Now it seems that it is the strangeness of the Bodhi Great Array.

"Yes, if you want to break through the city, you can only have the opponent withdraw from the Bodhi Great Array, and then fight head-on to have a chance to win." Kong Xuan said lightly.

In front of the holy man's magic weapon, even Luo Fengji would be a little inferior.

Naturally, they can't break the formation like Linshui City, because the saint's formation has no solution at all.

After all, even the original Zhenwu Holy Father, facing the Bodhi Great Array, could only go into battle, not break it.

Inside the tent, everyone fell silent.

Now that the solution is thought of, how to practice it makes everyone present feel embarrassed.

"It is said that the great formation of Bodhi can temper the will of the soul, which is wonderful, but if the mind is not firm enough, the will will be controlled by the formation."

Bai Ze shook the feather fan gently and spoke again.

After all, Buddha Kasyapa is not a saint, and they are not Li Zhenwu.

"I'll go, I'm going to use the Bodhi Great Formation to train my mind."

Suddenly, Yang Jian seemed to hesitate for a long time before slowly opening his mouth. All three eyes flashed with firm light.

When everyone heard it, they turned their heads to look over, their eyes full of admiration.

You know, if you can't break through the formation, you will sink, and I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of it forever.

"It's better for me to go, this catastrophe should be resisted by me, and it is also my catastrophe."

At this moment, Kong Xuan suddenly spoke, his attitude was beyond doubt.

As the voice fell, everyone present, even Bai Ze, looked over in shock.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Kong Xuan smiled faintly, put his hands on his back, and said proudly: "I, Kong Xuan, was born at a very young age. Fortunately, I have the teacher's love and care, and I have achieved what I have now. Beihai is your chance, and it is also the place where my Kong Xuan deserves to be robbed. , to break the great formation of Bodhi, the cause and effect is on me."

From the moment he saw the azure light formation, the throbbing in his heart became more intense.

He has a feeling that if he can break through the formation, he will be able to break through again if he has been trapped in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian for many years.

At that time, the five-color divine light will be sacrificed, and the saint will be invincible.


At this moment, a messenger rushed in, knelt down on one knee, and loudly announced: "There is an Arhat riding a white elephant outside, arrogantly asking me to wait for the battle."

Bai Ze chuckled lightly, looked around the crowd and said, "Haha, Buddha Kasyapa is cautious. Since they took action, who will fight?"

"I'll come! Yang Jian waved a three-pointed two-edged sword and said coldly.

Except for Kong Xuan and Bai Ze, he was the only one who was the strongest.

Now the Bodhisattva Arhats brought by the Western Spirit Mountain are all Buddhist masters, and each one's combat power is around Jinxian.

"That's what I mean, I'm bothering General Yang."

Hu Hu nodded and said with a smile, and then he led the crowd out of the camp and went straight to the gate of the military camp.

Before they got close, everyone heard a screeching sound coming from the front of the camp.

"I went to sneak attack on the villain earlier? Now that the Buddha is here, he will have to fight with you and the other villains, and let the children know that the North Sea is the place where the Buddha's light shines, and it is not your turn to wait for the little shrimps. Let's go wild."

The monk in front of the camp pointed at the barracks and scolded, with a tone of pointing at Jiangshan, which made all the soldiers angry.

If it wasn't for the command of the marshal, I'm afraid many people couldn't bear it and would jump out to fight.

Chapter [-] The White Elephant Arhat!

When Kong Xuan and the others heard the scolding of the other party, everyone's faces were ugly, and Yang Jian couldn't bear it any longer. With a flash of light under his feet, he flew straight out.

"It's such a cowardly bald donkey that he dares to come to the barracks to run wild. I won't spare him today."

The voice fell, and Yang Jian had disappeared in front of everyone.

"It doesn't matter, Junior Brother Yang is full of profound and unfathomable profound arts, and the little Arhat is not - his opponent."

Kong Xuan frowned and said lightly: "It's just that it's very rare for Western religions to take the initiative to provoke them. I'll be watching the battle in the military camp, but I want to take a look, or observe the reality of the other side."

Everyone nodded and nodded, and immediately turned around and walked out of the observation deck.

Outside the imperial barracks, the dust was rolling, the ground trembled, and the rumbling sound was endless, as if a fierce beast was trampling the ground, and the momentum was extremely strong.

"Baby bald donkey, how dare you come to the battle and shout? Don't you know that your Buddha ancestors have never seen how powerful my Shang army is?"

The dazzling Changhong came from the sky, the light disappeared, and Yang Jian was dressed in battle armor, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, majestic.

Next to him was a black dog the size of a buffalo, whose hair was as smooth as silk and satin. Its fangs were wide open, and it spewed out endless fairy light.

After landing, he looked intently, and saw the monk riding a white elephant, with a fat head and big ears, as he swayed, his body trembled, shaking like a ripple.

The monk carried a meditation stick, full of rude words, pointing at the imperial army camp, cursing and swearing non-stop.

"Haha, I know who it is, it turns out to be Yang Jian's son. You betrayed Chanjiao, but it opened the Buddha's eyes. Your Chanjiao master knows, I don't know how you will feel."

The White Elephant Arhat grinned, and the contempt in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

However, they will not talk nonsense in Western religions. After all, they can't wait to be more chaotic when it comes to teaching.

Yang Jian's eyes flashed a strange color, but soon his eyes became clear, and he exclaimed in his heart, what a powerful charm.

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