In fact, he also knew that the leopard tail acupuncture magic weapon was useless to Guangchengzi and others.

Sure enough, in just an instant, at the end of the sky, a phantom of the Golden Crow appeared, accompanied by the whistling of wind and thunder, 533, and caught up in an instant.

"In front of me, Lu Ya, can you escape?" Lu Ya's body was burning with real fire, splendid like the sun, and appeared behind Shen Gongbao.

The next moment, he will take action and completely suppress the person in front of him.


Shen Gongbao didn't turn his head, and answered succinctly, the speed skyrocketed again, and he didn't bother to look back at all.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ya frowned, and there was a hint of shock in his heart.

dong dong dong...

However, before he had time to react, he heard the sound of a fishing drum, as if a thunderstorm exploded, leaving his brain blank.

"Knock me!"

In front, Shen Gongbao shouted loudly, shaking the fishing drum in his hand to the sky.

At this moment, he does not seek to kill the enemy, but only seeks to stop the opponent's pursuit.

After all, the fishing drum is an innate spiritual treasure, and it is also the top treasure in the interception teaching, and it is also a holy man's magic weapon.

" must die!"

But the sound of the drum dissipated, and Lu Ya recovered in an instant. He couldn't help but feel annoyed and dashed towards him.

dong dong dong...

The fishing drum sounded again, shocking the soul, making him involuntarily stand still in the air in an instant.

But when the drum sound died, the action resumed again.

Chapter [-] Holy Father Help!

Above the clouds, Shen Gongbao fled in front, and Lu pressure pursued behind him.

The two fled and chased, and before they knew it, they were already hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The speed of Lu Ya was so fast that the Golden Crow fluttered its wings and traveled more than [-] miles.

However, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't catch up with Shen Gongbao, and he was always a hundred miles away.


The fishing drum rang again, and Lu Ya's extremely fast figure was stagnant in the void and recovered in an instant.

"Damn, I will kill you today." He roared in the sky, feeling extremely aggrieved in his heart.

Shen Gongbao's cultivation base is only in the late stage of Jinxian, and no matter how fast he is, it can't be like this.

But the fishing drum, whenever it was struck, the sound of the drum shocked the soul, leaving the brain blank, and even the mana could not work.

Although it only had a momentary effect, it was enough for Shen Gongbao to escape.

"Accompany you to the end."

Shen Gongbao was expressionless, replied coldly, and sounded the fishing drum as usual.

Repeating this several times almost drove Lu Ya crazy.

But as time passed, the distance between the drums was gradually lengthened.

Several times, Lu Ya almost shot, and in times of crisis, Shen Gongbao will ring.

"You lack mana, what if the saint's magic weapon is in hand, you still can't escape!"

Lu Ye sneered, already vaguely understanding, his eyes showed a smile.

Yes, the holy man's magic weapon, although it is very powerful, the mana that needs to be consumed is not infinitely used by the Golden Immortal cultivation base.

Obviously, Shen Gongbao was exhausted.

Facing the pressure of Lu Ya, he didn't even have the strength to refute, and he was sweating profusely, reaching the limit.

However, the only thing worth gratifying, Chaoge City, has come into view.

"Haha, do you think that if you escape to Chaoge, this seat will not dare to kill you?"

Sensing Shen Gongbao's expression, Lu Yayang laughed loudly, and his speed increased sharply. The phantom of the Golden Crow, like a world, slowly shrouded down.

this is too scary!

The virtual shadow of the Golden Crow, the body of the previous life, fell at this moment, and the powerful coercion made Shen Gongbao seem to be stuck in a quagmire.

"Don't delay the time, quickly put me on the list!"

Behind him, Lu Ya's expression was stern, and his eyes filled with endless killing intent.

If at the beginning, he just didn't want to let the ants escape, then at this moment, Shen Gongbao has been included in the list of must-kill.

The feeling of suffocation on the road, repeatedly about to kill, was destroyed by the fishing drum, which made Lu Ya fall into a frenzy.


With a flash of light, Shen Gongbao flew over Chaoge, and he no longer had the slightest strength.

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