At this time, there is no need to hesitate.

After all, Kong Xuan will be defeated at any time. If you hurry up, all the disciples will be wiped out.


In the distance, an illusory world descended, and it was hazy, covering all the disciples in an area.


The twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls bloomed with splendid rays of light, reflecting the heavens, very dazzling.

"Brother..." Seeing this, Sanxian Gu was full of surprise.

I saw at the end of the sky, Zhao Gongming immortal style, driving the Dinghai Divine Pearl, coming very quickly.

In just a moment, thousands of disciples were taken away.

At this time, it is not suitable to gather old people, they are all using their magical powers to take away all the people in Qinglong Pass as much as possible.

Soon, the disciples of the interception sect, except for a few Jinxian, were all accepted into their Qiankun world.


Zhao Gongming drank it coldly, and took the three immortals with the interception, and flew into the sky, the direction was Chaoge.

"Let's go too."

Bai Ze sighed and followed behind.

When Yang Jian was about to turn around, he suddenly paused and flew in the direction of Master Yuding.

"Teacher, the disciple is not filial. It is inconvenient for the disciple to explain at this moment, but in the future, the teacher will understand."

After speaking, no matter what Master Yuding thought, he directly put it into the Qiankun space.

After all, Immortal Yuding has been stripped of his mana for thousands of years, and he has long been unable to resist, so he can only let Yang Jian act.

The next moment, Yang Jian turned around, the light under his feet flew by, and he caught up with Zhao Gongming and others in an instant...


A loud bang erupted, and the Qinglong Pass, which was razed to the ground, burst into a mighty holy might.

I saw a mottled figure in the ocean-like divine light, flying backwards like a broken grass.

"Just because you want to block me, saint, don't be humiliated!"

The Daoist Zhunti was expressionless, and he really hated the disciples under the Zhenwu sect and gritted his teeth.

As a saint, it is a shame that he can't turn his hand and destroy him.


In the distance, Kong Xuan vomited blood and was embarrassed, but with the power of flying backwards, he caught up with Bai Ze and the others in an instant.

A group of people, driving the escape light, hurriedly fled in the direction of Chaoge!

"The reason why saints are saints, how can you and other ants understand."

Daoist Zhunti's eyes were cold, and a trace of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At such a distance, he can catch up with one step and escape in the eyes of a saint, which has never appeared in this world.

Just as he was about to take a step, he suddenly stiffened and his pupils shrank suddenly.


I saw in the far east, endless starlight blooming, dazzling, turned into a speed of light and shot at him.

Starlight arrows?

Daoist Zhunti's expression changed slightly, his eyes flashed with anger, and he took the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree and brushed it over.


The colorful 1.4 divine light collided with the starlight arrow and exploded on the spot, shattering the entire hundred-mile space.

"Just because you are an ant, do you want to block this seat?"

At this moment, Daoist Zhunti was completely enraged.

The sage does nothing, and has no joy or sorrow, but being repeatedly offended by a few ants, there will be anger in his heart.


But as soon as his voice fell, a sword light of ten thousand feet flew towards the Daoist Zhunti as if it split the heaven and the earth, ignoring the void.

The sword light is dazzling, illuminating the nine heavens and ten places, and it can be called a peerless sword.

This is an endless killer move, traversing a vast distance, but it still contains vast power.

"Zhenwu disciple?"

Zhunti Daoist, squinting his eyes, there is a cold light flashing, which contains infinite killing intent.

Chapter [-] Force the saint to retreat!

The scene in front of Qinglong Pass shocked the Xiqi army.

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