It is precisely because of this that Western religion and interpretation of religion can flourish in the consecration of gods, and this cannot be changed at all.

Chapter two hundred and seventy-seventh true martial arts

There is no one who is destined to be on the list, but if the luck is not enough, after all, he will be on the list.

Tongtian also knew that, being calculated by the saints from all sides, they were destined to cut off the teachings and make wedding gowns for others.

After all, in terms of strong qi luck, although he has the four swords of killing immortals, it is mainly used for killing, but it cannot be used to suppress the qi luck in the door.

But the disciple didn't go down the mountain, and he couldn't take a breath. Wouldn't this fulfill the fact that the teachings were greatly prosperous.

So, it's a matter of causation and attachment.

"Is this really the case?" Tongtian Sect Master smiled miserably, but he lost his arrogance in the past.

Fortunately, Kong Xuan is not qualified enough to enter the Biyou Palace, otherwise this scene will definitely subvert his worldview, and even the saints have helpless things.

It is conceivable that under the Dao of Heaven, all are ants, not false words.

"However, if fellow Daoists can resolutely give up some of them, there will still be a trace of vitality. If you are not talented in true martial arts, you can keep the disciples safe for ten thousand years." Li Zhenwu shook his head and said.

As soon as these words came out, Tongtian Sect Master's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, under the Dao of Heaven, indecision is the worst thing to do. If you are decisive, although the result is unknown, it is also the last resort."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu stood up without worrying about thinking through the sky.

Before leaving, he warned again that if he thought about it, he could send his disciples down the mountain. As for the cause and effect in the future, there would be a conclusion at that time.

Biyou Palace quieted down, only Tongtian Sect Master was still struggling, his eyes were full of pain, but he showed emotion when he looked at the interception he created with his own hands.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Hey! After all, there is no way out. Since this is the case, Tongtian will accompany him to the end. I hope friends of true martial arts will not forget today's promise."

At this moment, Tongtian sect master returned to his previous indifference, his eyes penetrated the palace, and he looked at the many disciples, feeling helpless in his heart.


Chaoge, Budokan.

At this moment, the sky is clear, the wind is sunny, and the abnormal weather just now has long disappeared. For the people of the city, it is just a spectacle.


The void shook slightly, and two figures stepped forward and landed directly towards the martial arts hall below.

"Teacher, Beihai's suppression of the rebellion has been completed, what should the disciple do next?" Kong Xuan asked respectfully.

Having experienced battles with saints, his character has become more tenacious, and he worships his teachers from the heart.

Just appearing, it provokes the saints to come, but it is good to persuade, how majestic is this?

"You go back first. Bai Ze naturally cares about how to act."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and then said: "If there are people on the list, if you want to resolve the cause and effect, you can come here."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand gently and sent Kong Xuan back to Beihai Juye City.

"Well, after the conferring of gods, I will naturally apologize to you, and there is no need to be angry with me."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly, handed over the direction of Wudang Mountain and Wa Palace, and said helplessly.


Wudang Mountain, on the dojo.

The hazy mother energy of all things is turbulent, changing into various shapes, including mountains and rivers, as well as mountains and lakes.

Among them, a graceful figure, sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, covered by plain clothes, could not hide that holy temperament.

"Li Zhenwu, since conferring gods is so important, Houtu will let you go first, but an explanation must be given later."

Suddenly, the graceful figure opened his eyes, and those warm eyes contained a reproach, but they were as warm as water, not really angry.

If there are other people present at this moment, it will be absolutely shocking.

This is a saint, who can take things indifferently in the face of the world, but now there is a hint of coquettishness, which is really eye-opening.


Hou Tusu raised his hand lightly and called a black cow who was cultivating on the mountain.

"I have seen the saint of Houtu."

The black bull is three feet in size, with hair as smooth as silk and satin, and a pair of eyes full of spirituality.

At this moment, he knelt down on his hind feet, his forelegs rested on the ground, and saluted respectfully.

"Xiao Hei, when you were traveling, did you make friends with a witch?" Hou Tu asked.

Hearing this, Hei Niu's hair exploded all over his body, his face full of fear, and he kept kowtowing to apologize.

"So that the saints know, I...I..."

"You don't need to panic, this time calling you to come is to let you go out of the mountain, so that you can go to Chentangguan and settle the cause and effect of that child."

Seeing Hei Niu's nervous Liushen Wuzhu, he chuckled softly from the backstage to comfort him.

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