"This is a small ear, how can you help me?" Upon seeing this, the Daoist Zhunti was not in a hurry, chuckled lightly, and let Kong Xuan use his methods.

When Kong Xuan heard this, he suddenly laughed miserably, so desperate.

Indeed, if he was tossed around, he would not be able to hurt the saint after all. After all, the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue was the difference between the two.

It's just that even if you can't hurt the other party, you must lose the face of a saint, so that you won't regret this battle.

Thinking of this, Kong Xuan's expression was solemn, and he looked at Daoist Zhunti lightly. The five brightly colored giants stepped forward and spread out, allowing Daoist Zhunti to surround him.

"Yes, under the saints, there are ants after all, but there are times when ants are stealing their lives. Today, I, Kong Xuan, will be in front of the world, and I will take your face."

After finishing speaking, Kong Xuan folded his hands and cupped Zhun Ti in the middle.

Then, bending his waist, he bowed down.

At the same time, the five divine light clones around were exactly the same, and bowed down to Daoist Zhunti.

In fact, the five divine light avatars are the ultimate form of the innate five-color divine light, and Kong Xuan's self-cutting out requires a lot of perseverance.


In the next moment, the divine light in this place was overwhelming, like a tumbling flood, drowning everything in the world.

Violent energy fluctuations, surging and surging, are really terrifying to the extreme.

"You don't know the means of a saint..." When Daoist Zhunti saw this, he laughed out loud. The magical power he used was really special.

However, his smile soon solidified.


In an instant, the divine light drowned, and Daoist Zhunti felt like he had been bumped, and his body was flying backwards, but he was worshipped by Kong Xuan into the innate five-color space.

This sudden scene was not only surprised by the great supernatural powers who sensed it.

Even the sage of the Western Spirit Mountain was stunned for a while before reacting.

This is terrible.

Even the saints have worshipped in, so do the other great supernatural powers still have the power to resist?

I have to say that Kong Xuan's actions really shocked the whole world. What kind of terrifying magical power is this, it is simply invincible.


The five-colored [-]-foot giant suddenly dissipated, turned into five-colored divine light, and flew back behind Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan Yuan Shen probed the space, smiled miserably, and Yang Tian cried out: "As expected of a saint, I, Kong Xuan, have no regrets if I come here this time.

"Kong Xuan child, how dare you insult my saint?"

Ripples appeared in the space next to him, and Daoist Zhunti's face was ashen as he stepped out of the void.

It can make the sage suffer and worship the sage, but it cannot trap the sage. In a single thought, you can travel to and from the world.

Under the way of heaven, there is no means to trap the saint, and naturally the five-color space cannot.

"Haha, even if the world is invincible, the sage is shameless, how can he have the tolerance." Kong Xuantian screamed, without the slightest fear on his face.

"If that's the case, then join your unfortunate master on the list. The most fear is that it will turn into ashes, and there may not even be on the list."

Hearing this, Daoist Zhunti's eyes turned cold, he raised the Seven Treasures Tree in his hand, and was about to brush it over.

As long as you swipe lightly, the sage's means are unstoppable, and even if the quasi-sage is invincible, he will immediately fall.

However, Kong Xuan suddenly calmed down, turned his head to stare at Zhunti, and asked, "How can you be sure that my master is not as good as a saint?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the field calmed down.

Those great supernatural powers who were induced by divine sense all listened intently, and suddenly had an ominous premonition...


Chaoge, the city wall is magnificent and tall, surrounding thousands of miles in a radius, in the shape of an arch, protecting the prosperous city inside.


Suddenly, the originally sunny weather turned gloomy in an instant, dark clouds covered the top, and the wind was raging, blowing the dust and leaves all over the sky.

More deafening thunder, from time to time exploded over the city.


The dark clouds rolled in the sky, and the lightning flashed, dazzling, illuminating the gloomy sky.

The vision of the weather, not to mention supernatural powers, even ordinary mortals can clearly feel it, as if something big is about to happen.

The depressing atmosphere enveloped every creature in the city, making people uneasy.

"It's strange, this king's magic is about to be completed, and he has reached the golden immortal cultivation level, but the weather outside makes this king feel palpitations. Could something major happen?"

In the palace, King Zhou screened back to the left and right, climbed the Star-Zhiking Tower alone, and looked up at the changes in the sky.

That majestic pressure did not come from the clouds, but from a distance.

As time passed, this suppressed feeling became clearer, and I could even hear the strong beating of my heart.

"call out!"

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