After the grand meeting of the princes, countless ministers were shocked, and the news instantly radiated to the world.

Xiqi, Fengming Mountain army camp.

In the central tent, Ji Chang's eldest son Ji Boyi Kao replaced his father and was in charge of military affairs.

His face was gloomy, looking at the news from the messenger, his eyes contained determination.

"Wait to retire, this commander has to think about it, the second brother can stay." While speaking, Ji Boyi glanced at Ji Fa and spoke lightly.

"The last will be the first to retire!"

All the generals were very worried, bowed their hands to the handsome Ji Boyi Kao, and quickly withdrew.

Inside the tent, the candles flickered, reflecting the faces of the two of them in 150 colors, both cloudy and sunny.

"Brother, have our affairs come to light?" Ji Fa asked impatiently when the crowd dispersed.

"Second brother, don't panic. Father's hexagrams can't figure out our plan, not to mention other people. Our move is because of the instructions of the saint, so there is no need to worry."

Ji Boyi waved his hand, but he calmed down a lot.

"But my father is under house arrest in Chaoge. There are millions of troops in Xiqi. The two of us have insufficient prestige, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

"My father is only under house arrest, which proves that King Zhou is quite afraid of the Xiqi army. How about this, you stay in Xiqi to guard the army, and I go to Chaoge alone to find a way to rescue my father." Ji Boyi said.


"Don't worry, have you forgotten the daughter of the Su family? With her in Chaoge, it won't be too difficult."

Having said this, the two brothers smiled knowingly.

Yes, with Su Daji singing, Ji Boyi was quite confident in the examination.

But he never dreamed that Daji was not in the past, but now Daji is a woman full of hatred in her heart.

At this moment, he is sitting in the martial arts hall, waiting for Ji Boyi Kao's self-injection.

Chapter [-] Moon Rabbit!

Three days after Ji Chang was placed under house arrest, Ji Boyi Kao appeared in Chaoge, with only a few generals by his side.

He was so confident that he came prepared.

Entering the court in secret, no one knows, even Ji Chang, has been deceived.

Budokan, a deserted hall.

Daji stretched out her green jade fingers, and a faint blue light lingered in it, emitting mysterious fluctuations.

"The divine passage method taught by Mr. is interesting, but I don't know, can it be useful for mortals?" Her beautiful face showed a hint of laziness, her eyes were like autumn water, and she was full of charm.


The blue light spreads out and falls on the teacup on the table, and the air oscillates slightly.

The teacup was gone, replaced by a fluttering butterfly, flapping its colorful wings and flying towards the vast sky outside.

"What a miraculous power."

Daji smiled slightly, the smile seemed to spread like a spring breeze, and she was truly a face.

However, there was bitterness in the bottom of my heart, not as happy as the appearance, as if there were countless secrets buried.

"You really want to do this?"

Suddenly, the breeze swayed, and a cyan figure stepped out from the void.

Li Zhenwu's youthful appearance, tall and straight, speechless temperament, contains mysterious fluctuations, so that all cause and effect are avoided.

Hearing this, Daji raised her head, her clear eyes seemed to be able to speak, containing a pitiful throbbing.

"Sir already knows, why do you need to ask more?" She said softly, as if the sound of the piano was lingering.

Yes, if he didn't know the cause and effect, Li Zhenwu would not teach the method of divine passage.

"It's a pity for the beauty of the world!"

Li Zhenwu sighed, but said no more.

"If Mr. hadn't taught the immortal way of immortality, no matter how beautiful her face was, it would only be turned into a cup of loess after decades." Daji said with a sad face.

Her heart is like a mirror, and she is full of gratitude for Li Zhenwu.

At the beginning, despite the embarrassment of Xiqi Ji's family, he could only force a smile, but now there is a method of divine passage, but it is no longer necessary to endure it.

All of this was given by the young man in front of him.

"Forget it, since you are unwilling, then let it go."

Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, thinking that although Ji Chang is benevolent and righteous, his two sons are not fuel-efficient lamps.

In the end, he disappeared from the place and returned to Mount Tai, observing the direction of the world.


Ji Boyi Kao entered the city gate of Chaoge, set aside his left and right generals, and walked straight to the martial arts hall.

"I didn't expect that there are many talented people in Chaoge, and the daughter of the Su family is actually there." He said to himself, full of confidence.

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