Guangchengzi turned his head and asked Archmage Xuandu, feeling a little unsure in his heart.

You know, according to his idea, it is to take action immediately and not let the other party take precautions.

However, in the face of Yunxiao, even if he has the treasure of a saint, he would not dare to despise him.

"It doesn't matter, let her be alone and can't make a big wave. I'll wait until tomorrow to get ready and complete the list as soon as possible." Archmage Xuandu smiled lightly.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, the two brothers have the treasures of saints in their bodies. If the saints do not come, we will be in an invincible position."

"Extremely so..."

The Jin Xian of the Chan Sect members spoke one after another, and did not pay any attention to the children who intercepted the teaching.

In their eyes, unless the other party can break the holy treasure.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful your mana is, you can be consumed to death.

Qinglongguan was full of joy at this time, no matter whether it was the teaching Wanxian or the generals of the imperial court, they all showed a relieved smile.

The fairy girl in the long skirt and tulle, with black hair like a waterfall, and a fairy mist permeating her body, covered her face, but her graceful figure could not be concealed.

Yunxiao took the three virgins, lowered auspicious clouds, and came to the city wall.

"Senior Sister Yunxiao!"


The continuous voice sounded, and the tone was respectful and polite.

Many of the disciples who intercepted the teaching looked at Yun Xiao with a strong sense of adoration.

Facing the greetings from her classmates, she nodded in return one by one, then moved her lotus steps lightly, and walked straight to the location of Kong Xuan and others.

"Fellow Daoists, thank you for your help." Yun Xiao smiled sweetly and gave Kong Xuan and the others a slight blessing, expressing his gratitude.

"You don't need to be too polite!" Kong Xuan nodded slightly, his eyes clear.

Bai Ze still smiled like the wind, shook the feather fan gently, and stared curiously at the fairy in front of him.

It's a pity that when Yunxiao descended Qinglongguan, he cast a spell to cover his face, so that people couldn't see the expression at the moment.

Only the appearance of Yang Jian made the other party a little surprised.

This is a disciple of Chanjiao, and he can actually make the other party betray the sage. The method is really amazing.

"Tomorrow, I'm waiting for a showdown with Chan Jiao. I don't know how many fellow Daoists, do you care?" Yun Xiao asked.

"Daoist fellow Yunxiao is humble. Since fellow daoist went down the mountain this time, since he is avenging his brother, he should have been prepared long ago."

Kong Xuan smiled lightly, not wanting to participate too much.

"However, under the sect of Saint Tongtian, the formation is a must in the world." Bai Ze nodded.

After all, he is the most proud disciple of the Intercept Sect. If there is no gift from the saint, it will definitely not make sense.

Hearing this, all eyes lit up under the interception sect.

At this time, everyone was looking forward to Yunxiao's horses. As for Daoist Duobao, after several battles, he had already been neglected by the disciples.

After all, even Qiu Shou Xian and others, who have a close relationship with him, can see death without help.

During the period of conferred gods, I am afraid there is nothing that can make him take another shot.

Yunxiao glanced at the Taoist Duobao in the distance, then ignored it, looked around the crowd, and then said: "Don't worry, everyone, Yunxiao was ordered by the teacher to go down the mountain to avenge his brother, so there is no need to say it. The main thing is to come here to help you, and keep the Jinxians here."

His voice was low, with strong confidence.

Especially when everyone heard that it was under the order of a saint, they couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Wu... fellow Daoists of Mount Tai!" Yun Xiao turned his head, looked at Kong Xuan and the others, and said solemnly, "There are too many uncertainties in the Conferred God War, Yun Xiao always has to plan ahead. Can you help one or two?"

The voice fell, and the disciples who intercepted the teaching were in a commotion.

What is if there is an accident?

That means, it seems that there is no certainty.

Kong Xuan also frowned. The disciples of the three sects cannot guarantee victory. How powerful is the enemy they face?

You know, his current Dao Xing is already very high...

If you are not mistaken, whether it is Guangchengzi or Grand Master Xuandu, in front of Yunxiao, they all seem to be similar.

And it is also the reason why the other party has the treasure of saints.

But it is absolutely impossible for Guangchengzi and others to crush Yunxiao.

Is it...

For a moment, Kong Xuan's eyes flashed, and when he thought of a certain possibility, he was not only shocked.

"Fellow Daoist rest assured, if something unexpected happens, intercept the disciples of the sect. If they don't resist, I can guarantee their safety."

After figuring out the key issues, Kong Xuan couldn't help but be in awe.

This is a challenge to a saint, which is admirable.

Bai Ze, Yang Jian and Yuan Hong suddenly woke up when they heard Kong Xuan's words.

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