A burst of drink, shaking the world.

Kong Xuan grabbed the Golden Crow of [-] feet with both hands, and swung it up suddenly. With a bang, the figure of the Golden Crow, which covered the sky, was forcibly thrown out, broke through the sky, and flew directly out of the sky.

Immediately after that, he didn't stop at the slightest, followed by a pair of fists, bursting with brilliant divine light, and banging out.

This violent scene made all the golden immortals below them completely petrified.


It was too fast, Kong Xuan surpassed the speed, and the five-colored giant turned into a splendid light, and attacked the Golden Crow body of Lupin.

Every punch fell, accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise.

The void collapsed, the aftermath rippled out, and everything was annihilated. It was really terrible.


Lu Ya roared, feeling his body was seriously injured, and immediately slapped the gourd around his waist and slammed out the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife.

The gourd twirled, spraying out a thin white glow, and instantly condensing a flying knife, with eyes and eyebrows, very strange.

"Please turn around baby!"

The voice fell, the flying knife of Zhanxian turned suddenly, the flying knife raised his eyebrows, and those indifferent eyes stared directly at the violent Kong Xuan.

For a moment, Kong Xuan's back felt cold, as if he was being stared at by an ancient demon emperor, making his soul sluggish.

"I'm not afraid of people who are dead, not to mention that I have been dead for many years, and a true spirit wants to shock me. It's ridiculous." Kong Xuan shouted, and his arrogance skyrocketed.

At this moment, he closed his eyes and judged Lu Ya's position only by the Qi machine around him.


The divine light is splendid, as if a long rainbow is crossing, the speed is extremely fast, and it is bombarded with one punch.

"Dragon Fist!"

Accompanied by the sound of the voice, a golden dragon manifested in the world, hovering behind Kong Xuan, showing his teeth and claws, the scales were dense and lifelike.

Long Yin shook, broke through Jiuxiao, and rushed out in an instant.

In the field, violent and boundless energy fluctuations erupted, powerful and unparalleled, with surging power.


Wherever Kong Xuan's Golden Fist passed, all things were annihilated, and the blocking Immortal Slaying Flying Knife flew upside down just by touching it.


The golden dragon was lifelike, swinging its long body, and flew out from Kong Xuan's fist.

This picture is dazzling and dazzling, as dreamy as fireworks.

Chapter [-] Lu Ya is defeated!


There, the golden rays of light filled the air, like a surging tide, drowning all the rays of light.

The golden immortals of the two sects all widened their eyes, not wanting to let go of the slightest details.

The sun was really hot, and in front of the golden dragon, it collapsed in an instant and rolled back, the scene was terrifying.

The sound of the explosion was continuous and vague, and a roar could be heard.

"Kong Xuan Xiaoer, you kill me and go, and I promise not to break up with you!" Lu Ya roared, struggling to resist in the golden glow.

But it was still useless. The body of the Golden Crow was penetrated by the golden dragon, and the golden blood was spilled, and the blood stained the sky.

The blood of the Golden Crow burns all things, like a pouring rain, densely packed, falling from the sky at an extreme speed.

There was blood on the ground, a raging fire was ignited, and the mountains and rivers were burned, which could not be extinguished at all.

"Everyone, resist quickly, or the human world will suffer."

Seeing this scene, Shen Gongbao's face changed drastically, and he immediately roared and flew out first.


The innate Lingbao fishing drum was sacrificed, and the drum sound rippling, turned into a sky, and enveloped the Qinglongguan.

In the interception, Jinxian made a move, and all the magic weapons and magical powers were displayed.

Of course, fortunately, it was only the blood of the Golden Crow. If it was the real body of the Golden Crow, they would be hard to resist.

Even the Xiqi army, Guangchengzi, will sacrifice the magic weapon of the saint, prop up a blue light, and cover everyone.

However, the Golden Crow was penetrated through the body, and the blood was too much, and it was continuously spilled.

Thousands of miles around, under the burning flames, the vegetation was scorched, and the river was evaporated, like a doomsday scene.

"Ah...I'm going to kill you!"

Daojun Lu Ya, with his hair disheveled and looking like a madman, was obsessed with beheading the fairy gourd and rushed straight to Kong Xuan.

At this time, Kong Xuan's vitality was greatly damaged, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his physical condition was very poor.

"Teacher's supernatural powers are really powerful, but I still can't control them freely." He clutched his internal organs and felt that his body was being emptied. The situation was very bad.

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