
A loud bang erupted, dust rose to the sky, and a deep pit was smashed into the ground.

This scene made everyone shudder, and it was a great divine power.

"My son Nezha!"

In the distance, Li Jing couldn't help crying out when he saw this.

I saw Nezha's figure on the ground, scattered lotus roots, and a few spiritual treasures, indicating that Nezha was dead.


Seeing this, the twelve immortals of Meishan were all jealous, and immediately swooped down to compete for the treasure left by Nezha.

However, the crowd has not yet grabbed it.


An invisible true spirit flew out of the deep pit on the ground, and in a matter of seconds, it was wrapped in magic treasures such as the Huntian Ling and flew thirty-three days away.

No matter what the twelve immortals of Meishan use, it will not help.

He could only watch, all showing greed, this is the leader of the acquired Lingbao, and he was on the list together with Nezha.

On the Conferred God List, the true spirits of immortals can be on the list. If they are accompanied by magic weapons, it proves that these magic weapons have the function of being a god.

"Li Jing, there is no need for you to resist, why don't you join the list with your son, so that you can take care of him in the future." Wen Zhong's expression was stern, without the slightest sympathy.

When Chen Tangguan turned back, it was not a big blow to the imperial court.

The soldiers and horses lost in the siege are calculated in hundreds of thousands, and these dead people need to be washed with the blood of the enemy.

"Fuck, I'm fighting with you."

With tears in his eyes, Li Jinghu used his only mana to move the Linglong Pagoda as much as possible.


Immediately, the pagoda shone brightly, as bright as the sun, bursting with boundless power.

As expected of a congenital treasure, Daoist Burning Deng can bestow his anti-business assistance on Zhou, which is also a bloodbath.

"Just because you want to stop the general trend of the world?" Wen Zhong saw that Li Jing was obsessed, and he was instantly furious, a male and female double dragon whip, slapping continuously.

But the golden light defense is like a rock, and it will not stand still despite the blow of the violent storm.

"Li 530 Jing, you Nezha is already dead, why do you still have to support it? The battle between Shang and Zhou is just a means of saints. In the eyes of saints, Nezha is a cannon fodder for death, and has no value at all."

Shen Gongbao said coldly, but the fine steel sword in his hand was constantly on the offensive, and the golden light of the Linglong Pagoda shook violently.

I don't know if it's Li Jing's heart disease, but the golden light defense is no longer as stable as it used to be.

"Go ahead and make up the list too!" Shen Gongbao coveted a gap, flipped his palm, and several jet-black poisonous needles were ejected.

call out!

The poisonous needle was as black as ink, like a black light, and it disappeared into the golden light of the pagoda in an instant, stabbing directly on Li Jing's body.

The real Huanglong was killed by a poisonous needle.

Now that Li Jing has a few pieces in his body, there is no reason to kill him. If he can't breathe, Li Jing's body tilts and he smashes straight to the ground.

Soon, a real spirit, wrapped around the Linglong Pagoda, flew up to thirty-three days away.

"The thieves are so courageous, since he kills the people in my teaching, he will definitely not be able to get around you."

Seeing this, the few disciples of the sectarian sect felt a chill in their hearts, shouted aloud, turned around and fled to their deaths.

Seeing that the situation is not good, walking is the best plan, and after a few breaths, they disappeared without a trace.

Chapter [-] Guangchengzi is furious!

Chaoge, inside the palace.

Within a month, the Beihai and Xiqi victories were reported again and again, and the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were all excited.

"It shouldn't be the end of the soup."

This is what everyone thinks.

Even those princes who had disliked intentions did not dare to make any changes at this moment, and their hearts were inexplicably horrified.

Although Beihai was a place of bitter cold, under the leadership of Su Hu, the army was almost invincible.

Really brave to the extreme.

"Haha, Taishi and Su Hu are really the king's lieutenants!"

King Zhou received the good news, and his face was full of joy.

But he also repaid his gratitude, and even bowed in the direction of the martial arts hall to show his respect.

"It won't be long, when I have accomplished great feats, I will go on a personal expedition, so that Xiqi will regret under the iron cavalry of the imperial court." King Zhou's eyes flashed.

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, which has been practiced hard for many years, is close to being completed.

Now that his strength has entered the early stage of Jinxian, the speed is so fast that if he speaks out, he will definitely shock the world.

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