Yuan Hong cupped his hands in a respectful manner, but before he could finish speaking, an indifferent voice interrupted.

"The cause and effect are too deep. If you want to escape from the world, you can choose to plant a vegetable garden."

Hearing this, Yuan Hong was stunned for a moment, and then looked closely. Under the fence of the vegetable garden, there were hoes and radish seeds piled up, as if the owner had already prepared it.

But, planting a vegetable garden?

How absurd this is, for the Great Divine Ability, it is a joke.

"The kid has seen the senior, I don't know..."

Yuan Hong wanted to ask again, but was interrupted by the other party's indifference: "Planting a vegetable garden can solve the disaster!"

This voice was very indifferent, neither sad nor happy, but it made Yuan Hong very embarrassed.

However, when he heard that he could resolve the disaster, although he was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to ask more. When he stepped forward, he picked up the hoe and radish seeds, and went straight to open up wasteland.

Outside, towards the sky above the song.

Guangchengzi's body was full of fairy light, and the Pantian Seal in his hand exuded a surging aura.

"There's something different here, Yuan Hong actually disappeared under the lock of my divine sense, is there a saint in Chaoge?"

However, after thinking about it, he just shook his head.

But no matter what, Yuan Hong offended him, and he couldn't let it go.

As soon as he thought of this, Guangchengzi threw the Pantian Seal and hung it in the air, covering the entire city, and smashed it downward with a rumbling sound.

"Yuan Hong, if you don't come out, I will destroy this city and see how you can help King Zhou!"

Under his anger, Guangchengzi has lost his mind, his face is hideous, and he exudes endless killing intent.


The next moment, the seal of the sky fell, the void shook, and a powerful might erupted.

Chapter [-] Captive!

Guangchengzi was also furious and irrational, so he did such a stupid thing, and wanted to destroy Chaoge, so that Intercept had no direction to help.

However, he didn't think about it, if King Zhou could kill, why would he be left to take action.

The cause and effect of the fate of the soup has already been decided by heaven and earth, and the saints cannot stop it.

He is a golden immortal, and he still wants to go against the sky, so he was really stimulated by Yuan Hong.


The loud noise erupted, the air was turbulent, and the Pantianyin was frozen in the sky above the city, as if it had fallen to a rock, and it could not go any further.


Seeing this scene, Guangchengzi gasped, and his mind was instantly clear-awake.

"Chengtang's luck has not yet ended, Guangchengzi, you are making random shots, aren't you afraid of the coming of heaven and earth? Don't think that if you have the magic weapon of a saint, you can act recklessly."

An indifferent voice came from the city below.

"I am the golden immortal under the sect of Chanjiao, the first disciple of the sage of Yuanshi Tianzun, Your Excellency..."

Guang Chengzi was stunned for a moment, his face was gloomy, and he spoke coldly.

However, before his voice fell, the space beside him suddenly tore apart, and the endless suction force suddenly sucked him in.

Jin Xian Xiuwei can't even resist.

At this moment, Guangchengzi's face was full of horror, and he only felt dizzy. When he woke up again, the scene in front of him had changed.

The surrounding mountains are rolling, vast and primitive.

"Not to mention the saints, if you dare to mess around again, I will personally send you to the list."

The voice suddenly cooled down, and then disappeared.

When Guangchengzi heard the words, he only felt cold all over his body, as if he was facing the way of heaven, and he really felt the coming of death.

"What is this existence?"

He was shocked in his heart, and his eyes were complicated. It seemed that Chaoge was not as calm as it appeared on the surface. There must be a great magician sitting in it.

It's just that the existence that never showed up, the horror of the means, has exceeded his imagination.

"Hmph, no matter who it is, I'm under the sage's sect. There are still a few years of luck in the soup, so I'll let you be proud for a while, and now I'll go back to Chentangguan and slaughter the army of King Zhou, and see how you guys are doing. Fight!"

However, Guangchengzi is not afraid, after all, Yuanshi Tianzun is a real saint.

As the eldest disciple, he is the head teacher of Chan Jiao, and his words and deeds all represent the teacher's sect. How could the teacher let him be on the list?

As soon as he thought of this, there was a flash of light under his feet, and he flew towards Chentangguan, disappearing into the vast mountains in the blink of an eye.


At this time, Chentang Pass was covered by the Ten Absolute Heavenly Sovereign Array, not to mention mortals, ordinary immortals would have to die if they entered.

The hundreds of thousands of Western Zhou troops entered, only to see the sky and the earth in a daze, making people unable to distinguish the east, west, north and west.

"Haha, although my apprentice brother's cultivation is not high, but the teacher is pitiful, but he gave these ten unique formations. Ten of us joined forces, and Da Luo Jinxian can't help it."

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