
The sound of the explosion sounded, the mountain collapsed, the rocks flew, and the scene was a terrifying mess.

The smoke billows, and it doesn't dissipate for a long time.

"The grace of the Holy Father will never be forgotten by Shen Gongbao. This time, we have to reverse the ending of the gods, so that the teaching and learning will be paid a heavy price."

Shen Gongbao stood for a long time, and suddenly fell to the ground, kneeling three times in the direction of Wudang Mountain.

I was so excited that I had been hiding my strength in the past, and it was difficult to clear my own strength.

But now, having sent two people on the list in a row, he was so excited that he couldn't help it, what a terrifying way.

Ordinary Jinxian can be smashed into slag with a single punch.

After bowing to Li Zhenwu, Shen Gongbao stood up, revealing boundless confidence all over his body.

"What a murderer and a treasure hunter, this mink is amazing, and it will become my pet in the future."

Shen Gongbao put away the sable and put it in the Qiankun bag, and then walked towards the Chentangguan without any hassle.

At this moment, the battle at Chentangguan has entered a fever pitch.


Millions of soldiers shouted to kill in unison, the momentum is really huge.

However, although the guards at Chentangguan were afraid, they were very orderly under the command of Li Jing.

For a moment, they couldn't help each other.

"Chentang Pass is the number one pass in the world after all. If the battle goes on, the loss will be the lives of soldiers and generals, so we have to start with teaching."

Wen Zhong sat on the ink unicorn and stood in the army, carefully watching the changes on the battlefield.

I saw the army of mortals, but it was indistinguishable, but the brothers of the Mo family were pressed and beaten by Nezha and a few disciples of the third generation of Chanjiao, and it seemed that they were all dangerous.

"Retract the troops first, and then make a decision."

Seeing this, Wen Zhong violently waved the male and female dragon whips and ordered the generals around him to pass the news.

Suddenly, Jin Ming sounded, and the imperial army retreated in an orderly manner, and the city wall was separated by a distance of ten miles.

"Hey! If you want to leave, Grandpa can't get around you today." Nezha shouted loudly, holding the fire-pointed spear, forcing the brothers of the Mo family into a desperate situation.

But it was Wen Zhong who ordered to withdraw the troops, which distracted the three brothers of the Mo family, and was snatched by the opponent.

"Don't be afraid of the magic brothers, I, Shen Gongbao, are here to help you."

At this moment, Shen Gongbao rode on a large mottled leopard, galloping in the distance in the distance.

Seeing this, the three Mo Family brothers fought bravely and immediately reversed the situation.

"Come back, it's going to be a long time in Japan, don't be in a hurry."

On the city wall, when Jiang Ziya saw this, he was about to recall Nezha and the others, not wanting Shen Gongbao to succeed.

Chapter [-] Soul Planting! (Second more)

In front of Chentang Pass, the two sides retreated, leaving dead bodies all over the ground.

Although this battle was not full force, it was still tragic.

"I think that Shen Gongbao has come back, but Uncle Huanglong, why hasn't he come back yet?"

The corners of Li Jing's eyes twitched, holding the golden pagoda in his hand, but his face was full of doubts.

You know, just now everyone saw that Shen Gongbao and Mo Lihai were defeated and fled, and Huanglong was so brave that he chased and killed him alone.

But now Shen Gongbao is back, but the real person Huang Long has not yet been seen.

"Brother Huanglong's Taoism is unfathomable, and there are innate spiritual treasures such as Luopo Zhong. If you want to come to Shen Gongbao to escape, you are still chasing the sea of ​​magic!"

Jiang Ziya was relieved to see that his younger brother was safe and sound.

Thinking in his mind, he thought that Huanglong real person looked at his face, did not do anything to Shen Gongbao, but went after the demon warrior.

"The Prime Minister's words are justified. After today's battle, Wen Zhong's army will definitely not dare to attack easily." Li Jing Fuxu said with a smile.

"Hmph, it's just a little stupid thief. If the father nods, the child will immediately go out and take their heads."

Nezha wielded a fire-pointed spear, showing his sharp edge, pointing like a country, and his face full of disdain.

If it wasn't for Shen Gongbao's timely return, the so-called demon warrior would have already been sent to the Conferred God List, so why wait until later.

"Don't be reckless, those people who teach are mostly insidious people, don't get their way." Li Jing said in a deep voice.

"Okay, needless to say, I have my own arrangements." Jiang Ziya waved the whip and said straight.

Hearing this, everyone shut up and didn't dare to say anything.

After all, Jiang Ziya's identity is the second-generation disciple of Chan Jiao's sect.

And shut down the army, the army camp.

"Jianjun Shen, how is my third brother?" The three brothers of the Mo family asked anxiously.

You must know that Shen Gongbao and Mo Lihai escaped together, and the original plan was to ambush Huanglong Zhenren.

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