From the Western Lingshan Mountain, the voice of receiving compassion came, containing the supreme Dharma.

Wherever the sound wave passed, the Buddha's light bloomed, and the three thousand great teachings of the door were all scattered, so that countless creatures could clearly sense it.

"Why do you say so much, just take a trip out of the sky!"

Overseas Jinao Island, Tongtian sect master spoke coldly, and the supreme sword intent pierced the sky, as if to reset the world and let the wind, fire and water reappear.

The screeching sword roar resounded through the nine days, strong and cold, making people feel the strong rules of killing.

"I'm the same as a saint, Tongtian child, don't you think you're doing too much?"

The original Tianzun sneered, and the words were full of strong killing intent.

At this moment, Tongtian Sect Master and Li Zhenwu were both on his must-kill list.

As for Nuwa and Houtu, they didn't pay attention at all.

Chapter [-] Canonization!

The coercion of the saints is overwhelming, from all sides, suppressing nine days and ten places, and the terror is boundless.

Countless creatures can feel the killing intent.

Obviously, the saint's talk has collapsed, and he has to take action to solve it and kill the world.

"Hugh, I have to be compared with you and others. Besides, what is absolute? Myriad spirits have their own destination, how can they be absolute?"

Tongtian sect masters competed against each other, sword intent pervaded the world, and did not give in at all.

Such a strong posture makes the saints hate the sky!

"Since that's the case, we still need to do one more trial, and all the causes and effects can be settled." Taishang Laojun's voice was indifferent.

As the voice fell, there was a loud noise in the direction of Wa Palace.


I saw the endless divine light soaring into the sky, where there are avenues spreading, covering this world and suppressing it within the universe.

A mysterious yellow pagoda of heaven and earth, a jade Ruyi handle, a [-]th grade golden lotus of merit and a green lotus-colored flag suspended, divided into four worlds, directly shrouding the Nawa Palace.

As soon as the accident happened, the world shook, and countless monks were all shocked.

"Is this going to seal the Wa Palace?"

Some cultivators dared not take the 533 letter, and their eyes showed horror.

You know, that is a saint, and it was actually sealed by four saints together, like a dream.

Soon, but the four spiritual treasures merged into the void, completely cutting off the Wa Palace's contact with the outside world, and the saint's strength could not come out.

"It's ridiculous, it's rare for you to be so afraid of things."

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu was full of ridicule and couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

From the very beginning, he never thought about letting Houtu and Nuwa take action, but he did not expect that Taishang Laojun and the others were planning ahead, but they were cautious.

"Hmph, I'm waiting for this move, it's just for the sake of junior sister, don't insult us again." Yuan Shi Tianzun smiled coldly.

The Wa Palace was sealed, and neither Houtu nor Nuwa could come out.

That is to say, now that the Four Sages are facing Li Zhenwu and Tongtian Sect Master, the balance of victory seems to have tilted.

"Oh, that's all, then let's see the difference!"

In Wudang Mountain, Li Zhenwu shook his head and laughed, and then walked out, going straight for thirty-three days, heading towards the depths of the chaotic void.

Countless chaotic stars flickered, and the stars were dazzling, reflecting the infinite chaos and brightness.


Suddenly, the void beside him trembled.

Tongtian sect master looked solemn, carrying the four swords of Zhuxian, and strode out of the void.

"Friend Zhenwu, can you be sure?" He had to ask solemnly.

Because from the aura just now, he felt that Taishang Laojun and others were very dangerous, very dangerous.

Just like facing two saints, if there is no Immortal Execution Sword Formation, Tongtian Cult Master would not dare to make a move.

Li Zhenwu raised his eyebrows and did not answer, but turned his head and looked at the void in the distance.


The space there collapsed, the rules were messy, and a passage was formed to connect the Three Realms.

"Anita Buddha!"

Jie Yin and Zhun Ti Daoist came side by side, radiating dazzling Buddha light all over his body, dazzling and extremely dazzling.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate!"

Immediately afterwards, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun walked out of the passage with cold expressions.

The four saints exude an unshakable aura.

After getting the dense purple air, their Taoism has been sublimated to an unprecedented height.

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