"Have a frenzy!"

Zhao Gongming's face was ashen, and he immediately cast the Dinghai Divine Pearl, and the infinite lunar real water sprayed out from the space.

chi chi...

Water and fire collided, and violent energy fluctuations erupted.

In the end, the real fire was extinguished, Wu Yunxian was scorched black, and was beaten and turned into a golden squid.

When everyone saw this, the soles of their feet were cold.


With one look, he took the famous Jinxian to teach him as a prototype, beyond everyone's imagination.

If the formation is arranged, they are not afraid, but now, they have to choose to compromise.

"One more word from this seat, you wait to retreat immediately, the mortal soldiers in Chentang Pass, give one day, otherwise, the city will be destroyed!" Lu Ya said with a faint smile.

When he said this, he was still indifferent, as if he didn't care at all.

"I'll just leave after waiting. Before Qinglong Pass, Fengshen will make a conclusion." Daoist Duobao shook his head, turned around and landed.

Immediately, countless immortal lights flew up and followed Daoist Duobao towards Qinglong Pass.

And the army in the city is orderly and retreating.

In less than half a day, millions of soldiers and soldiers left with humiliation.

"Alas! Cause and effect lost to the saint's calculations, but it's all good to teach children."

Wen Zhong walked at the end, his face full of unwillingness, looking at this majestic Guancheng, a trace of regret appeared in his eyes.

After everyone left, Shen Gongbao was the only one on the city wall, who did not leave.

Because Zhao Gongming didn't leave, the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads suspended beside him trembled sharply, and a rather terrifying fluctuation erupted.

"It seems that you don't give up yet, or it's okay, so as not to spend a lot of money in the future, I'll send you to the list now."

Lu Yadaojun carried his hands on his back, and the smile on his face gradually cooled down.

Chapter [-] Slaying the Immortal Flying Knife!

In the sky above Chentangguan, a phantom of a golden crow levitated in the sky, shining like a sun star, exuding a fiery temperature, baked to the point of tingling the spirits of the gods.

The earth soon cracked, the grass and trees withered, and the surrounding rivers were steamed dry, like the end of the day, desolate.

But the strange thing is that this terrifying fluctuation has no effect on mortals.

The more profound the cultivation base, the more terrifying coercion he feels.

"Using power to oppress people, this is the reason for the huge gap between Taoism and practice." The cold sweat on Shen Gongbao's forehead was steamed dry, and his robes were rolled up in countless wrinkles, obviously supporting him with all his strength.

What a terrifying existence is the quasi-sect leader's peak Taoism.

At the beginning, Daojun Lu Ya was able to traverse the Great Wilderness World before he entered Shimen.

Now that he has entered bliss, he has beheaded three corpses, and has the strength behind the third generation. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first of the three religions.

Zhao Gongming was expressionless, standing in the void, his Taoist robes fluttered, and the hunting sounded.


Twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads were intertwined and swirled around him, and the splendid rays of light outlined an illusory world, covering all directions up and down, and isolating the fiery temperature.

He is a hermitage in Luofu Mountain, not to mention the mundane world.

Even the interdiction affairs, unless there is a major matter that affects the spiritual luck of the church, the rest of the chores should be handed over to the younger brothers and sisters to deal with.

However, his indifferent nature does not mean that he can endure bullying.

What's more, going out this time is the main purpose of Tongtian Sect, and naturally he values ​​it very much.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ya would appear on the way. In the end, in order to intercept the safety of Wanxian, he had no choice but to release Guangchengzi and others.

If Zhao Gongming refuses to accept it, then naturally he will not stop there!

"Daojun Lu Ya, you came here, but you got the will of Uncle Zhunti?" He looked at Dao Jun Lu Ya, who was invincible in front of him, and asked lightly.

Lu Ya shook his head with a chuckle, and said, "Is it the will of the ancestors, why is it important?"

"That's right, there are ants under the saints, and under the gods, who can say clearly, you entered the world inexplicably, aren't you afraid of karma and calamity?"

"I am the Tathagata, and I am also for Lu Ya. Naturally, someone will die for me when I was born this time." Lu Ya smiled lightly.

From beginning to end, he was extraordinary, and his eyes did not waver at all.

"Who?" Zhao Gongming's expression was slightly condensed, and he felt that the other party's eyes were really strange.


The voice fell, and everyone present took a deep breath.

How crazy is this?

Will intercept the teaching master, turn a blind eye, even, as if facing the ants.

"Let's start, don't delay the time!" Lu Ya brushed off his Taoist robe and said softly.

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