When the voice fell, not to mention everyone was shocked, even the golden immortals such as the Virgin of the Golden Spirit were full of disbelief.

"Don't guess, Chentang Pass is the ancient gate, but the terrain behind it is narrow, so it is very inconvenient to arrange the formation."

Daoist Duobao pointed to the sand table in the center of the lobby, and said leisurely: "Exit Chentang Pass, it is a plain all the way to Qinglong Pass, where the terrain is flat, and it is just suitable for arranging formations!"

Of course it fits!

It's also very suitable for the Xiqi army to swept all the way. At that time, the feudal territories on the way will probably be anti-business.

After all, in the face of the Xiqi Tiger and Wolf Master, who is close by, no one is stupid, no matter whether it is intentional or not, it is a helpless move.

"But if Qinglongguan is broken, Chaoge will be in danger!" Wen Zhong sighed, but he still didn't dare to decide.

Qinglongguan is a thousand miles away from Chaoge, which is equivalent to taking a gamble with the foundation of soup!

"Yes, and our rash retreat will also attract Xiqi's attention. At that time, they will definitely stop it with all their strength." Shen Gongbao said with his hands.

"Then fight a few battles first, then pretend to lose, and then the whole army will retreat."

Daoist Duobao said with a light smile, saying that everything is possible, it is all calculated.

Obviously, before going down the mountain, he deduced it many times, and this time it was time to verify the secret.

Everyone was silent, Shen Gongbao and Wen Zhong looked at each other, and they could see each other's worries.

Daoist Duobao decided, and they did not dare to object. After the discussion, Shen Gongbao told Wen Zhong a few words and quietly left Chentangguan.

"Although the sage's treasure is terrible, it is not invincible in the hands of Guangchengzi. I am afraid that Master Duobao has other concerns!"

Shen Gongbao secretly said in his heart, the light under his feet flickered, and he galloped all the way towards Luofu Mountain.

For today's plan, only by asking those brothers and sisters can we ensure that Qinglongguan will not fall.

Chapter [-] Zhao Gongming goes down the mountain!

Luofu Mountain is majestic and majestic. It is ten thousand feet high. The mountain is full of green jade and lush ancient trees. The canopy covers the sky and the sun.

If he hadn't learned that there was someone he was looking for, Shen Gongbao would have suspected that he had gone to the wrong place.

"Master Gongming has been cultivating here all the time, but he is very quiet."

Shen Gongbao lowered the auspicious clouds, climbed up the steps from the foot of the mountain, and an invisible staircase appeared, winding and extending to the halfway up the mountain, hidden in the clouds and mist, with a graceful style.

Do not cast mana, but to show respect.

You must know that in the interception, Zhao Gongming's identity is very high and scary, similar to that of Guang Chengzi in explaining the teaching.

However, the seniority of the interceptor is very confusing, and there are many people, so the disciples under the sect are all close to themselves.

For example, Daoist Duobao is the senior brother headed by Wu Yunxian and others. Most of those disciples are demonic beasts and gods, and they seem to be close together.

But other loose cultivators and the like are respectfully called Zhao Gongming, but he doesn't like management, and his temperament is leisurely, but he doesn't pay much attention to the affairs of the church.

Over time, Daoist Duobao became the senior brother of most of his disciples.

Walking to the halfway up the mountain, the surrounding scenery gradually changed, and the powerful coercion was overwhelming from all directions.

Shen Gongbao's face changed, and he hurriedly cupped his hands and shouted, "Master, it's me!"

Without a deep understanding, he knew that this was the Dinghai Divine Pearl, the twenty-four heavens formed a formation, calling himself a world, and it was very terrifying.

"Huh? Junior Brother Jiang Biefeng's son?"

As Shen Gongbao's voice fell, a surprise came from the void.

The next moment, the space gradually stabilized, and a Taoist sat on the back of the black tiger and came down from the mountain leisurely.

"You really came, I thought it would take a while!" Zhao Gongming smiled, very kind.

After all, Shen Gongbao's parents were taken away by Tongtian Sect Master, and he was given the position of steward of Jin'ao Island, from which he assisted Zhao Gongming in managing the affairs of the church.

"Shen Gongbao has seen Master Uncle!"

Seeing the person coming, Shen Gongbao hurriedly bowed his hands.

"Well, it seems that the battle situation is unfavorable. Anyway, I will go down the mountain with you this time to understand the cause and effect."

While speaking, Zhao Gongming waved his hand, and a spirit treasure filled with aura flew over.

But it is a drum of spiritual treasures, and before it is used, you can feel the power of it, obviously it is a congenital spiritual treasure.

It is the great treasure of interception, the fishing drum, which is one of the innate spiritual treasures of Hongjun Fenbaoyan, which has the effect of absorbing the soul.

"This is?" Shen Gongbao looked at the Lingbao floating in front of him, his eyes were straight, and he didn't dare to reach out to pick it up.

"Senior Nephew Shen, you are blessed with a lot of luck. Junior Brother Biefeng and Junior Sister Shen are afraid that you will suffer bad luck as a god, so I specially handed it over to you Lingbao, so that you can use it for self-defense." Zhao Gongming sighed.

You must know that the saints are jealous when they see the innate spiritual treasure, and they don't know why Tongtian sect master gave it to Jiang Biefeng and his wife.

However, Zhao Gongming is not greedy, after all, he is carrying twenty-four Sea Ding Divine Pearls, and his own Taoism is also unfathomable.


Shen Gongbao took the fishing drum, turned and knelt in the direction of Jinao Island, his eyes were full of tears, and he was already crying.

Since leaving his parents, he has traveled the great wilderness, although he has met countless talented people.

He has also entered the school of interpretation, but those so-called colleagues in the door regard him as a different kind, and have always been indifferent to each other.

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