You must know that the Dragon Fist is the strongest attack method. When it is displayed, it can instantly increase the attack power tenfold.

However, the requirements for one's own body are absolutely against the sky.

It is unbearable for the quasi-sect leader to practice and practice the Tao. This is a magical power that can hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred.

In order to behead Jinwu, Kong Xuan also worked hard.

At this moment, facing Lu Ya's crazy counterattack, he was not afraid. After all, he was beheaded, and the other party's state was not much better.

It can be said that the two of them are only half a catty now.

"Hmph! Then I'll kill you again, so that you can be listed as soon as possible, don't delay the time." Kong Xuan's attitude was strong, instead of retreating, he advanced, and a splendid five-color divine light bloomed in his body.


The battle between the two was earth-shattering and shattered the sky.

If it is on the ground, I am afraid that the earth will sink, like a Lich War, the scene is amazing.

"Kong Xuan child, you are very aggressive, but you don't have the slightest kindness of cultivating Taoism. I have always been benevolent and righteous in teaching, but I don't like your actions."

Below, Guangchengzi soared into the sky, carrying the treasure of the saint, obviously to help Lu Ya.

He holds the Taiji map in one hand, the Pangu Pan in the other, and the seal of the sky above his head.

"Daoist has passed."

Qinglong closed, Bai Ze frowned, auspicious clouds rose under his feet, and the falling phoenix fork in his hand swiped toward the void.

clap la la...

A galaxy evolved out of thin air, blocking Guangchengzi's way, and the stars moving in the sky contained a peerless murderous intention.

Guangchengzi's face changed slightly, he turned to look coldly, and he couldn't help but get angry.

"A mere monster, dare to show off in front of this seat?"

Luofengbi is a congenital spiritual treasure, and its power need not be mentioned, but Bai Ze's Taoism is similar to that of Guangchengzi. If it is attacked by the holy treasure, then Xinghe will not be able to stop it for long.

The next moment, Guangchengzi carried the treasure of the saint, took one step, and entered the galaxy.


Fan Tianyin turned into a huge star, and the endless stars roared, bursting with powerful power.

"So brave, let's see how I break your small formation!"

Guang Chengzi's body was shaken violently, and he was smashed by the power of the infinite stars, and his heart was full of anger.


The Tai Chi map shines, and thousands of golden bridges extend from the map, rushing towards the stars in the sky...

In an instant, the golden light was brilliant, and the stars were eclipsed.


Guangchengzi spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, pushing the Taiji map to its limit, the blazing light bloomed, and the stars in the sky were gradually fixed in the void.

But at the same time, he also suffered a powerful backlash.

After all, no matter how many golden bridges are displayed at one time, Rao is the strength of Daluo Jinxian in the later stage, and it is difficult to maintain it for a long time.

Just when Guangchengzi was about to cast Pangu Pan and break the galaxy with one blow.

Suddenly, Lu Ya's unwilling roar came from the sky.

"Kong Xuan Xiaoer, the cause and effect will be settled with everyone in your family in the future."

After he finished speaking, a beam of Buddha's light shot from the Western Lingshan Mountain, and the infinite Buddha's light enveloped Lu Ya and rolled back in an instant.

Pick up the divine tower, pick up the Buddha's light!

Lu Ya is the Great Sun Tathagata, and he is also the Daojun Lu Ya, so he can naturally call and lead the divine tower to save him back to the Western Spirit Mountain.

In fact, it was the voice transmission of the sage Zhunti and asked him to return to the west immediately, which is why he was so unwilling.

As soon as Lu Ya fled, Jin Xian of the Chan Sect members turned pale in shock.

"What?" Guang Chengzi gritted his teeth, knowing that his side was over, then he shook the Pangu Pan, pierced through the galaxy, and fled in an instant.

The next moment, the Xiqi army suddenly retreated, retreating 5.7 miles before they dared to stop.

All the golden immortals surrounded Guangchengzi, and the worry on their faces could not be concealed.

"Senior brother, now that there is a lot of power to intercept the teaching, what should I do?"

Lingbao Zhenren asked, with great fear in his eyes.

The battle just now was deeply imprinted on the souls of everyone, and that mighty power could really destroy the world.

This is the quasi-sect leader, the Taoist is so deep, he waved his hand and made countless Taoist patterns to suppress all spirits.

Guangchengzi's face was gloomy and uncertain, his eyes flashed, and he was also anxious.

With the sage's treasure in his body, he is naturally not afraid of anyone, but other people are not so lucky.

"Report, there is an immortal outside for all Taoists to go out and greet"

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