For a time, in the golden bucket space, golden knives filled the sky, falling like a torrential rain.

Chapter [-] The saint is furious!

"Ah... I'm Senior Brother, Yunxiao, you can't shoot me."

Facing the rain of golden knives in the sky, Guangchengzi shouted in despair, waved his hand and sacrificed three treasures of the saint.

This is dying!


The Pantian Seal hangs in the sky, turning into a height of ten thousand feet, covering the sky and the sun, and protecting Guangchengzi below.


Pangu's pan swayed, wisps of chaotic aura overflowed, and countless azure lights burst out, flying toward the golden light overwhelming the sky.

At this moment, Guang Chengzi also tried his best.


He spurted the holy man's magic weapon to the extreme with a big mouthful of blood essence.

Dao Xing is not enough, hard work to collect, suddenly let my saint treasure, burst into majestic power.

call out……

The taiji map is dazzling, countless golden bridges extend, emitting a dazzling light, and there are thousands of worlds on the flat ground, and the rules cannot be stopped.

In an instant, the three treasures of the three saints were activated in unison, bursting with unprecedented power.

clap la la...

The rain of golden knives fell, touching the seal of the sky, as if illusory, penetrating instantly, ignoring the obstruction of the magic weapon.

When it collided with the azure light emitted by Pangu Pan, the space in the Hunyuan Golden Dou vibrated violently.

The space is shattering, and the sky is filled with golden light, like a broken mirror.

call out!

The golden bridge flew over and fixed the broken space, and the broken mirror could be reunited.

"I said that the baby is a good baby, but in the hands of you Guangchengzi, you can't show the power in case."

In the face of Guangchengzi's counterattack, Yun Xiao raised his eyebrows and mocked.

Immediately afterwards, she held her hands lightly, and under the surging mana, the space of the Primordial Golden Dou instantly recovered, and the golden light shone again.

Allowing Guangchengzi to struggle, the golden light knife rain continued to fall, like a downpour.

This is the gap between the two ways, let your mana reach the sky, and the treasure is invincible.

In the perception of heaven and earth, turning one's hand can break it.


In the Hunyuan Jindou, the last scream sounded, shaking the world.


Shouyang Mountain, Tusita Palace.

The void shook slightly, Yuanshi Tianzun's face was ashen, he took one step and walked straight to the front of the futon.

His eyes were red and he had a strong murderous aura, but at the moment he suppressed it and bowed to the old man on the futon: "Senior brother, I need to help you."

Hearing this, the white-haired old man sitting on the futon suddenly opened his eyes and nodded lightly.

"Just about to say, the third junior brother acted like this, but it is an insult to the dignity of the saint, and it needs to be punished."

Taishang Laojun, wearing a gossip purple gold robe, with a thin body, stretched out his hand and grabbed at the void.


A dark pole, instantly pierced through the void, and returned directly to the hands of Taishang Laojun, flowing with a rich black light.

With the pole in hand, he tapped the ground lightly, and then stood up.

"Let's go this time, so as not to delay the time."

The voice fell, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun took one step and disappeared in the Tusita Palace in an instant.

The two of them were galloping so fast that they couldn't breathe, they stepped into the realm of Tangjiangshan, and the next moment, they appeared in Qinglongguan.

However, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly listened at this time.

The original Tianzun's eyes were red, and his body was murderous. He looked up at thirty-three days away, as if there was anger in the sky, and it was about to explode at this time.

Even the Taishang Laojun, his eyes were calm, his face was solemn and a little more solemn.

"Senior Brother, Primordial Brother, Tongtian is polite."

After a while, a Taoist man in purple gold robe, carrying the Four Swords of Zhuxian, with the Qingping Sword hanging from his waist, sat on Kui Niu's back, calmly, slowly coming from the sky.

The person who came is the sect master of Tongtian!

He changed his usual indifferent attitude, with a smile on his face, he greeted the two saints lightly.

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