Immediately, Xie Kun's younger brother hurriedly turned around and returned to the carriage, took out the water pipe and machete, and rushed up.

At this time, Xie Kun, who was in the car accident, was not dead yet.

The carriage wasn't screaming, obviously, even if he didn't die, he was seriously injured.

Li Zhenwu stretched out his hand and flicked the dust from his shirt, walked over, came to the shapeless car, and squatted down.

"Brother Kun, right, your sins are heavy, and the King of Hell asked me to hook your soul." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

In the middle of the night, saying these words made those rushing younger brothers stop abruptly.

Is this a man or a ghost?

In human terms, who has ever seen someone who didn't sleep in the middle of the night and appeared on the outskirts of Hanhe City?

If it's a ghost, I've only seen it in a bar not long ago, and it looks like it's someone the Prince of Jiang He Group knows.

For a while, they all hesitated and froze in place.

The bridge car reversed, and the roof of the car pressed against the ground and collapsed, and even the people inside were stuck.

The golden-haired youth and the driver died the first time.

Only Xie Kun was prepared and escaped, but it was not much better.

At this moment, he was extremely weak, glanced at Li Zhenwu from the broken car window, looked terrified, and said with difficulty: "You...are you a human or a ghost?"

Xie Kun would like to know this question.

Because he was the first to spot someone on the road, if not a hallucination, he saw clearly.That kick that fell from the sky directly overturned a bridge car, what a terrifying force.

"It's a person, are you satisfied?" Li Zhenwu tilted his head, thought about it, and said lightly.

After he finished speaking, he stood up and continued: "The hour has come, let's wash away the sins of the body in the eighteenth hell!"


I saw Li Zhenwu jump up, lift his legs and step on the site of the bridge car, as if a thousand-ton boulder fell, almost crushing the bridge car into a discus.

This scene made the younger brother in the distance, shocked beyond words.

Until Li Zhenwu turned his head, the indifferent eyes made them scream in horror.

Immediately, under the influence of fear, the machete and water pipe in his hands threw to the ground, rolled and crawled, turned and fled.

"Your hour has come, and there is a companion on Huangquan Road."

The voice fell, Li Zhenwu's body was like a phantom, and the whole person turned into a streamer, shuttled through the crowd.

In just three seconds, after he walked out of the crowd, everyone behind him was pierced and fell weakly to the ground.

The smell of blood is strong, and it fills the suburbs. In the quiet night sky, only a few stars are twinkling.

After doing all this, Li Zhenwu flicked the dust on his shoulder, vacated his body, and left the scene.

After returning home, as if nothing had happened, he fell asleep after taking a bath.

On the first night of his rebirth, he slept peacefully, without the slightest worry, like an ordinary person, he never even had a dream.


The suburban highway of Hanhe City was broken by a rush of sirens in the early morning.

Several police cars and ambulances surrounded the scene, and there were special police on guard at the scene, their expressions were solemn, as if they had seen a ghost.

The captain in charge of this case is a young policewoman.

She has a slender figure, long hair and a shawl, a delicate face, picturesque eyebrows, red lips like jade, and fair skin like snow.

At this moment, she frowned, listening to the assistant's report.

"Team Su, the deceased is Xie Kun, the city's underworld leader. He has a great background and a strong background. His brother is Jiangnan..." The female assistant reported with a solemn face.

However, Team Su coldly waved his hand and interrupted, with a stern face: "Tell me about the case itself, the background of this scum, I'm not interested in knowing."

Obviously, she is not old, and as a criminal investigation captain, her ability is not comparable to that of ordinary police officers.

You know, Xie Kun's sudden death was undoubtedly a major earthquake for Hanhe City.

After all, the background of the deceased is too great, if someone above is investigated, I am afraid that everyone present will not have good fruit to eat.

However, Team Su did not have the slightest affection for this kind of scum with a background.

"Although this kind of scum deserves to die, the murderer can't let it go. Except for the case, don't talk to me about it." She was so resolute that she swallowed the words behind her assistant.

The female assistant nodded her head, followed by a slightly solemn tone: "According to the current criminal investigation, the car Xie Kun was riding in was trampled over by one foot."

When she said this, the female assistant felt like she was going crazy.

However, the Su team did not refute, and fell silent, listening to the assistant continue to report.

"After the bridge car was reversed, someone stepped on the vehicle site again, causing the deceased to die oppressively. As for the other people, according to the results of the forensic doctor, they were beaten to death by someone."

I have to say, this argument is shocking.


The medical staff present, as well as the staff of various departments, all looked like hell.

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