In that smoke, there is endless murderous intent, making people desperate, even if Jinxian enters, I am afraid they will drink hatred in it.

Chapter [-] Chapter Chaoge Wuguan!

The vast barren mountains are ups and downs, like a dragon lying prone, and the lush ancient trees cover the sky and the sun, exuding a strong vitality.

Yuan Hong’s light flew by, and he still felt heart palpitations at this moment. He looked back from time to time, for fear that Guangchengzi would kill him, but he was frightened by the seal of the sky.

Moreover, there are many magic treasures of Chan teaching, Guang Chengzi is the elder brother of Chan teaching, and has spiritual treasures to suppress qi and luck, so he dares to act recklessly.

After all, slaughtering mortals is at best a cause and effect.

But with the magic weapon of the saint's sacrifice, not to mention cause and effect, even the killing of heaven and earth, can be easily resolved.

"Haha, Xiaoer Yuan Hong, if you have to run away again, please stop for this seat, don't delay the time to be listed."

Suddenly, Guangchengzi sneered from behind.

Yuan Hong turned his head to look, and was so frightened that he lost his soul. He saw that the golden light was spraying under Guang Chengzi's feet.

The speed of this supernatural power was so fast that it really flew at the speed of light.

"As long as you escape to the ends of the earth, this seat will definitely send you to the list." Guang Chengzi held the Pantian Seal and threw it in the air.

The air was turbulent, Fantianyin flickered, and the sky covered the ground, and it came to Yuan Hong's head in an instant.


In just one face-to-face, Yuan Hong's physique of a thousand-zhang Wu clan shattered and turned into ashes in an instant.

However, Fantianyin's castration kept going, and it smashed straight down the mountain range below.

Dust covers the sky, and no grass grows here, like a scene of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.


Guang Chengzi was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Yuan Hong to die like this?

"Guangcheng, you are so arrogant, I will definitely kill you in the future!"

However, before Guangchengzi had time to rejoice, Yuan Hong's clamor was heard at the end of the sky.

Not only that, but in all directions, eight Yuan Hong incarnations appeared at the same time, flying in all directions.

It turned out that when he sensed that Guangchengzi was chasing after him, Yuan Hong was already prepared and divided into several clones to attract Guangchengzi's attention so that he could escape.

In other words, what was just smashed to pieces was just an incarnation of the other party.

"Ah... I am too angry, Yuan Hong, don't run away!" Guang Chengzi was furious, but his heart was filled with murderous intent.

After being played several times, his patience has long since been exhausted, the light under his feet flies away, his spiritual consciousness swept over, and he locked Yuan Hong's deity in an instant and chased after him.

This time, he learned to be smart, saw through Yuan Hong's methods, and used his divine sense to distinguish the true from the false.


Yuan Hong's face turned pale, the avatar he separated was destroyed, and his vitality was severely damaged, and he was desperate now.

At the same time, he was burning the blood of the witch clan, and the speed was a bit faster, and he quickly got rid of Guang Chengzi's pursuit, but he could not avoid the lock of the opponent's consciousness.

"I hope Shen Gongbao doesn't deceive me. If Chaoge doesn't survive, I, Yuan Hong, will drink my hatred here."

As soon as he thought of this, Yuan Hong didn't think about it anymore, the light flew by, and he soon came to the sky above Chaoge.


Divine Sense swept away violently, covering the bustling city below.

The situation is critical, and he can't be rude.

In the palace, King Zhou concentrated on his cultivation, and suddenly he felt something, his eyes suddenly opened, his eyes were like electricity, and he looked towards the sky above Chaoge.

There was a big man there, blood dripping all over his body, his hair was disheveled, and he was very embarrassed.

"This is Yuan Hong? Isn't he in Chentang Pass? Why did he come here all of a sudden?" King Zhou's heart tightened, and he predicted something bad.

Now that he is close to the great achievement, he doesn't know what to do. He was about to ask a question, and found that Yuan Hong suddenly swooped down somewhere.

"Martial Arts Hall?"

Seeing this scene, King Zhou shook his head slightly, his heart was relieved, he closed his eyes again, and continued to practice.

Outside, towards the sky above the song.

Yuan Hong was like a headless fly, flying around, and under the sweep of his spiritual sense, he did not find the master Shen Gongbao said.

In the distance, Guangchengzi has already pursued, and the situation is very critical.

"Huh? There is obviously a martial arts hall there, why can't my spiritual sense sense it?"

Suddenly, Yuan Hong's eyes flashed and he dived straight down.

Divine Sense can't sense it, but it can see it with eyes, no need to guess, there must be something strange.

In an instant, he landed on the bustling street, and without any hesitation, went straight in.

As the footsteps stepped on the threshold, the surrounding scenery was changing, and under the distortion of space, the vast vegetable garden appeared in front of me.

"I have seen the seniors, and the next person is Yuan Hong of Meishan. The reason for this trade is to..."

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