Team Su glanced at the assistant, pondered for a moment, and sneered: "Killed by Superman?"

What an international joke?

Stomping over a high-speed vehicle with one foot?

Step on the carriage again?

What's even more outrageous is that the rest of the dead brother Xie Kun was beaten to death by someone?

How much power and how powerful a body does it take to cause such a terrifying effect?

Team Su felt too absurd, and was about to ask other questions when an exclamation suddenly sounded in the field.

"It's incredible, these are the footprints of a teenager."

The reversed car was sorted, and a technician, based on the footprints on the front of the car, detected the age of the footplate.

Chapter [-] Go to Jiangnan City!

The road fell into a dead silence, and everyone's eyes looked over.

The beautiful Su team's eyes were slightly condensed, her face was very ugly, her silver teeth were clenched, and she felt too crazy in her heart.

However, when she saw the footprints on the front of the car, she no longer had the slightest doubt.

Because, on the sunken front of the car, a small footprint was clearly engraved.

No, to be precise, it was a deep pit in the shape of a footprint, and it sank three feet into it, causing all the parts of the front of the car to collapse.

Looking at the wound on Xie Kun's body, it was like a fist mark, strange and inexplicable.

The beautiful Su team was sluggish for a moment, then turned to look at the female assistant, with a solemn tone: "Report to the province, leave this case to someone else, anyway, I will be transferred to Jiangnan City in two days."

After thinking about it, she continued: "Don't announce this matter, it is tentatively set as a confidential level, and when the above takes over, let them sort it out!"

"But how is this case determined?" the female assistant asked.


Team Su smiled bitterly, thinking that these social scum had no other reason than to seek revenge.

However, she also couldn't understand, 14 can cause such terrifying destructive power, is it really artificial?

If it was a piece of equipment, it would have left some clues based on the degree of damage on the scene.

Not only her, everyone present couldn't understand.

Except for supermen or gods, it is impossible for humans to do it.

This matter has a great impact, but for ordinary citizens of Hanhe City, there is no way to know about it.

The death of Xie Kun in Hanhe City was only spread among the upper classes of society.


After Li Zhenwu woke up, his parents went out early.

"The taste of mortals is good. This is the most comfortable sleep in hundreds of millions of years."

After stretching, Li Zhenwu went out of the room to wash, then changed his clothes, and cooked something to eat at will.

At this time, it was already twelve o'clock noon.

For what happened last night, in his eyes, it was not worth mentioning at all.

No matter what Xie Kun's background is, in the eyes of the gods and Buddhas in the sky, in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu, he is no different from ants.

Later, Chen Hailong called, and he learned the news of Xie Kun's death from Jiang Minghua.

"Brother Wu, fortunately you left early last night, otherwise you would be affected."

The first time he got the news, he hurriedly called, and when he saw Li Zhenwu answering, he couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

"Oh, that should be retribution. After all, there must be many enemies of this kind of person." Li Zhenwu laughed.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, and finally agreed to go out for a trip together after school.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhenwu went back to his room to practice.

"The way of true martial arts is the peak of the acquired realm. Before leaving Hanhe City, I have to improve my cultivation to the innate realm."

With the operation of the exercise, the room was filled with a faint white mist, with a mysterious luster circulating.

There is very little spiritual energy on earth.

However, it cannot hold back the powerful swallowing ability of the True Martial Way.

In this way, the day before he left, Li Zhenwu successfully broke through to the innate realm.

Once you enter the innate, you will say goodbye to the mortal body.

What's more, all the energy is contained in the cytoskeleton, and his physique is enough to withstand the penetration of armor-piercing bullets.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Li Zhenwu can be called a magic weapon in human form.

It's just that he is the most powerful existence in the heavens and the world.

At this moment, breaking through to the innate realm is a matter of course, and there is no feeling of joy.

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