Looking at Yunxiao at this moment, with deep admiration, dare to challenge the majesty of the saint, it is not an ordinary person.

"Well, with the promise of fellow Daoist, Yunxiao can rest assured."

Yun Xiao smiled lightly, and then told Intercept to teach a few words, and then continued: "Since I am fully prepared, I will go ahead and arrange for a while. Tomorrow's battle will definitely kill the entire school."

The last sentence, although indifferent, contained a murderous aura.


In countless eyes, I saw Yunxiao stepping on auspicious clouds and flying straight down towards Qinglongguan. 0.2

At this time, the Xiqi army had already withdrawn for [-] kilometers.

The land in front of the gate is desolate, the yellow sand and earth are crushed, and the dry yellow mud stained with blood can still be seen.

That is the blood of the human race. In order to guard the homeland, even if it lives and dies, it will not regret it.

Yun Xiao's eyes were cold, and he glanced around, and then threw the Hunyuan Jindou in his hand, and hung it up in the air.


Countless splendid fairy lights shot out from Yunxiao Su's hands and landed everywhere, engraving complicated patterns on the ground.

These lines meandering and twisting like a river, there are nine in total, intertwined with each other, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

"Nine-curved Yellow River Array, done!"

Accompanied by Yun Xiao's coquettish sound, a desolate and desolate voice came out from the lines.

Chapter [-] The evil formation stands in the way!

The next day, the morning light broke through the thick clouds and sprinkled golden light on Qinglong Pass. From a distance, it looked like a majestic golden city, dazzling and dazzling.


The sound of the horn is exciting.

The Xiqi army, in an orderly manner, was approaching Qinglong Pass.

Jiang Ziya walked in the forefront, side by side with the Jinxians from the Chan School, and in front of them, the Grand Master Xuandu sat on a green ox with a leisurely demeanor.


The army stopped and made a roar.

The cultural relics of the Manchu Dynasty in the Western Zhou Dynasty were calm, and their eyes were not squinting. Everyone's faces were full of excitement.

They know that as long as they win this battle, Chengtang Jiangshan will be wiped out.

"This is?"

The army stopped, the yellow sand in front of the sky was full of yellow sand, and there were hazy sand and gravel rolling around, very strange.

Immortal Taiyi's expression was slightly condensed, and he stretched out his hand a little into the void, and a fairy light bloomed, instantly submerging into the yellow sand, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There was not even a trace of turbulence!

"There is a big formation in front. It seems that I will finally show my true skills." Master Xuandu 14 saw this, stroked the long beard under his chin, and smiled lightly.

The words were filled with disdain.

When Guangchengzi and the others heard the words, they couldn't help but look towards Qinglongguan, which was blocked by the yellow sand in the sky and could not see the situation inside.

"Senior brother, this place is so weird, it can hide the secrets of the sky, and reverse the yin and yang. Could it be that the teaching cloud has set up a formation here?" Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun frowned.

The front is covered with yellow mist, and the steep and majestic pass is blocked, hidden in the yellow sand, and it is strange and inexplicable.

But everyone is so close, but they can't feel the slightest murderous aura.

Yes, just inexplicable heart palpitations!

I can't see its shape, but I hear its potential, and it gives the Jin Xian a feeling of oppression.

"Hmph, Xiao Shuer, let's watch my baby fall into the yellow sand in the sky, clearing all the turbidity."

At this moment, Daoist Cihang walked out with a smile on his face, holding a glazed jade bottle, looking dignified and beautiful.

Among the twelve golden immortals, being a woman is very rare.

When the others saw this, their eyes lit up and they nodded, "Junior Sister Cihang's spiritual treasure contains innate true water, which can wash away all the turbid things in time."

The yellow sand in front of them blocked the way, and everyone dared not move forward, obviously knowing that the evil formation was blocking the way.

clap la la...

Daoist Cihang raised his hands lightly, squeezed the willow branch and took out the jade bottle, and gently swayed it against the yellow sand in the sky.

The congenital real water sprinkled, like the rain and dew in the early morning, with a crystal luster, and the yellow and misty scene in front was immediately brushed down, revealing a clear light.

"It really works!"

Seeing this scene, everyone showed joy.

However, just one breathless, clear area was once again covered by yellow sand.

Daoist Cihang Dai frowned and was not angry, so he pulled out the willow branch and turned the bottle upside down to face the front.

The next moment, the innate true water surged out from the mouth of the bottle like a galaxy.

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