attitude, and the relaxed and harmonious atmosphere just now suddenly disappeared.

"Cough, you are Cheng Tang's ministers. This king has made many mistakes since he ascended the throne, but he has been doing his best to manage it. The fiefs under your jurisdiction, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and life has passed.

King Zhou looked around the crowd, and finally fixed his eyes on Ji Chang, and then said: "The barbarians around the border have been invading all the time, which is a serious problem for the court's henchmen, but this king can guarantee that if the princes do not disagree, this king will definitely pay you back. A prosperous peace."

At the end, his voice became high and he seemed quite excited.

He couldn't help but be excited, lose his face, and wanted to be treated with respect by the ruler and ministers, but in the end it turned into such an embarrassing scene, which is really annoyed.

"Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, fought for the imperial court against the Western Zhou Dynasty for decades. He worked hard and made great achievements. Now the world is stable and the borders are wild and it is difficult to enjoy happiness. This king has decided to let Ji Chang settle in Chaoge, so that he can enjoy the peace and blessings of peace."

The voice fell, and everyone present suddenly became agitated.

Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, had millions of soldiers and horses, almost half of the imperial court's strength.

Now, with a single word from King Zhou, it is simply unimaginable that Ji Chang will give up his rights and be replaced by someone else.

"Marquis Xibo, what do you think of this king's proposal?" King Zhou looked straight at Ji Chang, trying to see the change in the other's expression.

However, he was disappointed.

As the founder of the acquired gossip, before the banquet started, he figured out some cause and effect.

This time King Zhou spoke first, Ji Chang slowly stood up, bowed and said: "Thank you for your kindness, Ji Chang has fought for many years, and his body has long since disappeared. The kindness of the king is in Ji Chang's arms."


As Ji Chang's voice fell, everyone in the entire hall was shocked.

Their eyes were full of incredible, Ji Chang's move was tantamount to painting the ground as a prison, imprisoning himself in Chaoge.

"Don't worry, Lord Ji, this king is very interested in the situation over there in the years of war in the Western Zhou Dynasty. I just want to know more about it. If there is a war, this king will naturally not stop Lord Ji from fighting for the people."

King Zhou took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said slowly.

So far, the purpose of the banquet has basically been solved.

The feudal feudal lords were all over, and there was only King Zhou in the field. He looked at the messy hall, and his mind was in a trance.

"Hey! Fengming Mountain lowered the auspiciousness. I am the king. This is just a punishment. I hope you, Ji Chang, don't blame this king."

The breeze was lonely, blowing, accompanied by a lonely voice, slowly passed out, and finally dissipated in the night.

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