Grand Master Xuandu and Jiang Ziya were even more sluggish on the spot, completely petrified on the spot.

I have never seen this deity before, but just by attacking, I can travel through endless distances, and its power can even alarm the saint.

How fierce is this existence?

Is it a saint?

They were horrified, but instantly denied it.

If it is a saint, the Daoist Zhunti is not so ugly.


Thousands of feet of sword light, crystal clear, like a white jade carving, flying from a distance, the space along the way is cut apart, containing peerless sharpness.

What kind of kendo is this?

The Xiqi army had long been intimidated.

It is no exaggeration to say that this picture will never be forgotten for a lifetime, imprinted in the souls of everyone.

"Okay, okay, okay! Do you really think that saints are like ants?"

Daoist Zhunti's face was red, and he was on the verge of going wild.

Being provoked by ants again and again is an insult to the saint.

Swish! 14

The seven-colored divine light burst out, reaching tens of thousands of feet, covering the sky and covering the oncoming sword light.

Under the fury of Daoist Zhunti, he exerted all his strength.

To brush all those ants to the end.


The colorful divine light came into contact with the sword light, and a loud noise broke out.

But the colorful divine light was only dim and slightly transparent, and the castration continued.

ding dong...

Suddenly, the sound of the piano was gently stroked, like a nine-day galaxy falling to the ground, and the curling sound of the piano resounded through the nine heavens, which was a peerless sound.

There are countless ripples in the space, and where the piano sound passes, a large piece of time and space is broken.


When it comes into contact with the colorful divine light, an awe-inspiring murderous intent erupts, and the mighty power seems to shatter the heavens.

This scene is terrifying.

Fortunately, both of them are walking in the void. If it affects the earth, I am afraid that the land of Kyushu will be sunk.

The sound of the piano only supported for an instant, and then it shattered and turned into the sound of the avenue, which spread throughout the nine heavens and ten places.

However, the seven-color divine light is still strong, but it has dimmed here, and the castration has begun to weaken, but the power is very terrifying.


There was a sigh between heaven and earth, and the sleeve of Qiankun came down from the Nine Heavens, covering the sky and the sun, as if to cover the whole world.

That Qiankun sleeve is really too big.

Boundless, as if it came from chaos, it instantly covered the colorful divine light and directly captured it.


There was a muffled sound from Qiankun's sleeves, and the sleeves that covered the sky and the sun instantly opened a big hole and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the colorful divine light brushed by Daoist Zhunti never appeared again.

This scene is touching.

What existence is so fierce, it can really resist the attack of the saint?

You must know that it is the magic weapon of sage Zhunti's enlightenment, and its power is beyond imagination.

But now this scene has subverted the world view of all spirits in the world, which is shocking and unbelievable.

"Okay, for some reason today, sooner or later there will be trouble."

The corners of Daoist Zhunti's eyes throbbed, and there was murderous aura growing in him. Rao was a saint, Tianxin, and he was about to be shocked.

This is the strength of the disciples under the real martial arts, and they can resist the saints with all their strength.

Although it was only one move, the other party was still attacked, but it was enough to make Zhun Ti feel vigilant.


Immediately afterwards, Daoist Zhunti was unwilling, turned around and disappeared from Qinglong Pass, heading for the [-] Days Zhuxian Sword Formation.

He knew that since that person shot, he would not succeed.

After all, it was a ruthless character who even dared to shake the Dao of Heaven. Without complete preparation, the saints did not want to take it lightly.

Thirty-three days away, the battle of the saints, I don't know how long it lasted.

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