But now that Shen Gongbao came back alone, they all had an ominous premonition in their hearts.


Shen Gongbao sighed, his face full of sorrow, and his eyes were still throbbing.

Seeing this scene, the three brothers of the Mo family immediately cried out in grief, their eyes filled with tears, how sad and how sad.

"Several brothers, don't be sad, that Huanglong real person is very powerful, we were all injured, and finally we had to run away separately. That Huanglong real person went after Brother Hai, as for the result, alas..."

While speaking, Shen Gongbao sighed here, as if there was endless guilt in his heart.

"You don't need to be sad, although Mo Lihai lost to Huanglong Zhenren, but if you want to escape, it is difficult for the opponent to catch up."

Seeing the gloomy atmosphere in the camp, Wen Zhong offered to comfort them, telling them that it was probably to escape the pursuit of Huanglong Zhenren and would not be able to return for a while.

Hearing this, everyone was calm for a while.

"Chen Tangguan is unexpectedly difficult to crack, and this battle will probably drag on for some time." Wen Zhong said.

"The wind is imminent, all sects are going down the mountain to respond to the disaster. If you want to come here for a while, I am afraid that there will be more experts in teaching."

Shen Gongbao's brows were wrinkled, and there was a hint of evil in his eyes, and he continued: "If there is no war recently, I will leave now and gather some helpers."

"There is Uncle Raushen." Wen Zhong stroked his beard and smiled.

If it wasn't for Shen Gongbao's help today, facing Chan's disciples, as the imperial master, he would seem powerless.

"It's okay, but we can't make the Western Zhou Dynasty feel better. We can't afford to fight, and we have to fight constantly, so that they can't recuperate." Shen Gongbao urged.

"Wen Zhong knows the truth here."

"Okay, without further ado, I'll leave first."

Shen Gongbao bowed his hands to everyone, walked out of the tent, jumped on the back of the mottled leopard, and quickly disappeared into the deep mountains of the wilderness.

Chentang Pass, as the first pass in the world, is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

When there is no means to deal with the people who explain the teachings, Wen Zhong's army of millions can only watch the prime minister outside the customs, but he can't make half an inch.


Chaoge, in the martial arts hall.

Li Zhenwu was sitting in front of the fence in his spare time, dressed in a green shirt, fluttering in the wind...

On the farmland in front of him, Yang Jian dressed as a peasant, rolled up his trousers, and vigorously flew the hoe in his hand.

The three generations of disciples who used to be incomparably mighty, now their clothes are covered in loess, and their temperament is simple and honest, which is really rare.

"You three-eyed child, planting radishes three times in a row, still can't take root and sprout, you are really stupid."

Li Zhenwu glanced at Yang Jian, shook his head and commented that the field had been plowed over and over, but it was still useless.

"Holy Father, the kid is stupid. In these days, there is no point in growing radishes."

Yang Jianshi leaned on the hoe with one hand, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Even he himself felt speechless.

That radish is an ordinary radish, but if it is planted, it cannot take root and sprout, which is really helpless.

"If you don't have a quiet mind, how can you grow it? If you want to grow radishes, just ask your heart." Li Zhenwu waved his hand, too lazy to pay attention to this kid, and turned his head to look at Beihai, where the war might be coming soon.

"Holy Father, Yang Jian is stupid, he just can't comprehend it, what is the mind?" Yang Jian asked, with an extremely sincere attitude.

"You are interesting, then I won't deceive you. The heart is the foundation. If you don't have the heart, how can you understand the Tao?"

Li Zhenwu pointed to the radish seeds on the ground and said 3.4: "If the mind is not vast, it will be like this kind of seed, unable to absorb sunlight nutrients, and it will not grow up."

"You entered that teaching, and you have learned a lot about the Divine Channel Law, but ask your heart, are you satisfied?"

The voice fell, and the field fell silent.

Yang Jian frowned, fell into deep thought, but asked, "There are countless ways to explain the teachings, and this kid is also successful in cultivation, but he is not satisfied."

Although he is the leader of the three generations of disciples of Chanjiao, he is not complacent compared to that Nezha, on the contrary, he has always longed to be stronger and to be able to suppress an era like the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

"Since you are not satisfied, then do it until you are satisfied!"

Li Zhenwu shook his head, didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned to look at Beihai, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

Chapter [-] The Buddha's Light shines! (third more)

Beihai, Chengtang Barracks.

Since Wen Zhong left with five million troops, he left behind countless tents, enough to supply Jizhou's hundreds of thousands of troops for a year.

At this moment, the camp is orderly, with soldiers patrolling, full of slaughter.

At the gate of the camp, the flag of King Tang and the flag of the Hou of Jizhou fluttered in the wind. Although there were few troops and horses, they were extremely majestic.

Following the instructions of Kong Xuan and Bai Ze, Su Hu led an army of [-] people from Jizhou and hundreds of thousands of slaves escorted by the imperial court. In Wen Zhong's hands, he took over the military power of Beihai.

However, after coming to Beihai for half a month, he still hadn't played a game.

Su Quanzhong was taught by Kong Xuan, and he dispatched troops day and night. The drills were in full swing, but he did not play.

Today, the hundreds of thousands of slaves dispatched by the imperial court have been completely integrated into the Jizhou army, and it is not bad that the training is prohibited.

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