In fact, Li Zhenwu never investigated him, but he only knew about Hokage from his previous life, so he had some hard-to-obtain private information.

Even Li Zhenwu knew something unknown in the village.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu also knew about the complicated relationship between Sarutobi Hizen and Shimura Danzo.

Li Zhenwu did not wait for Hiruzen Sarutobi to answer himself, but turned and left the Hokage office.

"Zhenwu, where are you going?" Sarutobi Hizan asked in a low voice behind him.

"It's nothing, it's a little boring, I'm going out for a walk in the village." Li Zhenwu replied indifferently.

Although this is the answer to the three generations of Hokage, but after Li Zhenwu went out, he did not really wander around.

Instead, he silently closed his eyes and contacted the system.

"System, exchange for elementary mind reading!" He opened the system list and chose to exchange such a skill.

This mind-reading technique is the ability possessed by Immortal Turtles, able to check the memories of others and examine their minds.

But what Li Zhenwu exchanged was not the original ability of the Turtle Immortal, because the mind-reading technique like the Turtle Immortal required a large number of battle points.

The primary mind-reading technique that Li Zhenwu redeemed is a primary mind-reading technique that can judge the truth of what the other party is saying and vaguely detect the other's thoughts, and only requires [-] battle points.

After Li Zhenwu exchanged this elementary mind-reading technique at this moment, he silently sensed it with his breath, then found a person's breath, and then the whole person rushed over.

He exchanged the mind-reading technique to make sure that Shimura Danzo, who carried the dark side of the village, was the real murderer who attacked his parents.

If so... then Shimura Danzo can die!

(There may be four updates today, and there will be another update at about two or three o'clock...)

Chapter [-] Facing the root organization! (fourth more)

Li Zhenwu discovered the aura of Shimura Danzo through the induction of Qi.

Power, evil, chaos, darkness, these are the breath of Shimura Danzo himself.

Li Zhenwu, who has already exchanged for the mind-reading technique, is not going to complicate things any more.

So in order to investigate the real culprit behind the attack on his parents, Li Zhenwu decided to ask him directly because he had a suspect who was Shimura Danzo.

As for Li Zhenwu, who has a primary mind reading skill, if this matter is really related to Shimura Danzo, then as long as you say a few words, Shimura Danzo will not be able to escape the scope of his mind reading skill.

After that... Li Zhenwu didn't care whether Shimura Danzo was really good to the village, or how much darkness he carried in the village.

After all, he is dead!

Li Zhenwu moved towards Shimura Danzo's breath, which he sensed and locked.

Li Zhenwu's speed is not slow, and there are no places where there are many people along the way, so he doesn't attract attention at all, and it also saves the trouble of greeting from enthusiastic villagers.

However, Li Zhenwu came to the vicinity of Shimura Danzo, but found that Shimura Danzo is now located in the ground 170 square meters, which is an underground location.

"As expected of the big boss of the root organization, even the place where he stays is in the dark." Li Zhenwu looked at the unremarkable building in front of him. Who would have thought that there was a hidden Shimura Danzo Konoha underneath. The darkest character.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu also discovered that there were ninjas entering and leaving this building.

"Is this the stronghold of the root organization, or the base camp?"

Li Zhenwu sensed the aura of a ninja nearby, and immediately rushed to him.

This ninja has a flower mask on his face, colorful stripes, little fluctuations on his body, but a sharp breath.

But in front of Li Zhenwu, it was nothing.

"You are a member of the root." Li Zhenwu said, in his induction, the ninja in front of him was similar to the breath of many ninjas in the underground, with some mechanization, Li Zhenwu had such a judgment.

"Shimura Danzo should be in there, go and give me an announcement that Li Zhenwu is visiting."

This ninja at the root recognized Li Zhenwu at a glance, and when he heard his words, he didn't have any doubts, so he turned around and prepared to report to Shimura Danzo.

The roots were originally a very secretive organization, but this root ninja did not doubt that Li Zhenwu would know them well. After all, Li Zhenwu was still a disciple of three generations of Hokage.

Li Zhenwu stood in front of this building, waited quietly for a while, and then noticed the approach of Shimura Danzo's breath.

"I also know how to bring helpers." In Li Zhenwu's induction, in addition to Shimura Danzo, there were also two jounin auras beside him.

However, there was a sneer on the corner of Li Zhenwu's mouth, even if Shimura Danzo brought more helpers?

"It's Zhenwu, your presence really surprised me."

As soon as they met, Shimura Danzo pretended to be close and greeted Li Zhenwu, "Don't tell me, do you want to join Anbu? I'm very welcome."

"Stop laughing, it's a little hypocritical."

Li Zhenwu did not agree with him in the slightest, but spoke directly and mercilessly.

Shimura Danzo's face suddenly darkened.

Li Zhenwu continued to speak, stared at him firmly, and asked directly, word by word: "I only ask you one thing!"

"What's the matter?" Shimura Danzo lost his smile.

"Did you send the two ninjas who attacked my parents?" Li Zhenwu asked, staring at him, and at the same time the elementary mind-reading technique was activated!

"Your parents were attacked? I know this, it is said to be two Yun Ren, why did you come over and ask me?"

"Your news is a little out of date." Li Zhenwu suddenly laughed, but it was a little cold, because he found out that Danzo's answer just now was not honest!

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