Boom!Immortal light burst out, like a raging and splendid wave, and the white elephant was drowned in the blink of an eye.


However, the white elephant's body is transparent like jade, and at the core of the body, there is a Buddha's light blooming, like the sun, it is extremely bright, resisting the fairy light.

The Buddha Light and the Immortal Light collided violently, and a fiery breath erupted.

There was a hundred miles of void, roaring and shaking, as if it couldn't bear it, there were countless ripples.

The sight is terrifying!

There was a blazing, dazzling, dazzling place, and even the consciousness was blocked, making it impossible for people to detect the truth.


Suddenly, a loud beast roar resounded through the sky, shocking people.


The next moment, in the horrified eyes of everyone.

The roaring dog roared in the sky, stepped on the body of the white elephant, and fell to the ground at high speed, bursting with terrifying fierce light.

That thick and smooth hair, fluttering in the wind, with countless ripples, makes people look at it, and it is extremely powerful.


Seeing this scene, thunderous cheers erupted from the imperial army in the Northern Expedition.

What a brave beast this is, howling in the sky, proudly stepping on the corpse of the enemy, thus proving that he is really fierce to the extreme.

"Okay, the roaring dog is worthy of being a fetish. At first, even the saint wanted it to see the palace gate, but now he has a crush on Yang Jian, which proves that the blessing is very deep." Bai Ze shook his feather fan and smiled lightly.

Soon, the white elephant of Buddhism was stepped on by the roaring dog and fell to the ground, smashing a deep pit and splashing dust all over the sky.


In the sky, White Elephant Arhat's expression changed, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Watchdog, do you dare to hurt my treasure elephant?"

Immediately afterwards, the swollen body shrank rapidly, driving the relic on the top of the head, and quickly retreated towards the Juye City in the distance.

this is too scary.

With Yang Jian alone, the White Elephant Arhat can't do anything.

Now seeing the bravery of the Roaring Dog, he felt a chill in his heart, and his almost instinctive reaction was to run away.

"Wu that bald donkey wants to leave? Didn't he have some extraordinary achievements in Buddhism just now? Now he is greedy for life and fear of death. The so-called Buddhist Dafa is really ridiculed."

Seeing this, Yang Jian carried a three-pointed two-edged sword, and with a flash of light under his feet, he chased after him.

Although Chan Jiao's golden light vertical ground method is known as one of the strongest movement methods in the Three Realms, the white elephant Arhat did not lose the slightest speed under the burning relic.

"Little Yang Jian, don't deceive people too much. Today, the Buddha is hungry and wants to go to the city to drink and eat meat. What are you doing after chasing him?"

The White Elephant Arhat's mouth was very low, and when he ran away, he didn't forget to shout a few words.

In this way, Yang Jian could endure it, and now he stimulated the power of true martial arts in his body, and the light beneath his feet burst into a dazzling light, and the speed was once again raised a notch.


Two streams of light, one white and one gold, one in front and one behind, one chasing and one fleeing.

Wherever they passed, the stirring energy even collapsed a few mountain peaks, sweeping the continuous yellow sand, like an earth dragon shaking its head and tail, the scene was terrifying.

After a while, Yang Jian took the lead in catching up, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, and slashed violently.

"Have a break and run away!"

As the voice fell, a dazzling knife light shone on the nine heavens and ten places, a vast expanse of whiteness, and went straight to the back of the white elephant Luohan.

This knife is terrifying, the space is shattered, revealing dark cracks.


White Elephant Arhat's heart jumped, he turned his head and glanced at it, and he was so scared that he lost his mind.

That knife light, like a nine-day galaxy, came after him, very strong.

"Father, I fought." The white elephant Luohan gritted his teeth, the relic above his head roared, and there was a violent vibration...

The next moment, accompanied by a loud noise.

The relic burst into pieces, turned into a clear light, wrapped in a white elephant Arhat, and with a flash of light, it reached the end of the sky.

It's too late to say, then soon!

Yuan Futong's old nest, Juye City, came into view instantly.

The blue light blooms there, guarded by the Bodhi Array, and the fragrance wafts out, making people feel relaxed and happy.

"If you want to go, I will send you to the list today."

Seeing Juye City approaching, Yang Jian gritted his teeth violently, and a shocking flame erupted in his body, and the speed of the whole person caught up in a blink of an eye.


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