However, King Zhou was still very patient, because the Grand Master had already warned that the current war is just a battle of little people.

When all the masters of the saints go down the mountain, that is the real battle of conferring gods.

At that time, not to mention the golden immortal, even if it is a big golden immortal, I am afraid it will not be enough to see.

The war between Beihai and Xiqi is not to mention ordinary, and even the saints have obtained information from various channels.


Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

The few disciples who escaped from Chentangguan, the light flickered under their feet, and soon returned to the mountain gate, but in Yuxu Palace, they did not see Yuanshi Tianzun.

At the moment, they hurriedly came to the outside of a palace.

"Uncle Guangchengzi, the big thing is bad!" Before the people arrived, several disciples of Chanjiao shouted.

In a hurry, they even forgot the etiquette and rushed into the main hall, only to see Guang Chengzi doing some chores in the hall.

"As a high-ranking disciple of Chan Jiao's sect, how to behave, how to behave!"

Seeing the person coming, Guangchengzi frowned slightly and scolded: "You guys are not helping King Wen in Xiqi, but you are running to Yuxu Palace. What happened?"

You must know that anti-business assistance is the task of explaining the teaching of the gods this time.

Of course, the main thing was to find an excuse to fight against that sect. As for the change of the dynasty, they didn't care much.

"Uncle Qi, Wen Zhong's army invited the Thirteen Immortals of Meishan, Chen Tangguan Li Jing was killed by Shen Gongbao, but Nezha was killed by Yuan Hong, and they were all sent to the list. Our army is even more lost. At this moment Chen Tangguan, who was born, has returned to the banner of King Zhou." One of the disciples said bravely.

After all, they were also dishonorable. After seeing the death of Li Jing and his son, they escaped alone, and even the defenders in the city ignored them.


Fortunately, when Guang Chengzi heard that Li Jing and his son died, he was shocked.

There is no doubt about the importance of Chentang Pass. If the imperial army is allowed to attack, it will be able to pacify Xiqi in a few days.

At that time, before the Conferred God Battle is over, the Western Zhou Dynasty will perish.

This can't be tolerated, after all, it's about the fate of teaching, how can you cheapen those idiots?

You must know that the survival of the Western Zhou Dynasty is related to the luck of Chanjiao.

Moreover, Huang Longzhen, who had a high self-esteem last time, borrowed the Luo Lao Bell, and Huang Long died, and now even the Lingbao has been snatched away.

The new hatred and the old hatred made Guangchengzi's face even colder.

"Uncle Guangchengzi, I've been waiting desperately, but Yuan Hong's way of doing things is weird, but he succeeded in attacking Nezha. Li Jing was distracted and was also killed by Shen Gongbao's poisonous needle. It's really helpless!"

The several disciples of the interpreter said quickly.

In order not to take the blame, they did their best to tell the other party that they were powerful and terrifying. Jiang Ziya just left the switch, and the army attacked the city, and there must be strangers to help.

"I don't dare to hide from my uncle, but the thirteen immortals of Meishan are really powerful. Under the siege of a few others, the head of the thirteen immortals, Yuan Hong, still suppresses us."

Regardless of the ugly face of Guangchengzi, they said it all at once.

After finishing speaking, I saw Uncle Shi was silent, and suddenly he didn't dare to breathe, and stood quietly waiting for orders.

I don't know how long it took, and an angry explosion came from the hall.

"What a good thirteen immortals of Meishan, my fellow Shanye, who has forced you to be so embarrassed, you really have a long face for me." Guang Chengzi glanced at a few people coldly.

He wasn't stupid either. Although Yuan Hong, the son of Lao Shizi, was powerful, if he tried his best, a few people would be able to entangle him.

But still being attacked by the other party and letting Nezha give away the list in vain, is this still reasonable?

"You don't need to talk about it again, Nezha, my junior brother Taiyi will ask you to settle the account, please tell me about the situation at that time." Guangchengzi asked in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, several people were sweating coldly on their foreheads, and the bitterness in their hearts almost burst into tears.

At the moment, they did not hide the slightest bit, and they told all about the process of fighting before Chen Tangguan.

"The art of avatar? The body of a witch is very good. If there is no miscalculation, it is a unique skill of the Wudang Mountains, but I don't know who Yuan Hong is." Guang Chengzi's eyes narrowed. Flash, but it was killing intent.

After all, the Wudang Mountain lineage would have ceased to exist long ago if it had not been sheltered by the back soil.

Now that the other party has come out of the mountain, there is no mercy. Those people should pay a heavy price to avenge Li Jing and Nezha.

"You wait for the punishment, I will go down the mountain now to help the Western Zhou Dynasty kill Yuan Hongzhe, and I will be back in a few days." Guangchengzi ordered, and immediately got up and flew out of the Yuxu Palace.

After a while, he went to Taiyi Zhenren's cave and told the other party about Nezha.

When Guangchengzi came out again, he was dragging a hood-shaped magic weapon in his hand.

I saw the fire in the hood soaring into the sky, exuding a fiery breath, and faintly, I could see nine fire dragons, constantly swimming inside.

"Since Nezha is already dead, I will use this Nine Dragons Divine Fire hood to destroy the thirteen immortals of Luo Shizi Meishan, which can be regarded as revenge for the Li family."

Guang Chengzi held the Nine Dragons Divine Fire hood and took one step, and he had already left the Kunlun Mountains.

Chapter [-] (Second)

Halfway through the nature, Guang Chengzi suddenly stopped, closed his eyes, and finally sighed.

"In the end, we still have to face the robbery."

I don't know what he counted, he turned his head and flew back to Kunlun Mountain, and took Jin Zha Mu Zha away from the Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun.

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