"Yunyin's ninja has denied this, and then we went to identify the two ninja corpses, but the corpse disposal team said that there were members of Anbu before, and the two corpses were destroyed in the past."

Li Zhenwu's eyes sharpened: "Did you send the so-called Anbu ninja?"

"It's me." Unexpectedly, Danzo Shimura responded to this question, looked at Li Zhenwu, and said, "It's not very convenient to talk here, let's go in and talk."

"Into the base camp of your roots?"

Li Zhenwu suddenly laughed and said slowly: "You know, if you really enter your base camp, if I do something, then your base camp will be almost destroyed, are you sure you want to invite me into your base camp? ?"

This sentence immediately made Shimura Danzo's complexion change, and it was extremely sinister.

Li Zhenwu's words almost tore his face and opened up the matter.

"Li Zhenwu, what do you mean! Even if you are Sarutobi's disciple and the hero who turned the tide of the battle, in Konoha, you are not able to act arbitrarily!"

"I don't mean to act arbitrarily." Li Zhenwu sneered, stopped talking nonsense, and said directly: "You, Shimura Danzo, the murderer who attacked my parents behind the scenes!"

"What? Don't talk nonsense! Wanton blood spurting." Shimura Danzo said angrily.

Li Zhenwu suddenly smiled: "Did you know that the mountain family in the village has a family secret technique that allows them to read other people's memories to a certain extent, achieving the effect of 'mind reading'."

"You must know the secret techniques of the family in the mountains." Li Zhenwu said to himself, with a heavy tone: "However, I have a mind-reading secret technique, which can also achieve similar effects and be able to easily judge a person. , Are you lying! Even, I can sense the vague thoughts in people's hearts!"

"The closer you are to me and the thoughts directed at me, I can vaguely read them!"

After Li Zhenwu said this, his body had begun to release his breath, and he was ready to start: "And I can easily read it out, you are lying! Moreover, you still have some contradictions in your heart, and this contradiction is whether you should try your best or not. The power of the root, kill me!"

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Chapter [-]: Entering the 'Root' Department (First)

Using mind reading, Li Zhenwu noticed Shimura Danzo's inner thoughts at this moment, and then said it mercilessly.

Shimura Danzo's complexion changed greatly, and he never imagined that Li Zhenwu had such a buggy ability.

He still insisted: "Your parents' business has nothing to do with me at all."

"It's still tough." Li Zhenwu suddenly smiled: "It doesn't matter if you continue to be tough and quibble, because I don't want to get an answer, I just let you die and understand why you died!"

Having said that, Li Zhenwu no longer talked nonsense, but instantly punched: "You can die now!"

"How dare you do it!" Shimura Danzo was furious and reacted quickly at the same time.

"Wind escape-vacuum wave!" Shimura Danzo took a deep breath, and then spit out a straight blue wind blade that was visible to the naked eye!

The speed is extremely fast, Li Zhenwu's figure flickered slightly, but there was already more, but the speed was inevitably slower.

"You dare to do anything in the village, even if you are a disciple of Sarutobi, it is too wild to do so!"

Shimura Danzo dodged and hid behind the two subordinates, while speaking in a cold voice.

"You arranged ninjas to attack my parents in the village, aren't you crazy!" Li Zhenwu's eyes were cold and his tone was cold.

In the words, before Shimuradan hides, the two ninjas have formed seals to resist Li Zhenwu.

Shimura Danzo has already left a sentence and quickly returned to the building.

"Want to run? It's been a long time in the dark, and the whole person has become as timid as a mouse!" Li Zhenwu was disdainful, and his figure swayed again.

"Triple Afterimage Fist!"

After the three afterimages were differentiated, Li Zhenwu directly threw himself at the two Jōnin.

"Water Escape - The Art of Fireball!"

"Fire Escape - Water Wave Technique!"

The ninjutsu of these two root ninjas has just been released, but Li Zhenwu who was there has disappeared!

Li Zhenwu's speed is really beyond the reach of these two Shangren!

"The Konoha Whirlwind!"

Li Zhenwu showed no mercy, because these 'root' ninjas were all extreme things, and they were firmly controlled by Danzo through brainwashing, curse marks, etc., and each of them almost became a killing weapon and lost their humanity.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu showed no mercy at all.

"Bang! Bang!"

Li Zhenwu's combat effectiveness at this moment has been significantly improved compared to when he was fighting with Kirabi!At this moment, dealing with two Rao is a simple and stern 'gen' Bujōnin, and it is extremely easy!

Before the two 'gen' Bujōnin could react, they were kicked into the air!

"Boom!" Then Li Zhenwu shot two kunai at random, which immediately penetrated the shoulders of the two 'root' ninjas, which was equivalent to abolishing their ability to seal the seal at once.

But after such a delay, Shimura Danzo had already run back into the building, and in Li Zhenwu's breath lock, Shimura Danzo had already reached the bottom.

"It's quite fast." Li Zhenwu muttered to himself, but he wasn't afraid and was ready to follow.

It hasn't passed yet, Li Zhenwu's movements paused for a while, because he felt a familiar atmosphere.

"Long time no see, Uchiha Shisui."

The one who approached quickly was Shisui Uchiha of the Uchiha clan now in the police department.

A group fan logo, with a cyan outfit, Uchiha Shisui appeared here.

"What happened?" Uchiha Shisui asked. At a glance, he saw two ninjas whose shoulders were pierced by Kunai, and Li Zhenwu who looked relaxed and calm.

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