
The next moment, Zhao Gongming took the lead, and twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls, like stars, surrounded him.

The light blooms, splendid like a dream, intertwined in the air, forming an illusory world.


A dull loud noise erupted, and countless ripples were stirred in the space.

That illusory world, clear and foggy, slowly pressed Daojun towards the landing, shrouded down.

Innate Lingbao!

Even Guangchengzi, who owns the treasure of a saint, can be taken in instantly if he cares about it.

The terrifying power came, but it was useless to Lu Ya. He was motionless, like an eternal rock, standing in the void, his Taoist robes rattling.

"There are too many differences in Taoism, even if the saint is treasured, he can't help me."

Lu Ya smiled lightly, then stretched out his hands, and the void clenched tightly, and the illusory world was frozen in front of him, unable to move at all.

The next moment, a powerful force, like a chaotic ocean, violently pushed out twenty-four Sea Ding Divine Pearls under the horrified eyes of everyone.


The powerful impact bounced back, Zhao Gongming spurted blood from his mouth, flew backwards like lightning, and slammed into the primitive mountain range in the distance.

There was a loud noise, the dust rose to the sky, and the huge boulders the size of the house collapsed and flew around. The scene was terrifying.

"Hi!" Shen Gongbao's eyes sank, and he felt his blood coagulate.

Daluo Jinxian's peak, in Lu Ya's hands, can't even resist a single move, what a despair.

"Haha, fellow Daoist Lu Ya, you deserve to be the number one Buddha in Lingshan. Uncle Zhunti's vision is really amazing!"

The rest of the Jinxians from the chanting sects sneered slightly, their mouths slightly upturned.

After everyone retreated, Zhao Gongming still stayed, obviously stupid to the extreme, and filled a position on the list for nothing.

However, only Shen Gongbao understands that that is the so-called morality.

"Master Bo's heart is like duckweed, and he is not strict with the details, but in the teachings of his disciples, he is clear about his heart and sees his nature.

It is not stupid to do it knowingly that it cannot be done, but to intercept the righteousness of the teaching.

Although there is no regret in death, this is Zhao Gongming!

"Not good!" Suddenly, Shen Gongbao raised his head sharply, his eyes filled with panic.


I saw that Daojun Lu Ya did not take advantage of the momentum to pursue, but leisurely untied the gourd from his waist.

The gourd was a spiritual root, and there was nothing surprising, but after Lu Ya knelt down and bowed, a strange white light flew out immediately.

"Please turn around baby!"

The voice fell.

The spirit root gourd suddenly turned its direction, and the mouth of the gourd pointed in the direction of Zhao Gongming, emitting a white light.

The white light solidified and turned into a three-foot blade, with eyebrows and eyes, and the magic of the end.

Lu Ya looked at the three-footed blade, his face was soft, and his eyes were filled with grief, those were the eyes of his relatives.


4.8 The next moment, the three-footed blade flew out, turned in the direction of Zhao Gongming, and flew into the gourd immediately.

Everyone present was full of doubts. It was the first time they had seen such a strange scene.

Daojun Lu Ya has a gourd root in his body, which is well known to everyone.

However, the effect of this gourd has never been used before, so everyone present, including Shen Gongbao, was full of doubts in their hearts.

The field fell silent, silent.

After a while, Shen Gongbao's head buzzed, feeling that his soul was blank, his neck was stiff, and he turned his head to look at the mountains in the distance.

The dust settled there, the collapsed mountains, the truncated towering ancient trees, and a mess.

In the center of a pile of rubble, a headless corpse was particularly dazzling.

Zhao Gongming's body is separated!

Chapter [-] Fishing drums to calm the soul!

This scene is quite strange, and it makes people sweat.

How did you die?

The faces of Jin Xian of the Chan Sect were pale, and they couldn't believe it. It was too terrifying that the body of the enemy could be separated just by sacrificing the gourd.

Everyone looked at Lu Ya with inexplicable awe.

That is Daluo Jinxian, or a peak powerhouse.

But in front of Lu Ya, can't you even resist?

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