Moreover, the Peacock Daming King, who was originally a Buddhist guardian, shot, and the loss of his luck was terrifying.

That's why Zhunti couldn't calm down and took the shot himself.

"Hey, Li Zhenwu, don't be so domineering, I teach three generations of disciple Yang Jian, and I also apostate because of you..."

"Yang Jian is destined to be on the list. As a human god of war, I naturally want to protect him comprehensively."

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly and directly interrupted the words of the original Tianzun.


As soon as these words came out, it made the other party speechless. After all, cause and effect were fixed. If they were blocked by force, the Great Teacher's luck would be lost.

But, in the end, he couldn't hold his breath.

"The conferring of gods is not over yet, and there is nothing I can do for the saints. It's just that Li Zhenwu, as an alien in the wild, should also understand that if you disturb the rules of the heavenly way, the consequences of it will probably be unbearable for the human race." Taishang Laojun was indifferent. Open your mouth and remind all the saints present not to shoot indiscriminately.

"It doesn't matter, I have to do one game after all, but if you want to bully me, I have to stop it today, and the other day will let your spirit mountain wither." Li Zhenwu said unmoved, still calm and calm.

Hearing this, all the saints fell silent, and all turned to look at Zhunti.

You must know that if you don't break the cause and effect, you will be entangled in the future, and Li Zhenwu is the holy father of the human race, and it will not benefit Lingshan at all.

"You're ruthless, in the land of the North Sea, Lingshan is not worth it!"

"not enough!"

Hearing this, Zhunti's face changed drastically, and the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree in his hand glowed with divine light, which contained a surging pressure.

"Anita Buddha, take a step back and wait for the consecration to pass before making a decision?" Jie Yin said with a bitter face.

"Yes, when the list is completed, I will do it at that time. After many years of cause and effect, it will also fall." Taishang Laojun looked at Li Zhenwu and said, he also wanted to make a move, but under the calamity of heaven and earth, the saint said a word. One line has a profound impact.

Now, it's really not the time to fight, you have to wait for the killing before you let go.

Li Zhenwu narrowed his eyes, glanced at the saints, then nodded, and said: "Alright, although I am not a saint, I must not be bullied. , it's all about the means."

After he finished speaking, he didn't bother to pay attention to the saints. After saying goodbye to the Tongtian sect master, he turned around and left with Kong Xuan.

"Hmph, a bunch of hypocrites!"

Sect Master Tongtian snorted coldly, his eyes were indifferent, he also sat on Kui Niu's back and left slowly.

As for the Western Second Sage and Taishang Laojun, they stood in the void for a long time before they calmed down the shock in their hearts.

"Senior brother, Li Zhenwu is uneasy and kind-hearted, and he definitely wants to give me a face." Daoist Zhunti said angrily.

You must know that if they didn't know the depths and feared that they would affect Fengshen, they would have taken action long ago and directly suppressed the other party here.

Taishang Laojun's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "It won't be so simple, he was knocked down by the punishment of heaven, and he has been living leisurely for so many years under my eyes. If you want to come here and plan something bigger, after the consecration of gods, there is no mercy."

Hearing this, even the original Tianzun was shocked.

This means to kill!

But they can't do anything about the punishment, but they don't have much confidence.

"After he appeared, this time he was conferred a god, and he had to fight back first, and the soup must be destroyed." Yuanshi Tianzun suggested.

Since Li Zhenwu protects King Zhou, like that sect, they have to go the other way.

As for who the wise king is, in the eyes of the saints, it doesn't matter, because no matter how stupid or not, they can create a wise king.

"I want to let the brothers know that the interception must be kept, but Wudang Mountain can't be kept." Zhun Ti said, "I have Dafa in the West, as long as you cooperate, I will let their disciples come and go. And send it to the list.”

"Western teaching should be popular, so should teaching interpretation. As for the rest, let them drift away with the wind!" When Taishang Laojun opened his mouth, everyone was shocked.

At this moment, the original Tianzun glanced in the direction of Jinao Island, and suddenly there was a trace of sympathy in his heart.

On the occasion of the consecration of the gods, the interception of the teaching is destined to be a foil, and the interpretation of the teaching should be a great prosperity. Even the Western teaching has a great opportunity.

However, when the saints were discussing, Li Zhenwu took Kong Xuan and did not return to Mount Tai or Mount Wudang.

Instead, he took a step and came to the outside of Jinao Island.

"Friends of true martial arts, please come inside!"

When the two appeared, Tongtian Sect Master was already waiting, and immediately invited Li Zhenwu in with a smile.

"Hold on!"

Li Zhenwu waved his hand, swiped from the void, cut off the cause and effect of the three people, and then stepped forward.

That is to say, the trip to Jinao Island, except for the sect master of Tongtian, the other saints are unknown.

Biyou Palace, majestic and atmospheric, with faint cloud and smoke, and spiritual fruits everywhere, it is really a blessed place.

"Friend Zhenwu Daoist, Tongtian invited you to come here, but he has something to ask for." The leader of Tongtian sat on the cloud chuang with a slightly worried expression.

Although he was short-tempered, he was not stupid, and he knew vaguely that his interception had been calculated by the saints.

However, knowing is one thing, but how to resolve it is unknown.

"As for fellow Daoists, Zhenwu is powerless!"

Li Zhenwu shook his head, without any hesitation, the teaching was in decline. This was the cause and effect relationship.

And under the calculations of the saints, it is indeed a wedding dress for others.

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