Where the blue light passed, the wind and thunder surged, the space was broken, the earth, wind, fire and water reappeared, and the power was terrifying to the extreme.

The sage is a treasure, and it must be quasi-sage unbreakable. This is still in the case of Guangchengzi's lack of strength.

If the quasi-sage makes a move, Wei Neng will need to upgrade a few grades again.

Chapter [-] The sage is invincible!

Guangchengzi went mad and used the treasure of saints to end the cause and effect of today.

The power of that Pangu Pan was really terrifying, and before it descended, it made Jijiao Wanxian tremble all over, as if facing Tianwei, unable to resist.

Under such terrifying energy fluctuations, only the Golden Immortal or above can remain sane.

"As expected of a sage, it is invincible under a prospective leader!" Shen Gongbao's expression was solemn, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he tightly grasped the three thousand leopard tail needles in his palm, ready to give it a shot at any time.

You must know that Pangu Pan is a treasure that opens the sky, and it is formed by the Pangu axe. Although it is only one-third dyed, it is difficult for the sage to crack it.

Not to mention the interception of teaching Wanxian, it seems that the momentum is huge, but in fact, except for Jinxian, the rest are all real immortals.

At this moment, facing the dazzling azure light from Pangu Pan, everyone felt that death was coming.

They had no doubt that if they were hit, let alone the immortals, even Chentangguan behind them would be razed to the ground in an instant.

"Chanjiao is ignorant, ignoring the lives of mortals, and it is very shameless." Daoist Duobao shouted, took a step forward, and his 560 body was full of infinite golden light, and he was full of momentum, climbing to the extreme.

"Although we are in the form of immortals, mortals are also living beings. If we give up our lives today, we must keep everyone safe." Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said slowly.

The next moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone, she held her hands lightly, and the Four Elephants Pagoda flew out.


Three figures flew out from the tower, in a state of embarrassment, just before the blue light.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was betting that she exchanged the three great masters of Chanjiao in exchange for Guangchengzi to withdraw. Obviously, she did the right thing.

The three of Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun had just been released, and before they could see the surroundings clearly, they saw a azure light coming towards them, which immediately scared them away.

After all, he was a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, and he was very familiar with Pangu Pan's attacks.

"Brother, stop now..."

Daoist Cihang instinctively transmitted his voice, and then the three of them retreated violently.

But no matter how fast the speed was, the azure light that could dodge Pangu Pan was caught up in the blink of an eye, and the next moment was about to hit them.


A loud shout sounded, but it was Guangchengzi who controlled Pangu Pan, who abruptly took back the blue light.

However, the treasure of saints is not something that Daluo Jinxian can control freely.

Not to mention the forced reversal, Guangchengzi immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and the front of his clothes was dyed red, so miserable.

But he grinned, as if he was victorious, arrogant and arrogant: "Intercept the teaching child, let your magic power be so high, how can I explain the teaching without means, and now let you surrender, today I will be merciful and not care about you, Do it again tomorrow!"

After he finished speaking, he waved the three of Ci Hang and went straight back to the Naxiqi Barracks.

After all, it is a treasure of saints, and it is impossible to use it indefinitely.

This time, the reversal of Lingbao's operation has long been seriously injured.

"Humph! How about being free from war today, and the cause and effect of his daily teaching will be returned together."

Intercepting and teaching Wanxian, all faces are ugly.

At this moment, they felt that the hardship of Wen Zhong's insistence on Chentangguan was not because he was weak, but because the other party's baby was too strong.

"I'll go back first, and I'll make calculations in the future!"

Daoist Duobao looked indifferent, gave an order, and turned to leave.

When everyone saw this, they didn't dare to be impulsive, so they could only follow back to Chentangguan and wait for the battle to come.

Chentangguan, the Li family residence.


Wen Zhong slapped the table fiercely, hatred surging in his heart.

Originally, the winning ticket was in hand, but in the magic weapon, it was a bit short of it, which is really regrettable.

"You don't need to worry, there are saints who are treasured in the Chan Cult, so how could I have no means to intercept the Cult, I just rushed to the battle today and I'm not prepared." The Lady of the Golden Spirit comforted softly.

As soon as she exited, the generals of the imperial court were moved.

Intercept has always shocked the world with his formations. Looking at today's fighting techniques, he did not use formations.

"That's right, don't you need to be afraid of that teaching child, if I wait for a big formation, let alone Guangchengzi, even if the saint arrives, it will take a lot of effort." Daoist Duobao said lightly.

"Master, what about the battle tomorrow?" Wen Zhong asked.

Not only him, but everyone's eyes lit up, wanting to know, what means to intercept the teaching Wanxian against the enemy.

However, in the next sentence, everyone in the court was shocked.

"Exit Chentangguan!" Daoist Duobao said with a light smile.


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