So he is not really a rebel. Although he has committed a big thing, he has the prestige to turn the tide of the war, as well as the prestige among the civilians, plus the convenience of the teacher being Hokage.

Li Zhenwu's current state is still Konoha ninja, but he is just a Konoha ninja traveling abroad.

Li Zhenwu was very relieved to leave Konoha. His parents in the village, he asked his teacher Sarutobi Hizan, as well as Jagged Kai, Kakashi, Zhuludie, and the Inuzuka clan with whom he befriended.

Then Li Zhenwu started his dashing and unrestrained travel journey!

"Where should I go next?" Li Zhenwu touched his chin, thinking about his next path.

For the time being, he won't be able to return to Konoha, at least he won't return to Konoha until the troubles he had made in Konoha fade away.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu had no grudges about leaving Konoha.

Because Konoha is good, but it is not a faint shackle, tying him.

"Well, I can't wander in the country of fire for the time being." Li Zhenwu rubbed his chin and considered: "And the other country of thunder, the hatred between me and me is too great, so I can't go."

Li Zhenwu excluded them one by one according to the exclusion method: "Although the relationship between the Kingdom of the Wind and Konoha is good, most of them are deserts, so forget it."

"As for the land of the land, most of the country is a land of desolate rock walls. The rocky mountains in the country seem to exist along the border, thus blocking the communication between the land of the land and other countries. This is also temporarily excluded."

Li Zhenwu quickly came up with an option: "Then let's go to the country of water first, the country of water seems to be quite good!"

An island with a unique culture that exists in the open sea.Although it is surrounded by sea on all sides, it has a special terrain with many mountains within the country.In addition, the large and small islands around the main island have different customs, and many islanders also follow their own customs.

Strictly speaking, the country of water is a country, but the customs and so on are different.

Li Zhenwu set his first stop in the country of water.

After taking another two steps, Li Zhenwu turned back and looked at the two greedy wandering ninjas he had just dealt with, and suddenly remembered that he still had a bounty on him, which would attract some trouble.

well!Li Zhenwu patted his head.

He originally wanted to walk all the way, and while traveling, he did not relax his cultivation and exercise at all.

But along the way, four more groups of wandering ninjas have come to attack. Although it is easy to solve them, it is also very troublesome because it is too annoying.

"It seems that I can't walk to the land of water so slowly, and if I walk slowly like this, the traces will always be exposed."

Li Zhenwu muttered to himself and decided to go directly to the Land of Water first.

To go to the land of water, he is not only unable to pass, he also has an ability that can be called a bug in this world.

"Dance of the sky!"

Li Zhenwu stood on tiptoe gently, and the whole person was already floating in the air, and then he silently calculated the direction in his heart.

The next moment, his body really rose to the sky like a rocket!Then it flew in the direction of the Land of Water!

It was from here that after using the air dance technique to fly away to the land of water, the several forces of Konoha who quietly followed Li Zhenwu's trail, but they all got a piece of information.

"Li Zhenwu's trace is gone! Disappeared without a trace!"

But even when everyone else lost his trace, Li Zhenwu quietly flew day and night to the land of water that was as vast as the sea and had many islands.

Li Zhenwu, who arrived in the Land of Water, also officially started his travels...

(Fourth, please ask for automatic subscription! The next plot is definitely more exciting! Because the protagonist has more room to play!)

Chapter [-] Snow Village

Li Zhenwu flew for many days, and he kept falling and recovering on the road, and then all the way to the land of water, his qi had already increased to a certain extent.

After arriving in the Land of Water, Li Zhenwu could also cover up his identity.

This so-called concealment of identity is to put away the tail behind him, and no longer let it be exposed and exposed.

After all, before, after all, it was in Konoha, the place where he was born and raised in this life, so he was able to generously bare, reveal, and show his tail without any scruples.

But now traveling abroad, most of the encounters may be ordinary people. At this time, Li Zhenwu needs to avoid it.

What's more, Li Zhenwu, who was dragging a tail, was too conspicuous, and it was easy to expose his own information.

In this way, Li Zhenwu started his own way of practice and travel.

Cultivation, whether in this ninja world or in the Dragon Ball world, pays attention to a combination of work and rest.

Maybe for some people, hard work can be successful, but for Li Zhenwu, this is not the case.

So he is relaxing himself at the moment, and at the same time not giving up on his exercise.

He also got a lot of 550 battle points during the last time he made a big fuss in Konoha, but for the time being, there is nothing that needs to be exchanged for him, so he accumulated them and waited for the occasional future. need.

However, Li Zhenwu also exchanged some auxiliary things.

For example... the training method of warriors in the world of Dragon Ball.

The high-end combat power of Dragon Ball World is extremely powerful. In addition to the cosmic environment, there are also reasons for the training methods of the warriors.

And what Li Zhenwu exchanged was the training method of the Turtle Immortal Warrior.

Matching with the exercise method is a series of exercise requirements.

Li Zhenwu is now traveling, while constantly demanding himself according to the training method of the turtle immortal warrior!

In a land of water in Nuoda, some scattered tribal islands all quietly left the voice of Li Zhenwu.

As a Saiyan, he has not yet reached the adult body, so his current appearance is close to the point of a fixed waist, but when he reaches adulthood, he will quickly become an adult.

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