Immediately afterwards, Lu Ya chased after him, and shot in a rage, wrapping the palm of Zhenhuo, and slapped it out.


Infinite flames, like a vast ocean, swept the past turbulently.

"Holy Father help!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Gongbao's face turned pale, and with the last of his strength, he shouted towards the void.

Holy Father?

Hearing this, Lu Ya was stunned for a moment, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, but he didn't stop at all.

Seeing Shen Gongbao, he was about to be overwhelmed by the real fire.

Jin Xian faced the real fire of the sun, but Lu Ya shot in anger. As long as he touched it, it would be difficult for the saint to rescue him.

There was a smile on Lu Ya's face at this moment, thinking that he was finally dead.

But the next moment, the smile on his face instantly solidified, and the whole person was petrified in place.


The real fire was expansive, scrolling strangely, bypassing Shen Gongbao, and rushing to the end of the sky.

"This is……"

Lu Yu took a deep breath, his heart breaking with horror.

what happened?

He shouted wildly in his heart, but found that this space was frozen, and even time stopped.


Countless thoughts came up from the bottom of my heart, but they were all denied one by one.

Except for the Tongtian sect master, the other saints will definitely not be like this. I wish Shen Gongbao died.

However, if it wasn't Tongtian Sect Master, and that saint, would he be so bored that he would try to save him?

Thinking of this, Lu Ya suddenly woke up with a shudder all over his body.

Yes, the ancient memories buried deep in his soul reminded him of a person, an alien that made all the saints dread.

It was an existence that even the Dao of Heaven could not erase.

"Let's go, this time, someone will find you to settle it later."

At this moment, an indifferent voice came out from the void, as if from the ancient times, which shocked people.

As the voice fell, the surrounding space returned to normal again.

Lu Ya's eyes swept across suddenly, and found that Shen Gongbao had disappeared without knowing when.

In the end, his eyes fell on a building below, which was a martial arts hall. From the appearance, it was very ordinary.

But Lu Ya knew that in his consciousness, he couldn't find it.

He is the pinnacle of the would-be sect master. In this world, there are very few places in the world that cannot be discovered by his divine sense.

But now, there is one more in Chaoge City.

In the end, Lu Ya's face was so gloomy that he turned to leave. Although he was aggrieved, he didn't dare to say anything.

"The patriarch asked me to help Zhou destroy the business, I am afraid it is because of him."

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Ya felt a little more scruples in his mind about the battle of conferring gods in the future.


Budokan, a vast vegetable garden.

Shen Gongbao knelt on his knees, and respectfully kowtowed to the youth in the green shirt in front of him.

"Thank you Holy Father for your rescue."

While speaking, he waved his hand and released Zhao Gongming's corpse from the mustard seeds.

Beside the fence, Yuan Hongyi looked at the hoe curiously.

When he saw Zhao Gongming's corpse separated, he exclaimed, his inner shock could hardly be concealed.

"Is this Zhao Gongming, a hermit in Luofu Mountain?"

"It's the master!"

Shen Gongbao nodded, his eyes filled with grief, and whispered: "Holy Father is above, I hope to save the life of Master Gongming!"

In the front, Li Zhen was wearing a green shirt, sitting on a low stool in a relaxed manner.

His eyes were clear and bright, and his expression was indifferent. He didn't look at Zhao Gongming's corpse, but at Shen Gongbao.

"Zhao Gongming has this disaster!"

The voice is very light, containing ruthlessness, cold and indifferent.

Shen Gongbao naturally didn't believe it, and hurriedly kowtowed, hitting the ground with a thud.

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