The flag is clear, the wind is blowing, the soldiers are patrolling, and the atmosphere is suppressed to the extreme.

The camp of the Chinese army was now surrounded by soldiers, all of them with ashen faces.

"The Bodhisattvas brought by Buddha Kasyapa this time are all masters." Su Quanzhong said with a face full of unwillingness, gritted his teeth.

The army has been sieging the city many times in a row, and they have been teased by the opponent. Not only have they suffered heavy losses, but even many generals have become the Buddha's sons of the opponent.

"Moonlight Bodhisattva, Fudo Mingwang, these are Western masters, how difficult it is to attack the city."

Even Yang Jian couldn't help but sigh.

Although Li Zhenwu had inspired him, and his strength was strong, he couldn't stand the crowd.

Moreover, there is also Buddha Kasyapa who did not take action. I think he was afraid of Kong Xuan and Bai 593 Ze, and he has endured until now.

But the western side didn't know that Kong Xuan and Bai Ze didn't follow at all, so the battle was deadlocked, and neither side gained anything.

"If I'm not mistaken, Buddha Kasyapa moved almost half of the Lingshan." Yang Jian said in a deep voice, throwing another heavyweight and disappearing.

This made people desperate, unless Kong Xuan and Bai Ze made a move, or with their mere mortals and a few monks, they were almost incapable of fighting.

"Moreover, Buddha Kasyapa brought the holy man's magic weapon, I am afraid it is to restrain Luofeng, even if Senior Brother and Elder Bai arrive, I don't know what the result will be."

At this moment, Yang Jian's heart also drummed.

After all, the holy man's magic weapon, he has been in the teaching, he naturally understands it very well, no matter how deep the cause and effect is, it can be easily resolved.

Ordinary monks get it and can fight at higher levels, not to mention Kasyapa Buddha, I am afraid that ordinary quasi-sages will not dare to fight.

"Master Marshal, Daoist Kong Xuan and Bai Jun are here."

At this moment, a soldier carrying the check-in flag hurried in.

The originally depressing atmosphere in the tent suddenly disappeared, everyone was shocked, and their faces couldn't hide the surprise.

(Two books are recommended, "Tian Dao Group of Ten Thousand Worlds", "God-level Lender of Ten Thousand Worlds", and "The Strongest Tang Monk of the Journey to the West!").

Chapter [-] The Buddhist masters come down the mountain!

There are too many masters from the Western Spirit Mountain. Even an Arhat has the cultivation base of the early stage of Jinxian, and those Bodhisattva Ming Wang has reached the cultivation base of the middle stage of Jinxian and even the later stage.

I have to say that such a gorgeous lineup is a bit of a fuss just to occupy Beihai.

But Kasyapa Buddha was frightened, and he even asked for the holy man's magic weapon, but he was still cautious and did not dare to be too high-profile.

After returning from Lingshan with the master, he has been patient, only defending, not attacking, just to test Su Hu's strength.

But after a few days, Kong Xuan and Bai Ze were not seen.

Gradually, Buddha Kasyapa guessed that the two powerful Golden Immortals were not in the Northern Expedition Army.

"My Buddha is merciful. Since they are not here, Beihai, as the place where my Buddha preaches, cannot afford to fail."

On the tall city wall, Buddha Kasyapa is wearing a golden cassock, surrounded by Buddha's light on the top of his head, sitting on a lotus, suspended in the void, and his body is full of brilliant Buddha's light.

When the mortals in the city saw this, they became obsessed and immediately bowed their heads.

"Buddha, I'm afraid there is a fraud, right? 687"

Beside him, Yuan Futong was nine feet tall, with a strong back, holding a mace, and he was extremely powerful.

Living in the bitter cold place of the North Sea all the year round, he has cultivated a tyrannical physique and is invulnerable to swords and guns.

At this time, looking at the carelessness of Buddha Kasyapa, and his long-term military career, he couldn't help but remind him.

Yuan Futong didn't mention it, but when he mentioned the fraud, he suddenly thought of the unfortunate death of Maitreya Buddha, and his heart tightened, but he didn't blame Yuan Futong.

"Alright, Taishan wants to be cunning, so I will try it out." Buddha Kasyapa sang a Buddha name.

Not long after, the city gate opened, and a corner of the Bodhi Great Array that enveloped the city was raised.


The ground shook violently, and a monk riding a white elephant rushed out in a turbulent manner.

At the same time, there was joy in the imperial court's northern expedition barracks.

"Haha, this time, with Daoist Kong Xuan and you all helping in secret, breaking the city is just around the corner."

Su Hu took a group of generals and went out of the tent to greet him.

Everyone is acquaintances, and after meeting, there is no strangeness at all.

Moreover, Su Quanzhong worshipped under the Taishan Gate, and Su Hu's lineage can be said to be completely attached to the Taishan Gate.

After a few words of greeting, everyone returned to the account, and the topic began to shift to the war.

"Looking at the hazy blue light of that city, I'm afraid it is the legendary Bodhi formation." Bai Ze spoke first.

He told everyone that the Bodhi Great Array was displayed by the spiritual treasure of the Daoist Zhunti, the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree.

Although the cultivation base of Buddha Kasyapa is not as good as that of a saint, the great formation displayed is still very terrifying. It is easy to lose yourself when you fall into it.

At that time, as soon as the charm of Buddhism came out, Jinxian cultivation base could not escape the end of being saved.

Hearing this, everyone took a deep breath.

"It's no wonder that when the soldiers attacked the city, they were taken away without any resistance." Su Hu said in a deep voice.

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