Jiang Ziya waved the whip, knowing that Guang Chengzi was going down the steps, so he changed the subject.

After all, the teachings are strong, and it is already the biggest concession for the senior brother to not kill the six immortals of Meishan. As for the exchange of hostages, it is absolutely impossible.

But wanting to drag it is not the way.

Chapter [-] A half-year appointment!

Jiang Ziya felt very embarrassed, and Ji Chang was also embarrassed, and he had quite a lot of complaints against Guangchengzi in his heart.

But the people were captured by Jin Zha and the others. Although the two of them belonged to the Western Zhou Dynasty, if they chose between the Western Zhou Dynasty and Chan Jiao, they would definitely choose the latter without thinking about it.

Therefore, although the people of the Western Zhou Dynasty complained in their hearts, they did not dare to show it on their faces.

"Prime Minister, it's not as good as this..."

Ji Fa suddenly came to Jiang Ziya and whispered what to say, and Jiang Ziya nodded again and again.

At the end, Jiang Ziya sighed: "That's the only way."

Ji Fa's method is not to exchange, but to exchange for breaking the formation. If someone in the Western Zhou Dynasty breaks the formation, let Wen Zhong release the prisoners. If they cannot break the formation, they will release the six immortals of Meishan.

"This plan is very good. It can't be like explaining the teaching momentum, and it can't let them succeed."

Hearing this plan, Guangchengzi also nodded in appreciation, as long as it is not a hostage exchange, everything can be discussed.

It's just that everyone present, even he can't break through 14, who still has confidence?

"It doesn't matter, then set a time. During this period, I hope that the senior brother can invite the masters of the Kunlun Mountains to come down the mountain to assist. At that time, it will not only be as simple as breaking the formation." Jiang Ziya suggested.

"The time is almost up. Let's set a time of half a year. When the time comes, I will teach the twelve golden immortals to come together, and a mere small formation can be broken with a snap of my fingers." Guangchengzi said proudly.

Naturally, everyone in Xiqi would not object to this method. After all, it would be better to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers than to lose both.

Immediately, they sent a messenger to Chentangguan to call the door.

Chentang Pass, the city wall.

Wen Zhong and others watched Guangchengzi pull out the Six Immortals of Meishan, and had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Soon, they knew what it meant.

"Daoist Yuan Hong broke through Chentang Pass for us. His partner, we can't stand by and watch. Since they are scheduled to break through in the second half of the year, we can only accept it." Wen Zhong said.

If it wasn't for Yuan Hong's arrival, they wouldn't be able to stand here, so everyone had no opinion.

"Hmph, doesn't it mean that the teaching children think that in half a year, they can invite a master who can break through the formation?" Qin Tianjun sneered again and again.

After all, even Guangchengzi, who was the first immortal of the teachings, returned without success, and as for the others, the ten of them even ignored them.

"It's almost half a year."

Among the people present, only Shen Gongbao flashed a trace of worry in his eyes.

It is true that the strongest Jinxian in the teachings is cultivated, but the relationship between the original Tianzun and the Taishang Laojun is better. The two have so many magic weapons that they can be called the head of the saints.

Therefore, he is not worried about who is coming, but the magic weapon brought by the other party has to be careful.

In this way, the battle at Chentangguan was temporarily delayed.


Beihai, Linshui City.

The city wall that was smashed by Kong Xuan has been repaired.

As the logistics base of the Northern Expedition Army, with Kong Xuan and Bai Zelai in charge, they are not afraid of being disrupted by Western teachings.

Under the leadership of Su Hu, the army of the Northern Expedition has made many successes.

But in Yuan Futong's old nest, their crusade had to stop.

Because Kasyapa Buddha, who escaped the catastrophe, came back from the Western Lingshan Mountain again, and led countless Mingwang Bodhisattvas and thousands of masters to stabilize the last base of the rebel army.

"Yuan Futong has changed. I'm afraid that Su Hu's conquest will not be so easy." Bai Ze said lightly after finishing the calculation.

He and Kong Xuan stood on the wall of Linshui City, standing against the wind, keeping an eye on the progress of the army.

Unexpectedly, Kasyapa Buddha escaped, but he still did not give up, and brought more disciples of Lingshan, with great momentum.

"That's right, how could the Western Church just sit back and watch when we intervene? In their eyes, we are not under the sage's sect, and naturally we don't need to be afraid."

Kong Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, his pupils glowing with light, and he looked at the distant camp of the Northern Expedition.

If they were intercepting or explaining the teaching, they would have left long ago if they wanted to come to Western teaching, and they would not make a comeback, just because they saw that they did not have the support of saints behind them.

"It's almost time, let's go too!"

Suddenly, Bai Ze opened his mouth, auspicious clouds surging under his feet, driving him and Kong Xuan, and flew into the sky.

"I am afraid that the catastrophe of Kong Xuan should be in Beihai."

Kong Xuan carried his hands on his back, his eyes were like electricity, but his tone was a little tired.

Before going down the mountain, Li Zhenwu had said that his cause and effect would be understood when he was conferred.

As for whether he can break through, even the Holy Father is not sure. He Kong Xuan is also uneasy.

Northern Expedition Camp!

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