Before he came, he had calculated the secret, so he was not worried.

But he didn't know that the martial arts hall was Li Zhenwu's dojo in the mortal world, which could block all cause and effect.

Not to mention the image of acquired gossip, even Fuxi's innate gossip and saints can't be counted.

Li Zhenwu did it on purpose to make him count.

Sure enough, when Ji Boyi Kao saw Da Ji, he was stunned at first, then panicked for no reason.

"How is it possible, you are not Daji." Ji Boyi couldn't move, and screamed.

In his eyes, the daughter of the Su family is just an ordinary person.

But now, the other party gently waved his hand and imprisoned him in place, his body was stiff, and he couldn't even blink his eyes.

This is so weird.

"Who are you? Why do you want to dress up like her?" Ji Boyi asked sharply, but his face was filled with fear that could not be concealed.

Now, only one mouth can move, like a prisoner.

"Ji Boyi Kao, have you forgotten me? Did you forget what the Ji family did and the persecution of my Su family so soon?"

Su Daji smiled lightly and continued: "Although your father is a man of righteousness, what exactly did you two brothers do for the so-called throne of kings, do you think others don't know?"

The voice fell, and the hall was dead silent.

In addition to Ji Boyi's shock, his mind went blank, which was simply appalling.

"How is it possible that what Ji Fa and I did was interfered with by a sage. Even my father didn't know about it. How did you know about it as a mortal?" Ji Boyi asked with a shocked expression on his face.

At this time, he completely believed that the person in front of him was the daughter of the Su family.

"There are ants under the saints. Do you think that you can enjoy the fate of immortality by destroying the luck of the soup?" Su Daji shook her head and said, "You are just chess pieces played by the saints. Regardless of success or failure, for the saints, it is only one The face-to-face battle, but what you have done has caused everyone in the world to fall into war."

"So, Xiqi Ji's family, be punished!"

As Da Ji's voice fell, the azure light that lingered around the green jade fingers, shot out suddenly, and submerged into Ji Boyi Kao's body.

The next moment, the wide robe fell to the ground.

In place, there was a snow-white rabbit with red eyes, looking up at Daji in despair.

The divine passage method directly turns Ji Boyi's test site into a rabbit.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but your fate has nothing to do with me."

Daji spoke coldly, with a peerless face, with a hint of relief.

The original cause and effect have finally been resolved, and her body and mind have entered an unprecedented ease.


On the ground, Boyi Kao took advantage of Daji's stunned moment, kicked his hind legs and jumped towards the door like an arrow.

However, Daji ignored it directly, as if she didn't care.

Because at this moment, she has entered a mysterious state, and countless Taos are comprehended, as if imprinted on the soul, and the Tao is instantly clear.

Gradually, with the passage of time, the face of the world, the fair skin, has a snow-white light.

She is breaking through, from the body of a mortal, to a complete transformation into an earth immortal, becoming an immortal, and becoming an immortal who can enjoy longevity.

On the other hand, after Boyi Kao escaped from the martial arts hall, he was chased by countless passers-by, and finally escaped outside the city, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What the hell is going on? Thinking that I, Boyi Kao, are the future king, why did I turn into a rabbit?"

The red-eyed rabbit grinned with resentment.

The next moment, it felt that its body was hanging in the air, and it was caught by someone, and it was so frightened that it fell apart.

But if you look closely, the snow-white rabbit is petrified.

Chapter [-] Ji Chang leaves the court! (Second more)

This is a beautiful woman, ethereal and beautiful, without the slightest mortal aura.

"What an interesting animal, it's so psychic, it's a companion to catch you back."

The woman who spoke had her robe fluttering and her body hanging in the air, as if she was not affected by gravity, as if a fairy had descended to earth.

If Hou Yi was here, he would definitely be surprised.

Because, the woman who caught the snow-white rabbit was none other than Heng'e, who had been away from the flood for countless years in the Lich War.

"Oh, that moon star is really boring. It only takes half a day for a thousand years to go down to earth, and now I have to go back again."

Heng E looked at the prosperous city ahead and muttered to herself with a face full of reluctance.

At this time, she seemed to be unable to remember the past, and appeared here with a completely new mentality.

"Take you back, I'll be called Moon Rabbit in the future!"

After she finished speaking, she ignored the despair in the rabbit's eyes, her figure danced lightly, slowly flew into the sky, and soon disappeared.

Xiqi, Fengming Mountain Barracks.

Ji Fa was covered in cold sweat, and his hands trembled uncontrollably. His gaze, staring at the fine iron tortoise shell on the ground, contained unprecedented terror.

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