"The sect is not monolithic. Although it is known as the Ten Thousand Immortals, it is only a few seniors who are truly united." Shen Gongbao smiled bitterly.

Some time ago, he also went to Intercept Teaching, but there were almost no second-generation disciples invited.

Obviously, although the Intercept Sect is known as the Myriad Immortals, and the quasi-sages are better, but under the catastrophe, they are not willing to walk in the muddy waters.


Chaoge, with a radius of thousands of miles and a city wall of thousands of feet, is magnificent and majestic, as if surrounded by mountains, majestic.

Shen Gongbao saw the martial arts hall at a glance, his figure flashed, and he dived straight down.

The bustling street is still full of people coming and going. The passers-by around pass through the martial arts hall, as if they can't see it, and no one pays attention to it.

"Holy Father is a good means, but being here all the time is not a solution." Shen Gongbao smiled bitterly to himself, and then stepped forward.

Stepping into the threshold, there was no previous courtyard, Shen Gongbao only felt that the space changed for a while, as if he had traveled through countless worlds, and then appeared in a vegetable garden.

The vegetable garden is vast, separated by fences, and under the fragrant soil, the brightly colored radishes come into view, which is quite dazzling.

"Hey, fellow Daoist Shen!"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Shen Gongbao was taken aback, looked at it intently, and couldn't help but look strange: "Daoist Yuan Hong?"

The person who spoke was Yuan Hong, who had not seen him for half a year. At this moment, he raised his sleeves, wore a hat, and arched his hoe. His face was full of dirt, and he looked so honest that Shen Gongbao almost didn't recognize him.

"It's the poor road, I don't know what the friend is here?" Yuan Hong asked with emotion when he saw the acquaintance and leaned his hoe beside the fence.

"Shen is really ashamed, the twelve immortals of Meishan..."

After being confirmed, Shen Gongbao quickly handed over his hands, his face full of bitterness, and he didn't know how to speak.

The Ten Great Arrays were broken, and the twelve immortals of Meishan, except for Yuan Hong in front of him, were all sent to the list by those who explained the teachings.

"Twelve brothers and I were originally destined to be on the list. Even if you didn't invite us to go down the mountain, there would still be other causes and effects in the end. You don't need to blame yourself." Yuan Hongyang sighed.

They are Meishan hermitages, and their blessings are shallow, which is no wonder.

If it wasn't for Shen Gongbao's guidance, he would not have been so lucky, but he was sad after all, after all, he was a partner who had been practicing together for countless years.

"Don't be sad, Daoist Yuan Yuan, what he does, he will definitely be on the list in the future."

Shen Gongbao comforted, and then said, "I don't know if the Holy Father is here?"

After entering the martial arts hall, according to the past practice, Li Zhenwu appeared long ago, but now, there are some abnormalities.

"Holy Father has something to do, but he told me that if someone comes, let him go back." Yuan Hong nodded and said.

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao was stunned for a moment, then frowned, puzzled.

"Forget it, what the Holy Father does must have its rationale, and I, Shen Gongbao, will do it." Shen Gongbao had no choice but to say goodbye to Yuan Hong.

When he left the martial arts hall, auspicious clouds appeared under his feet, and he flew back to Chentangguan without rushing.


Jinao Island, Biyou Palace.

The sect master of Tongtian sat on the huge cloud chuang at the top, with a worried expression on his face, and he did not have the arrogance of the past at all.

"Friend Zhenwu, since you're here, come in!"

Suddenly, Tongtian Sect Master looked at a void somewhere, and said with a wry smile on his face.

The void distorted, ripples appeared, and a cyan figure stepped out, and in one step came to the Tongtian sect master.

"Since fellow Daoists have already decided, why are you still hesitating?" Li Zhenwu asked.

The duration of the conferred gods may be greatly shortened because of his appearance. Before Chentang Pass, the Jinxian of the Cultists had already appeared, and they were waiting for the immortals to come down.

"After all, it's under my sect. Although I am a saint, I still can't bear it in my heart." The leader of Tongtian sighed.

Intercept sect is doomed to decline, he is a saint, how could he not find it, but he is unwilling in the bottom of his heart, so he has been procrastinating.

After all, although the sect is known as the Ten Thousand Immortals, there are many bad people under the sect. Over time, the qi in the sect will be damaged, which cannot be stopped at all.

At the beginning, I accepted apprentices, just for a moment.

Now, after countless years of interception, the original spirit has become a responsibility.

"Fellow Daoist is unwilling, no matter what decision you make, you can't change your fate, but my promise, Li Zhenwu, remains the same. If you get into Chaoge, you can save your life during the period of conferring gods."

Li Zhenwu stood with his hands behind his back, his long hair flying all over his head, still confident and strong.

Chapter [-] Intercept to teach Wanxian to go down the mountain!

Conferring gods and killing robbers is also a battle of saints!

The Master of Tongtian is in charge of the Four Swords of Execution of Immortals and the way of killing, but the Lingbao of suppressing the Great Sect is not as good as Chan Sect and Human Sect.

Moreover, although there are many disciples under his sect, the good and the bad are uneven, and the elite disciples are not bad.

The people below the cultivation base have shallow blessings, causing damage to the great sect's luck. Now they seem to be prosperous, but in fact they have reached the critical point of decline.

In fact, the so-called Intercepting Ten Thousand Immortals is divided into several factions because of the different races of the disciples under each sect.

"Forget it, who deserves to die, who doesn't deserve to die, under heaven, being a saint can't take care of all the disciples, fortunes and misfortunes, you can only look at their fortunes."

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