"No, Junior Sister Yunxiao, you can't kill us, the sage teacher won't let you succeed." Guang Chengzi was shocked, he never expected that Yunxiao would be so ruthless that he wanted to kill all of them.

"Yes, I am equivalent to the Sanqing Sect, you can't drive us all to death."

At this moment, all the Jinxians in the teachings were terrified, and they all spoke out.

However, Yun Xiaomei's eyes glowed with brilliance and did not answer, watching them quietly, how unbearable it was in the face of death.

Compared with the three virgins who cut off the teaching, there is also Zhao Gongming.

The temperament of Jin Xian, who explained the teachings, was more than a little bit different, and everyone's face showed panic.

"You are the golden immortals under the sage's door, and you have a deep blessing. Even if you die, you can still be on the list. Why are you so timid?"

Yun Xiao smiled lightly, and said in a leisurely manner: "Fengshen is killing the precepts. If you sacrifice your life to complete the list, it can be regarded as a clear day in the world, so that the killings of heaven and earth will dissipate, right?"

These words are exactly what Guang Chengzi and the others said when the teaching Wanxian was killed.

Now Yunxiao remains intact and gave it back to them, making them afraid in their hearts.


The Hunyuan Jindou shook violently, and the golden light flashed sharply in the inner space. It was bright and dark at the beginning, and it was accumulating energy.

"No, Junior Sister Yunxiao, I, Guangchengzi, have the treasure of a sage in my body, and my blessings are profound, so I shouldn't be on the list."

Seeing Jin Dou's vision, Guang Chengzi didn't understand what was going on, so he immediately shouted to the sky.

This time, he was really scared!

"I am also a direct disciple of the sage's sect, and I have a lot of luck, so I shouldn't be on the list!"

The rest of the golden immortals are also struggling, not far behind.

However, their self-righteous words made Yun Xiao smile, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, she tapped towards the void and snorted coldly: "Kowloon obeyed the order, quickly turned the formation, and cut everyone's cultivation."

"Do not……"

Hearing this, Chi Jing and Zi were terrified, as if there were invisible rules descending upon him.

This feeling is horrible, beyond my control.


The yellow sand was flying all over the sky, revolving around the Hunyuan Jindou, and gradually condensed into nine giant dragons, showing their teeth and claws at the Jindou.

Suddenly, one of the giant dragons stood upright, his claws clasped together, and bowed suddenly to Jin Dou.


There was a scream in Jin Dou, Chi Jing and Zi's faces were pale, and their whole bodies were trembling.

I saw invisible golden light sprinkled down, turned into a large knife, densely packed, and slashed towards the top of his head.

Daluo Jinxian's mana manifested, with three flowers on the top of his head and five breaths in his chest, all of which were shaved off in an instant, and there was no mana at all.

This scene, like a death knell, struck the hearts of the rest.

"Junior Sister Yunxiao, although there are many grievances between teachers and saints, I and I are still the same as the Three Pure Ones. The affection is here, we can't..."

Guangchengzi was frightened and spoke quickly.

But before his voice fell, a scream came from beside him again.

I saw nine giant dragons in the big formation, standing up one after another, in an orderly manner, worshipping the Hunyuan Jindou.

"Nine lives and ten deaths, Jin Dou's lore, interception to teach Yunxiao, you are so ruthless!"

At this moment, Guangchengzi finally understood that the grand formation was ten, and the vitality was in Kowloon, and only Hunyuan Jindou was the place to kill.

In other words, they attacked the wrong place from the beginning.

If they relied on the treasure of the saint and kept bombarding the nine yellow sand dragons, they could still break the great formation.

However, from the beginning, Guangchengzi was wrong.

All the magic weapons sacrificed by everyone attacked the Hunyuan Jindou, resulting in the operation of the great formation, the reunification of the Nine Dragons, and an unstoppable burst of power.


The screams continued, and the second mana was cut off, and it was Taiyi Zhenren, and even the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover was instantly destroyed by the golden light knife.

The mana was cut, and thousands of years of cultivation were wasted.

Today's Jinxian, like a mortal, no longer has the slightest reliance.

At this moment, in the Hunyuan Jindou, Guangchengzi was left alone and safe.

But how could Yunxiao be merciful? It was this person who was the most hateful to explain the teachings of Jinxian.

"Kowloon returns to one, give me another salutation!"

Yun Xiao's face was full of expressions, and he pointed out that the nine giant dragons of yellow sand in the formation all stood upright.


Nine yellow sand giant dragons, with a respectful demeanor, bowed and bowed to Guangchengzi in the golden bucket of Hunyuan.

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