After a long silence, Tongtian Sect Master Yangtian sighed.

"Since fellow daoists think clearly, they should act as soon as possible, perhaps to preserve the inheritance of fire for the interception." Li Zhenwu said with a dagger.

Saints are not omnipotent, at least under the way of heaven, after all, they are just ants.

It's not surprising that Tongtian has such a state of mind, after all, what he faces is not only the teaching, but also the shameless sneak attack by the two Western saints.

You must know that the saint can calculate the future countless years with a single thought. When he accepts his disciples, he can already see the cause and effect. 750

It's just that Tongtian's heart was arrogant at the beginning, and he did not refuse anyone who came, so he left the current catastrophe.

"Tongtian understands that when the time comes, I hope fellow Taoists can help." Tongtian sect leader nodded, thinking of the future cares, his face filled with murderous anger.

"Haha, that's what I mean. Even if fellow Daoists don't tell me, Li Zhenwu will take action, so as to understand the cause and effect of countless years ago." Li Zhenwu laughed.

After the two discussed for a while, Li Zhenwu said goodbye and left, and went straight back to the martial arts hall, continuing to wait for the arrival of the destined person.

Biyou Palace became quiet again, Tongtian Sect Master thought for a moment, and finally waved his hand helplessly and called his disciples, but he kept his hand.

Immediately, thousands of fairy lights bloomed on Jinao Island, and each fairy light was surrounded by a fairy, which was very prosperous.

"Meet the teacher!"

Under the leadership of Daoist Duobao, all the immortals bowed their heads respectfully and politely.


In the misty cloud seat, Tongtian Sect Master regained his ruthlessness, and glanced at the people below.

There was a sudden pain in my heart.

After this time, I don't know how many disciples are left, even the eldest disciple Duobao Daoist, I am afraid it is inevitable.

The gathering of all immortals is grand and spectacular.

But it seems prosperous, but in fact, the disciples below are vaguely divided into three factions, many small groups, each standing together, and the other brothers and sisters are far apart.

"Hmph, no matter what you do, it is the kingly way to send Chan Jiao on the list."

As soon as he thought of this, Tongtian sect master put away his sympathy and forbearance, his eyes were indifferent, and he slowly said: "Now that the consecration is imminent, it is a great merit for me to intercept and teach three generations of disciple Wen Zhong and assist King Zhou."

"But the Jinxian of the teachings are gathered together, so you can prepare, so that you can go down the mountain to help you, don't fall for the prestige of my interception."

When the voice fell, everyone in Biyou Palace was full of surprise.

Daoist Duobao rolled his eyes and found that Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao were not among the disciples, and he was immediately concerned.

The rest of the crowd, more or less, saw the anomaly.

But since the teacher opened his mouth, they had to respond, and immediately said in unison: "Follow the teacher's decree."

"You should not be timid. Although there are many spiritual treasures, you will not let you die in vain for my Tongtian sect." Tongtian sect leader said lightly.

The words fell, and with a wave of his wide sleeve robe, endless spiritual light bloomed and flew straight to Daoist Duobao.

After the spiritual light was restrained, everyone looked at it intently, and suddenly turned pale with shock.

Six Soul Pan!

This is the most important secret treasure of Master Tongtian. It can be called a magic weapon necessary for killing people, and it has unpredictable power.

"Duobao led the younger brothers and sisters down the mountain, don't be careless, just send all the children who teach that to me on the list."

This sentence, Tongtian sect master almost said it through gritted teeth.

It is conceivable that for Yuanshi Tianzun and others, the hatred in his heart is like a surging river, endless.

"Thank you teacher!"

Daoist Duobao bowed to the ground, respectfully put away the six soul pans, and then led the crowd to turn and leave the Biyou Palace.

The next moment, Biyou Palace flew out countless brilliance, intercepted and taught Wanxian to control the immortal brilliance, and flew out from all over Jinao Island.

"After this time, we must teach the children to look good." Tongtian sect master's eyes are cold, and now, he can't advance or retreat, and he can only give it a shot.

Intercepting the sect has strong luck, but it can't stand the coveting of the saints, intentionally or not, causing the disciples to have their own intentions, which is absolutely unbearable.

Moreover, now there is the help of the original prehistoric aliens, which are aliens that cannot be wiped out by heaven.

For the Tongtian Cult Master, even if Li Zhenwu was fulfilled, he didn't want to make those sentient beings look good. After all, this was the grievance accumulated over the years.

Chaoge, Budokan.

Li Zhenwu sat under the fence, suddenly opened his eyes, looked towards Jinao Island, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"The honest people are getting anxious, but we have to see how those hypocritical people end up."

In the original Fengshen, hypocritical people can live for a long time. What kind of loyalty and friendship, as long as they can turn their face ruthlessly, it is better than being on the list.

Chengtang was in decline. Wen Zhong, as a master of Taoism, would rather live and die with Chengtang instead of helping the increasingly powerful Western Zhou Dynasty. This is loyalty.

Most of the high-ranking teachers, like Yuan Hong, were invited by Shen Gongbao. Although they died without regret, this was friendship.

On the contrary, both Western and interpretative teachings seem to have nothing to do with cause and effect, but they are hypocritical to the extreme, and the saints are ruthless and vividly expressed.

Li Zhenwu came from later generations, and he had a unique view on conferred gods in his heart, so he was naturally not deceived by his appearance.


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