"It's me." Li Zhenwu smiled and nodded: "Can you still control that ball of water?"

Although at this moment, Li Zhenwu's appearance is similar to that of Bai at this time, but Li Zhenwu is a traveler with a mature soul, so when he talks to Bai at this moment, there is no sense of disobedience.

"Mom said you can't show it to others at will." Bai suddenly muttered.

"It doesn't matter." Li Zhenwu encouraged.

The young Bai hesitated for a while, and finally reached out his hand, and then a ball of water appeared to Li Zhenwu to see.

"It's amazing!" Li Zhenwu exclaimed.

What he said is true, because if a ninja wants to create and control a ball of water, he needs to pass the ninjutsu through the seal.

But at this moment, Bai is simply a talent of the body.

Hearing Li Zhenwu's compliment, Bai's face brightened, and he couldn't help but smiled proudly.

Li Zhenwu also smiled, then turned around and went out.

In the room outside, something happened at this moment. In front of the woman, there was an ice wall that separated the distance between him and the man.

"Hey, woman, you are Bai's mother, right?" Li Zhenwu thought about it and found that he didn't know the woman's name, so he could only address her like this: "Looking at the present, you and Bai are staying in this village. If you can't go down, do you want to go with me?"

"What are you doing, kid!" The woman hadn't replied yet, but the man, Bai's father, hurriedly questioned Li Zhenwu in anger.

"Shut up!" Li Zhenwu glanced at him lightly: "Here, there is no reason for you to speak."

Li Zhenwu's heart is very shameless for this man, because in the original plot, this man killed his wife, and also wanted to kill his own child, that is, from here, causing Bai's tragedy.

"Outsiders! It's not our turn to interfere in the affairs of our village!"

Because Li Zhenwu's violence broke out before, the situation in the house was calmly seen by the villagers outside the house, and some villagers shouted in the crowd at this moment.

At the same time, the attitude of other villagers is also the same.

Even among the villagers, there were strong men with sticks and weapons in their hands, and they had already surrounded them.

"Tsk tsk." Li Zhenwu smiled playfully: "What are you planning to do?"

"Get out of our village, little devil! You are not welcome here!" In the crowd, the villagers who had received Li Zhenwu's accommodation before shouted, and their attitudes had changed a lot from before.

"Get out!" and the villagers echoed.

"You are both ignorant and do not understand the situation!" Li Zhenwu sighed slightly, and suddenly released his 'qi', forming a kind of coercion.

This is his latest discovery of the magic of qi.

Today, he exudes aura. These are just ordinary villagers.

For a while, no villagers were arrogant anymore, and the world became much quieter.

Li Zhenwu looked at Bai's mother again, and said slowly again: "Follow me, you can leave this country that hates the border of blood, and it is also a good plan for Bai's future."

"What do you need?" Bai's mother asked, not believing that there would be love for no reason, although Li Zhenwu's appearance was harmless, she was still cautious.

Li Zhenwu smiled, and then the tail behind him suddenly appeared, and he shook it outside: "Because... I am also a person with a bloodline limit."

The tail behind him swayed gently, but in his heart, he whispered "That's weird".

Li Zhenwu moved with emotion and understood reason at this moment, just to strengthen Bai's mother's confidence and be able to leave with him.

Sure enough, Bai's mother saw Li Zhenwu's tail moving slightly, and she really thought that Li Zhenwu was also a ninja with a special bloodline limit. Suddenly, her heart line of defense was lowered...

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Go..." Li Zhenwu pondered for a while, thinking this way, he was still traveling, and he really didn't have any fixed place to go.

Anyway, the country of water cannot stay, and Konoha is also excluded, so there are not many choices.

Li Zhenwu thought for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then smiled slightly: "Go to the country of red beans."

"Mom, won't we go home later?"

On the way, Bai, who was still young at the moment, had a tender voice and raised his head to ask his mother.

"Let's go back to our home in the Land of Red Beans." Bai's mother gently stroked Bai's hair, "Also, along the way, you can still learn ninjutsu with Lord Zhenwu, isn't that bad?"

"Okay!" Bai nodded without hesitation, then ran to Li Zhenwu and said bragging:

"Master Zhenwu, I can control more water!"

Bai proudly showed off to Li Zhenwu, and Li Zhenwu praised him generously: "Not bad."

Bai's bloodline limit is Bing Dun, and he is born with water and wind, which is 3.7 carats.

While Li Zhenwu changed Bai's tragedy, he also raised the idea of ​​cultivating Bai a little.

So after they set off, on the road, Li Zhenwu also began to teach Bai some simple ninjutsu knowledge.

But in addition to the knowledge of ninjutsu, Li Zhenwu also taught Bai some other things.

"Shiro, remember, if a ninja only relies on his own ninjutsu and chakra, he is destined to be just a dish. Come, I will teach you a training method that can be called the strongest physique, you can follow this to exercise yourself."

"Also, you have to remember the name of this genre of physique - Turtle Immortal Style!"

(The second update requires automatic subscription. Today's chapter may be later. There will be a third update before twelve o'clock, and the rest will be after twelve o'clock. 0

Chapter [-] Red Eye Orchid Pills (Third)

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