There are still two days left before admission.

Li Zhenwu wanted to leave on the day he entered school, but he couldn't resist his parents' persuasion. He thought he couldn't get into a famous university and was tired of studying, so he specially asked for leave and sent him to the train station.

Hanhe City and Jiangnan City are thousands of miles away, and it takes only one day to take the bullet train.

"Xiao Wu, when you arrive in Jiangnan City, you must study hard. We will solve the parent's affairs." Liu Shizhen persuaded Li Zhenwu to study hard.

"Yes, we have been lucky these days. We received a relatively large business order. If things go on like this, in less than half a year, your dad and I will be able to make a comeback."

Li Guohao's face was upright, and he also warned in a deep voice.

Poor parents in the world!

Li Zhenwu responded with a smile to the two's exhortations, that's what he should do as a son, and he didn't want his parents to worry about him.

"By the way, after arriving in Jiangnan, I will have time to visit Uncle Liang. After all, he has helped us a lot in the past, so let's say greetings to our elders!" Li Guohao suddenly said.

Although, after they went bankrupt, there was no contact between the two sides.

"Mom and dad, don't worry, if I have time, I will definitely send your greetings to you."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly on the surface, but a murderous intent flashed in his heart.

If it wasn't for the purpose of figuring out the cause and effect of his previous life, he wouldn't have to go to Jiangnan City.

However, some things still need to be settled.

The train arrived, and under the reluctant gaze of his parents, Li Zhenwu walked into the carriage.

Finding his place, he put away his suitcase and sat down in his place.

The scenery of the journey is not charming, but it is still unbearable to watch. 657

The train has passengers on and off at each station, so the carriages do not appear crowded.

At the last station from Jiangnan, a group of people came on the carriage.

"Get out, get out!"

I saw three big tigers and big men, and the middle of an old man in Tang suit was strictly protected.

One of the thorn-headed youths opened the way ahead to ensure the smooth passage of the passage.

The old man in Tang suit was pale, and his temples were white.

Obviously, in the eyes of everyone, this is a patient.


However, seeing this, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but stunned for a moment.

He is clear and bright, with blue light shining from his pupils, and he can clearly see the body of the old man in Tang suit, and there is an invisible energy walking.

But at this time, the infuriating energy inside the old man in Tang suit was a little messy, and even showed signs of collapse.

"Are you crazy?"

Just as the old man in Tang suit passed by Li Zhenwu's seat, he asked indifferently out of curiosity.

After all, being able to see a cultivator in a modern city naturally brings some curiosity in his heart.

Even, the other party's cultivation method is probably the most primitive.

Chapter [-] The cultivator!

Li Zhenwu's voice was very light, he didn't specifically target him, he was more out of curiosity.

Because after he came back from his rebirth, he discovered long ago that there must be monks in this world.

However, the aura of the earth is too weak.

Compared with the prehistoric world, it is almost negligible.

Therefore, even if you have a cultivator, I am afraid that the cultivation base is not as high as that, even similar to Lian Jiazi.

The cultivation level of the old man in Tang suit is not high, it is only the early stage of training Qi.

In other words, in Li Zhenwu's eyes, the opponent's realm just touched the threshold of spiritual energy.

Because of this, spiritual energy enters the body without detailed guidance. For ordinary people, it is easy to cause confusion.

The state of the old man in Tang suit is a sign of going crazy.

But because of the realm, even if he doesn't care about it, after a while, the spiritual energy in his body will dissipate on its own.

But his questioning made the big men, as well as the old man in Tang suit, suddenly stiffen.


The next moment, the four big men moved slightly, surrounded the old man in the center, and kept a distance from Li Zhenwu.

Everyone's expression was solemn.

Among them, the thorn-headed man has murderous intent in his eyes, exuding vigilance.

"Uh, I just asked casually, you don't need to care."

Seeing the other party's reaction, Li Zhenwu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly waved his hand.

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