At this moment, at the end of the sky, a dazzling 2.6 colorful divine light appeared, splendid to the extreme, dazzling than the sun.

King Zhou Jinxian's cultivation base was unable to look directly at the strength. Even if he closed his eyes, he could feel his soul being illuminated, and that colorful divine light penetrated the heart.

"This is the direction of the Budokan."

The next moment, King Zhou's face changed drastically, and he clearly sensed that the trajectory of that colorful divine light was falling towards the Martial Arts Hall.

Not only that, the coercion contained in the divine light made his soul tremble, as if facing the power of heaven, making life impossible to resist.

"Saint means?"

In an instant, this absurd thought appeared in King Zhou's heart.

Chaoge's Budokan is in danger!

When the seven-colored divine light fell, King Zhou sighed for no apparent reason, feeling that his entire body was exhausted.

Chapter [-] The reappearance of prehistoric and alien species!

You must know that the martial arts hall is a savior-like existence in the heart of King Zhou.

But in the face of that colorful divine light, it makes people feel hopeless.

The mortals in the city can't understand it, but for the practitioners, they can clearly feel how terrifying the power is.

If it erupted in the city, let alone the martial arts hall.

I am afraid that the entire city, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, will be reduced to ruins, razed to the ground, and life will be ruined.

But fortunately, the power of the colorful divine light is restrained and does not reveal the slightest.

It seems that it is only aimed at the martial arts hall.

It's too late, it's too soon.

From the appearance of the colorful divine light to the moment when it fell over the martial arts hall, people couldn't react to what happened in just an instant.


Ripples appeared in the space, as if boulders were thrown into the lake, stirring up countless space storms.

"Hey, there are thousands and thousands of calculations, but it is not enough to mention this guy, but he is decisive. He even shot at me in these 14 ways. It is really hypocritical and not good."

Just at the critical moment, a faint sigh sounded over the city.

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified eyes of all the supernatural powers in Chaoge, a young man in a green shirt appeared in the void, blocking the colorful divine light.

The person who came was Li Zhenwu, who was wearing a green shirt and had a dusty temperament, which made it unreal.

"Since you can't hide it, then it's better to see the competition after the gods are conferred."

The voice fell!

Li Zhenwu slowly stretched out his right hand and gently patted the colorful light. The long white and slender fingers glowed with a crystal treasure, gorgeous and terrifying.


A dull voice sounded.

No terrifying movement, no earth-shattering.

Quietly, the colorful divine light was smashed silently under Li Zhenwu's shot, turning into a crystal brilliance that filled the sky, and sprinkled on the city below.

This scene shocked countless practitioners.

"What is the holy place sir..."

Upstairs in Zhanxingxing, King Zhou opened his mouth wide, as if his throat was being strangled, and he was completely speechless.

That is the means of a saint!

With a single tap, it was resolved like this?

The energy of that colorful divine light, when it was shattered, was no longer fierce, but incomparably warm, as if a drizzle fell and was absorbed by millions of mortals, like a blessing.

What kind of means is this?

King Zhou was completely stunned, shaking his head again and again, thinking that he was dreaming, and the shock in his heart surpassed that when he met the three emperors of the human race.

After all, it is not difficult for any cultivator to guess that the seven-colored divine light was probably created by Saint Zhunti's Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree.

"Is this gentleman also a saint?"

King Zhou was so stiff that he could no longer think. Other than that, there was no explanation.

Although many people think of saints, from Li Zhenwu's action, they can't tell which saint's method is.

Naturally, everyone thought that this was a battle between saints.

Over the martial arts hall, Li Zhenwu looked at the divine light falling from the sky, and suddenly turned his head to look at King Zhou of the Star Picking Tower.

"Haosheng practice, conferred gods will end soon, whether it can continue to become a soup of luck depends on you."

After saying this, Li Zhenwu shook his head slightly, then took a step forward, and the whole person disappeared in place.

After a while, King Zhou woke up, and his heart was shocked, and he immediately fell to the ground.

"Follow the teachings of the saints!"

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