In their eyes, Jiao Yunxiao was as terrifying as a demon.

However, Yun Xiao did not have the slightest sympathy, his face was expressionless, he waved his hand, and mobilized the formation again to make the final lore.

The yellow sand condensed and turned into nine hundred-zhang giant dragons, circling the void, revolving around the golden bucket of Hunyuan.


At this moment, a mutation arose.

I saw the three treasures of saints, Taijitu and Pangu Pan that fell into the golden bucket of Hunyuan, suddenly floated up, as if they were about to fly out.

"No, it looks like the teacher is going to take action!"

Seeing this scene, Yun Xiao's pretty face changed drastically, and now he no longer hesitated, biting his fingers, and dripping blood into Hunyuan Jindou.

Immediately, the Hunyuan Jindou erupted with bright golden light, and the reflected world was scorching bright and dazzling.


In the golden bucket, Taijitu and Pangu collided, the spirit treasure shook, and a majestic power erupted.

"The teacher has appeared..."

This scene gave Guangchengzi a glimmer of hope in his heart and shouted like crazy.

But Master Yuding and the others were silent, with a sad expression on their faces.


The sage's treasure is activated by itself, obviously there is the call of the sage, and the power that erupts is beyond imagination.

Yun Xiao wanted to resist and buy some time for his teacher, so he wanted to do his best to resist.

But it was still useless. In just three breaths, Taijitu and Pangu Pan smashed through the golden bucket of Hunyuan and flew straight towards thirty-three days away.


Jin Dou was broken, Yun Xiao spurted out a mouthful of blood, dyeing the front of his clothes red, very embarrassed.

At this time, the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation was self-destructed without attack, and the yellow sand filled the sky gradually dissipated, revealing the scene in the field.

"what is that?"

Countless breaths of cold air sounded, containing an inexplicable throbbing.

Grand Master Xuandu and Jiang Ziya's faces were ashen, and their hands and feet trembled as they looked at Guang Chengzi and the others who were slumped on the ground.

Because, beside Guangchengzi and the others, five corpses fell.

It is the five interpreters of the real Taiyi who teach Jinxian.

What a terrible scene this is!

This picture shocked everyone. The eyes of millions of soldiers were all shocked and their hearts almost collapsed.

"Hey! This is the cause and effect, no need for me to wait for the shot, and the same ending."

The Qinglong was closed, Kong Xuan carried his hands on his back, spoke lightly, and was very emotional.

Yang Jian's expression froze, and when he saw that the real person Yu Ding was safe and sound, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Haha, kid Yunxiao, if you cut my mana for thousands of years, you will definitely be on the list."

Guangchengzi reacted at this time, his face was like a ghost, he pointed at the sky, and shouted madly.

Chan Jiao suffered heavy casualties, twelve golden immortals, and now there are only five left.

Moreover, looking at the expressions of Master Yuding, Ci Hang, and others, even if they escaped this catastrophe, I am afraid that their hearts are not in the sect of interpretation.

As the head teacher, Guangchengzi could not escape his responsibility.

When the saints are divided, it is time for reckoning.

"I killed people, how are you doing?"

Hearing Guangchengzi's roar, Yunxiao's eyes turned cold, holding the golden bucket of Hunyuan, still murderous.

The great formation was broken, and she was seriously injured, but she could still crush the Jinxian of the Chan Sect members.


Guangchengzi was speechless, his face sluggish.

Yeah, how can it be?

After this calamity, he, the eldest brother of the sect master, may not be able to sit still.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, conferring gods and killing tribulations, should have followed the sky, but when he intercepted the teachings against the sky and violated the rules of the sky, I can't bear to see the uncle."

At this moment, a Taoist came from outside the sky, holding a whisk in his hand, out of the dust.

The person who came was the quasi-promoter of the Western teachings.

He stood in the void, glanced at Yunxiao, and said lightly: "Junior nephew Yunxiao created such a calamity, but it has passed."

The voice fell, and a colorful divine light shot out, and it slammed into Yun Xiao's body in an instant.


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