"Hmph, since that's the case, I'll enter the breaking formation and talk about everything." Taishang Laojun's eyes flickered, as if he knew something, but he didn't say anything, and immediately urged to enter the Immortal Execution Sword Formation together.

The next moment, ripples appeared in the green formation, and the figures of the three saints disappeared in this world.


Qinglongguan, the yellow sand swept through, covering the sky and the sun, full of desolation and desolation.

The army was silent, Xiqi's morale fell to the bottom, and the Manchu dynasty was overwhelmed by civil and military warfare. It can be said that everyone is in danger.

Countless eyes looked at the center of the yellow sand, and that round of bright light was as dazzling as the sun.

Standing on the city wall, Kong Xuan still felt the depression in his heart by relying on the Taoism of the prospective sect master, as if there was a power that made him fearful.

I have to say that when Yun Xiao made his move, the world was shocked.

The first among the three sects is not a lie!

At this time, in the Hunyuan Jindou, Guangchengzi's face was snow-white, his eyes were sluggish, like a dementia, and he was silent.

Beside him, the ten golden immortals of the teachings did not look much better.

However, Yun Xiao didn't have the slightest sympathy for these people, and said coldly: "There are still many positions left on the Conferred God list. Who will be on the list voluntarily?"

The sound was like a silver bell, and it contained coldness, causing the Jinxians to shudder in unison.

"I'm the senior master of the teaching, I can't be on the list, juniors, you can figure it out!"

Guangchengzi's eyes seemed to recover a little bit of expression, and he looked at the fellow disciples and brothers around him, and muttered to himself.

Yes, the mana has been cut, but the Taoism is still there.

As long as they don't die, it won't be too difficult to recover them by means of saints.

However, when Guangchengzi's voice fell, all the golden immortals were silent.

The corners of Yun Xiao's mouth were slightly upturned, and he raised a touch of contempt: "If that's the case, then let's start with the eldest eldest brother!"

After a short pause, she said coldly: "Guangchengzi, don't kill yourself quickly, don't delay the time to get on the list, it can also be regarded as an example for your disciples."

This remark is extremely ironic, just like when they faced the interception.

But now, when it was their turn to hear it, there was no reason to feel sadness in their hearts. What an ironic fate this is.

"What are you doing? Don't die for me, I'm the eldest brother in charge, so I can't die here!"

Feeling the silence of the crowd, Guangchengzi got angry, pointed at the ten golden immortals, and cursed.

"Master, you are my master, why do you monopolize the treasure of saints, but don't give them a self-defense?" Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun smiled miserably, and his heart was extremely sad.

"Yes, everyone is the teacher's disciple, why did the treasure give you one person, I'm dead now, it's also the teacher's injustice!"

"I'm waiting for the Twelve Golden Immortals. It seems to be infinitely beautiful, but apart from you, Master 560, how many Lingbaos are there for the rest of us?"

"Have pity on my disciple, for the sake of teachings, the family is now dead."

The eyes of all the golden immortals were full of despair, and they were considered dead pigs not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, and they all complained.

Looking at the junior brother who had been respectful to him, Guang Chengzi was stunned. He never expected that the twelve golden immortals, except for himself, all had such strong resentment.

"You guys are wrong. If I die, the teacher will definitely blame it..."

"Since I've entered the golden bucket in the sky, I never thought about going out alive. What happens at that time has nothing to do with me."

Everyone was a bachelor, and they shook their heads, and in the end they were too lazy to say anything.

From the beginning to the end, Yun Xiao watched with cold eyes, until at this time, her delicate body suddenly shook, and her beautiful eyes suddenly opened.

"In that case, let me personally send you to the list."

The voice fell, nine yellow sand giant dragons roared, and the majestic golden light knives turned into substance, and even the space was cut open.


The screams continued.

In Hunyuan Jindou, he was afraid that Liusun would be the first to be hit, and he couldn't even resist at all, and the true spirit flew thirty-three days away in an instant.

This is to kill the Golden Immortals of the Cultists!

Chapter [-] Shameless!

If the first one is on the list, naturally the second one is on the list.

Chan taught all the golden immortals, at this moment, there is no luck anymore, the way is numb, and they are quietly waiting for death to come.


Another scream rang out, and the real Taiyi had a face like a ghost, his eyes widened, and he looked around the same door with difficulty.


The body softened, the true spirit flew out, and he was on the list again.

Next, the screams continued, shocking and frightening.

Soon, among the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, there were still five remaining: Guangchengzi, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren, Cihang Daoist, and Yuding Zhenren, and the rest were all sent to the list.

This is desperate.

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