Under Heaven, I am afraid that only Hongjun can stabilize them.

"You..." Seeing this, the Tongtian sect master couldn't help but change his expression drastically.

Unexpectedly, that faint feeling has come true.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at the Tongtian sect master and smiled faintly: "Tongtian child, you can count everything, but you can't count it. Even the teacher will help us, right?"

At this moment, even if they faced the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, they were sure that they would break it in an instant.

It is no exaggeration to say that any of them has the Taoism of almost two saints.

Even, the Taoism of Taishang Laojun is far beyond everyone's, and he has reached the point where he can see the scene of heaven with one foot.

"Third Junior Brother, you are so confused. I and other saints should maintain the stability of the Three Realms, but you disturbed the rules of heaven and earth with this scorpion, and now I will punish you on behalf of the teacher." Taishang Laojun was expressionless.

While speaking, he held a pole and slowly smashed it down towards the Tongtian Sect Master in the distance.

Along with the trajectory of the pole, the surrounding void was frozen in an instant, and even time never passed.


The leader of Tongtian was shocked, and was hit on the shoulder by the pole, and the whole person flew out, vomiting blood.


The saint who did not sacrifice the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, in front of Laojun, can suppress it if he turns his hand.

Such a scene also shocked the hearts of the original Tianzun and the two Western saints. How strong is the strength of the senior brother?

In front of Laojun, the leader of Tongtian is like a baby, without the power to resist.

"Ah... Qi suffocates me, even if I try to waste the Holy Body of Heaven, I will suppress you."

In the distance, the sect master of Tongtian screamed in the sky, and the four swords of Zhuxian behind him were unsheathed, and a formation map turned into the sky, suppressing the four saints such as Laojun.


In an instant, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation formed, erupting with unprecedented power.

The Tongtian Sect Master was carrying the Qingping Sword, already insane, endless sword intent burst out, capable of destroying all things, countless stars, shattering silently in an instant.

"Xiao Zhener, you can break it in a blink of an eye!"

Taishang Laojun's face was expressionless, and then he squeezed the magic formula, and differentiated into three gray-robed Taoists.

"Dao Zun!"

The three Taoists in gray robes bowed their hands to the Supreme Laojun.

"Hurry up and break the formation, don't waste time."

As Laojun spoke, the three Taoists in gray robes flew towards the three sword gates, apparently taking the place of the three saints.

"Don't even think about it!"

Seeing this scene, Tongtian sect master was furious, holding Qingping sword, guarding in front of Zhuxianjianmen.

"Yes, it seems that the Taoist ancestor has given you merit, no wonder you are not afraid."

At this moment, Li Zhenwu suddenly spoke, his tone was not surprised at all, as if he had already expected it.

His eyes were very light, and he looked at Taishang Laojun with a faint smile.

Chapter [-] Changes in the world!

In the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the saints heard Li Zhenwu's words and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Tongtian sect master was shocked, pointed at Laojun and roared: "You go to ask teacher~ have you given me merit?"

Back then, when the other party wanted to go to Zixiao Palace, Tongtian Sect Master was quite disdainful, but now, he was extremely shocked.

After all, if he knew the result, he would follow him to death instead of returning to Jinao Island foolishly.

"Hehe, Tongtian Xiaoer, the teacher is enlightened, and I can't allow you to disturb the stability of the Three Realms with this scorpion, so I have given merit to me." Yuanshi Tianzun said with a full face.

In fact, why did Hongjun Daozu give them credit, a few people were at a loss.

But now, obviously when he can pull the tiger skin and pull the banner, at least he can shock the leader of Tongtian.

Sure enough, when Tongtian Sect Master heard the words, his face changed drastically, and he no longer had the slightest arrogance.

"Fellow Taoist Tongtian, have you ever regretted it?" Li Zhenwu frowned, looking at the Master Tongtian indifferently and asked.


At this time, Lao Jun and the other four were all staring at each other.

"Even if the teacher gives merit? I still have the teacher's Immortal Execution Sword Formation, which proves that the teacher is not what you said."

In just an instant, Tongtian sect master recovered his coldness and stared at Yuanshi Tianzun with a bad look.

He hates it!

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation cannot be broken by the Four Sages.

"Very good, since you don't regret it, then it's easy to handle. I'll entangle the three of them, how about I hand it over to you?"

Li Zhenwu nodded and pointed at the original Tianzun and the Western Second Saint, a sneer raised at the corner of his mouth.

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