So now Li Zhenwu's appearance is seen by others as a child.

It is such a child who walks around the entire water country to measure this country, and many tribes are surprised along the way.

Just as Li Zhenwu continued to travel to enrich himself and exercise, the outside world almost completely wiped out his news.

One day, two days, three days, ten days, twenty days...

With the passage of time, all places are on the right track. After Konoha signed a peace treaty with Yunyin Ninja Village, it entered a period of peace. Li Zhenwu is still Konoha's hero, but this hero has disappeared. In Konoha, day after day.

Three months later, the Land of Water entered the world of ice and snow. There was a vast white space between the sky and the earth, and a little snowflakes fluttered in the air.

In the heavy snow, a thin figure walked slowly and inconspicuously.

He has black hair, yellow skin and black eyes, and he wears very thin clothes. He walks in the ice and snow without any discomfort.

"Are you coming to the next village?"

This figure was Li Zhenwu who had been away from Konoha for three months.

In the past three months, he has been using an ordinary person's speed to exercise strength in the country of water, and exercise himself, slowly accumulating the energy that belongs to a warrior.

The Land of Water is located above the sea, with many islands and sparsely populated areas, so I often walk for ten days and a half months without encountering any villages with people.

It's just that Li Zhenwu has always been patient, upholding a heart of deep cultivation, and carrying out his own exercise in a hurry.

And now it has been nearly ten days since the last time he encountered a tribe of people.

Now, as the water country enters the snow season, he is about to meet another inhabited tribe.

Li Zhenwu was not impatient or excited. After a few months of practice, his heart was as calm as water.

In the snow, footprints were left one by one, and the footprints would be covered up again by the heavy snow soon. Li Zhenwu slowly approached the inhabited tribe. After getting ready, he could stay overnight and experience it Take a look at the customs of this village.

In the heavy snow, the whole village exudes a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere. There are few people outside. In this heavy snow weather, the villagers are brought to stay in their own houses.

However, there are exceptions.

Li Zhenwu had already walked to the entrance of the village, and with some surprise he looked at the front yard of one of the households, where a handsome and lovely child was playing.

It's just that the things he plays with are a bit special.

He stretched out his hands, squeezed together, and between them, a mass of water floated.

The child's face was even more curious and happy, like a child who got a new toy.

Li Zhenwu looked at it in surprise, then raised his head slightly and looked at the door of the house. At this moment, a woman came out. It seemed that she was the mother of the child.

But just walked out of the house and saw the woman whose child was playing with the water ball, but she was panicked, and the cloth in her hand fell to the ground.

The child, on the other hand, has a happy face, innocent and innocent, and has a desire and desire to share toys with people close to him. He smiled proudly and said innocently to his mother: "Mom, look."

The child stood up and walked to his mother, showing off the water ball in his hand, his little face was full of pride and joy, "Mom, look, am I very good."

The woman looked panicked and disappointed. She hid her blood and survived as an ordinary person, but she didn't expect her child to be inherited.

In an instant, the woman burst into tears, and she even wanted to slap her child to stop her showing off. In fact, it was more like a 'curse' act of blood following the limit.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

(There are plots of subduing Bai in a lot of doujinshi, but... I want to write fundamentally, and I will cut off Bai's tragedy.)

Chapter [-] White (first more)

Seeing this handsome and cute kid playing with a ball in his hand, and then the woman came out with a panicked face, Li Zhenwu probably knew what was going to happen.

In the land of water, there is a very strange phenomenon.

That is, in this country, everyone discriminates against those who have the 'blood lineage'.

Even, they will think that having a bloodline limit is a curse, and then persecute this type of people.

So when Li Zhenwu saw the expression on the woman's face, he probably knew what might happen next.

Moreover, the scene in front of him made him feel familiar.

Therefore, before the woman raised her hand, Li Zhenwu had already spoken.

"Wow! It's amazing!" Li Zhenwu exclaimed loudly and exaggeratedly.

For a time, both the child and the woman were attracted by the sound and turned to look over.

The woman's face was panicked, and there was a sense of urgency to secretly expose and reveal that she was about to suffer a catastrophe.

But the child looked at Li Zhenwu curiously.

"Hi, how are you guys!" Li Zhenwu greeted with a smile.

The woman did not care to blame her child, but pulled it behind her and looked at Li Zhenwu vigilantly.

"You, who are you?"

"Me? A ninja traveling and practicing." Li Zhenwu replied with a smile.

When the woman heard it, she was even more like a formidable enemy.

Living in the land of water, not only ordinary people have a strong hatred for the 'Blood of the Lines', but even the ninja class will persecute those who have the limits of the blood.

The woman panicked, "Why are you here?"

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