The sage's method has already calculated cause and effect, and this inquiry is just a passing scene.

"Then who should I turn to?"

Hearing that he couldn't punish himself, Hei Niu's heart was relieved, and he couldn't help asking in doubt.

"King Zhou!"

After Hou Tu finished speaking, he waved his hand and sent the black cow down the mountain.

At the same time, Huoyun Cave, a barren blood-red world.

"I felt something in my heart just now, but I vaguely saw a corner of the cause and effect. All the saints came, all because of Kong Xuan."

Suddenly, Fuxi put down the guqin on his knees and opened his mouth full of doubts.

"Kong Xuan is a disciple of the Martial Daoist, why did he attract the attention of the saints?" Huang Di frowned.

"The world has changed, and King Zhou's inheritance, whether or not it was done by the Holy Father, we also need to prepare as soon as possible." Emperor Yan said in a deep voice.

The saints suddenly descended, and all the great supernatural powers in the world did not know it.

Only by relying on the innate gossip, Fuxi can calculate a corner of cause and effect, but he does not know the key.

It is well known that Kong Xuan challenged the saints, but when the saints descended, they could not be detected there.

Chapter [-] Twelve Golden Immortals

The martial artist is Li Zhenwu. In the whole world, only sentient beings know about it, but there is nothing they can do about it.

After all, the conferring of gods is imminent. Once you start, you can't stop. You can only make a step back and leave the cause and effect to be solved later.

Ordinary people can't figure out what the saints think.

However, the human dynasty has set off a wave, and it has been mobilized completely.

In the Battle of Beihai, under the leadership of the Northern Expedition Grand Marshal Su Hu, it took only half a year to break through Juye City and capture Yuan Futong and other rebellious princes.

The good news flew back to Chaoge overnight, and the people of the court were cheering.

Even the people outside have been celebrating for a long time. In the hearts of ordinary people, as long as the war is over, they will be satisfied.

"Haha, Su Huzhen is this king's lieutenant, and Beihai suppressed the rebellion within half a year. Now the court's confidants are in serious trouble, and only the Xiqi family."

During the court meeting, King Zhou, wearing a Ming Huangdi robe, was not angry and proud, and announced the matter to the world.

Soon, the princes of Chengtang were shocked.

Countless princes who were just about to move were instantly quiet, and they maintained a skeptical attitude towards the idea that King Zhou had no way and Chengtang was in danger.

At this moment, the imperial court's momentum was the most powerful in history.

But it didn't take long for a news to come again, and the government and the public were shaken for a long time before they recovered.

"The Xiqi army blocked Chentang Pass, and Zhou Wenwang Ji Chang became more and more haggard because he thought about the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. After a few months, he fell seriously ill and finally passed away, leaving behind the regret of killing Zhou."

This news is so cool!One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and soon spread all over the world.

It was like a warning to the princes who wanted to attack Zhou, and no one dared to act immediately, and even some princes who were indifferent to the court, in order to make up for their position in the heart of the court, took the initiative to ask Ying and dispatched a large army to the king.

All of a sudden, the princes of all parties expressed their opinions that if there is money, someone will pay for it.

Soon, millions of King Qin's army, from the territories of the various princes in Chengtang, set off in a few days and rushed to Chentangguan to quell the Xiqi rebellion for the imperial court.

Many princes responded, holding high the banner of support for the imperial court, and came with great momentum.

King Zhou was not idle either, and immediately announced to the world that all feudal lords who made mistakes, as long as they returned to the court, would be forgiven.

Moreover, if the princes who dispatched a large army of Qin Wang, after making contributions on the battlefield, there is still a chance to replace Xiqi and become one of the four princes.

I have to say that at this moment, the balance of the world's general trend is gradually tilting in the direction of the imperial court.

Of course, Xiqi is not far behind.

"King Zhou has no way..."

After Jiang Ziya assisted Ji Fa to ascend to the throne, he immediately announced the Quartet, eloquently gave a long speech, and finally stated the key points.

If there are princes who help Zhou in the expedition of Zhou, after the completion of the event, they should be rewarded for meritorious deeds, appointed princes to pay respects to ministers, occupy land and become kings.

In the face of the millions of tigers and wolves in Xiqi, the nearby lords were in pain, and they soon 'voluntarily' surrendered to the past, assembled the army of the territory, and drove to Chentangguan, to fight to the death with the Wudao King Zhou.

Chentangguan!Imperial Army!

In a huge tent, Wen Zhong was sitting in the commanding seat, but his expression did not like joy. On the contrary, it contained a strong look of worry.

"Although the army has increased by [-] million, it also shows that there will be more people on the list."

In the tent, apart from Wen Zhong, Shen Gongbao was the only one.

He pondered for a while, and said slowly: "In the end, to eliminate the robbery, whoever is on the list is doomed by cause and effect. The task I'm waiting for is to pacify Xiqi."

Although the two were in the middle of the sect, Shen Gongbao had been instructed by Li Zhenwu, and naturally the court was the most important.

On the other hand, Wen Zhong was brave and loyal, and could be called a famous minister through the ages, and his heart was also inclined towards the court.

The people of the Shang Dynasty, after all, are still their hometown in their hearts, and no one wants to be destroyed.

"There are only three days left until the appointment of half a year. When that time comes, what will be the means for those who don't know the teaching?" Wen Zhong smiled, pointed to the huge sand table in front of him, and continued: "Chen Tangguan guarded for half a year, although The Xiqi army is attacking the city from time to time, but it is only a small harassment. If the opponent cannot break the formation after three days, naturally everyone will be very happy..."

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